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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Yea, Thanks a lot Y4L for keeping the site safe from people who have a different opinion to you.

Nevermind the minor fact that he didn't actually break any rules.

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Yea, Thanks a lot Y4L for keeping the site safe from people who have a different opinion to you.

Nevermind the minor fact that he didn't actually break any rules.

Hory, I didn't think you knew about this thread. Welcome. And I wish you would post here on Sundays.

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If Y4l doesn't mind, I think I will start this thing off:

...The Jays have a very good team this year, even without Burnett pitching. Problem is the Red Sox and Yankees also have very good teams. I think the division may actually end up being a three team race, with the one team who doesn't slip up, will win the divison.

...On that note, I have a feeling the A.L. Wild Card will come out of the Central this year...

...The Sopranos ended thier "first half season" run last sunday night. Was, overall, a very up and down season, but I did enjoy it. Looking forward to Entourage and Deadwood this evening.

...After playng a bad couple of games, the Edmonton Oilers look to be right

back in the thick of things in the Stanley Cup Final, after a great game played against the Hurricanes, winning 2-1.

...Won 1, lost 2 in the Online League this week. I am tied for third in the division, with an 8-10 record. Been an up and down season, and for the most part entertaining, with a FEW bumps in the road.

...Took my son to see "Cars" over the weekend. Was a very excellent movie. It amazes how Pixar can put out a quality pick everytime, but Disney itself, has been nothingbut misses the past few years, with the exception of "chicken Little".

...Jason Grimsely is a HGH freak...huh, who knew, and now Bonds is looking for protection. What a mess, if Bonds gets into the Hall Of Fame, with the obvious mess he is in, then Rose and Joe Jackson should be put in the same year...

...Two straight weeks of rain...I used to laugh when people would say weather affects your mood...boy they are right, hard not to be depressed when you are wondering if you should be building an ark or not...

...See you next week...

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Updated to 6-11

...What a tough week in here for me this week. Or at least I should say a tough past few days. That's more accurate. I don't want to go on and elaborate, but when you do this kind of job on a message board it is safe to say you won't make everyone happy. You want to, but you always come up short. Anyway, move on. This will be a good week, you always have to hope.

...I always seem to have the bad habit of searching around on the TV and finding a really good movie on it that I really want to see and it always seems to be almost done. Why can't I find it when it first starts?

...Telling you right now, if you only grab one mod from here this week please make it Ty Wiggin's box score extractor. That guy is amazing.

...Not all new versions of things are good upgrades. I tried to upgrade to Yahoo IM v7.5 and it kept crashing on me when I tried to start it. The latest YIM has voice and phone options. So I said what the heck, I'll try it, After I didn't get it to work I went right back to version 6.0 and now I can log back on to YIM and I can live happily ever after.

...Thanks a lot Yankees. Only that team can show how good they can play this game early in the week against Boston and then show how bad to play this game later on the week. Inconsistent is how you describe them. And oh yeah, Randy Johnson is for real. Really bad.

...Looked at my X-Box yesterday with the thought of turning it on. Resisted once again.

...I really wish it would warm up around here so the grass would stop growing this fast.

...Five more weeks I believe until my vacation. I should know this. Let me check. No I was wrong, I only work four more weeks and I got the second week of July off to do the work I was born to do: nothing. :lol:

...I can't say enough about Sony CDR's. They are dependable. Others I like are Fuji and Imation. I never have a problem with them. It's those cheap *&$&^*( ones with no name on it that sometimes screw me up.

...My favorite part of Sunday is right now. Early morning and everyone here is still asleep. Nothing beats the quiet.

...My speakers almost broke yesterday. I made a mistake of listening to a .mp3 from Mark from some group called Moorish Delta 7. I couldn't make out one thing they said.

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...My speakers almost broke yesterday. I made a mistake of listening to a .mp3 from Mark from some group called Moorish Delta 7. I couldn't make out one thing they said.

I still can't stop laughing at that. :lol:

Random thoughts:

Eric Duncan just got thrown out at home plate to end the inning as the Thunder trail 4-2 to Reading. Dammit!

Interesting one here. I woke up at 3pm yesterday and so wasn't tired when it camr to my normal bed time of around 4am. Decided to try to sleep anyway, but couldn't. I put some music on, hoping that would help me chill out, but to no avail. So what did I do? Looked around my room, grabbed a sheet of paper, made a sketch of the layout of the room, flipped over the page, re-designed it and started moving around everything in my room. So I've just spent the last 11 hours cleaning and redisigning the layout of my room. This is the first time I've sat down at the PC today, and I've now been awake for just over 28 hours. And it's looking much better. :D

Probably due to the above, my head is beginning to hurt a little. It could, however, be due to the lifting and far too much exercise than should be allowed on a Sunday, especially when it's been on the higher side of 27°c (80.6 F, Y4L ;)) all day.

Thank God the Eastern League umpires have resolved their strike issues. I can't wait until they get back to work tomorow - these replacement umpires are still terrible. Their strike zones suck and they seem to be totally random with calls, or ejections. For example, Bill Masse was ejected a couple of days ago for arguing balls and strikes. The Reading Phillies manager headed out earlier doing exactly the same thing, and did he get ejected? Of course not. Bill Masse then emerged from his dugout to ask why he was ejected a few days ago if the Phillies manager wasn't ejected, and judging from the radio feed, he didn't get the answer he was looking for.

I really hate the libraries here. I was going through the books I actually own earlier as I was organising some stuff, and realised that despite reading some really good books over the years, I haven't read many that are better, simply because the libraries here don't stock them. I'm sorry, I don't believe there can be any reason that there is not one single copy of Sun Tzu's "Art Of War" available in Glasgow. It's pathetic, to say the least. And God help you if you want to read something that isn't popular here. There are shelves absolutely stacked with soccer books, but how many do they have on baseball? A grand total of 7. By comparison, there are 1,224 soccer books. Can someone hook me up with a 1-way ticket to New York? Please? ;)

My arms are tired of typing already, so that's all for now. Still 4-2 Reading, bottom of the 4th.

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ugh....everything is going wrong baseballwise today. braves get whomped and look terrible (i think they will finish in last), and texas loses and the yankees got swept (thanks alot). at least my mavs are in the finals, and i can have my horam revenge...lol.

hmm...aftera bit of thinking, i'll probaly move back to cailfiorna in a year or so...unless i hear something good about dade county...it just seems so boring in bedrooom communties for an hour, and probaly won't be feasble after the oil crisis.

speaking of that, i'm not sure about the whole car thing after all. i'll see how the rest of the summer goes first.

i need to start reading the death and life of american cites by jane jacobs...it's an intersting book about the deveopment of cities.

did i mention my mavs are up 1-0 in the finals? and i'll be sending all the dvd's to horacio ramirez (annoying laker fan i know) to say ha ha, because he insulted my mavs a while back.

btw, you thought world series times were redicious, david stern is out of his mind. games should be starting way earlier than they are now...9:40 et starts? come on, only the west can watch that...and these aren't west coast teams.

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-this is the year for the Mets, we finally took over NY!

- mark b, i'll hook u up with a ticket to NY. i'll land you in lauguardia and we can go to a Mets game. :-)


-the mets made arizona look like a rookie ball team this weekend.

- carlos beltran for MVP

- delgado can become starting firstbasmen for all stars, pujols to be out until after break!

-my federation team is 4-0. we're tearing apart this league.

-i learned how to throw a slider in pregame yesterday. it was pretty good. too bad i cant pitch. im number 13 on the list to pitch on a 14 man roster

- people like all these new hyped up bats like the exo and stealth and such. I like to stay with my cxn connection. i love it.

- everlasting milledge is awesome so far. i love his personality. he seems like a moral booster.

- i got tickets to the mets yankees game at yankee stadium.

-finals tomorrow. finals tuesday. then the end of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- had my first game under the lights last night, and it was great. i hit a moonshot. i mean this thing was far. it had to be a mile in the air. too bad it was only to the pitcher.

- double header next fri nite a 7 and 9 game. nice

- pregame music really does help you do better,

eat the rich, theres only one thng its very good for. take one bite now and spit out the rest.

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Sure... here ya go...


:) (thats in the actual form too lol...)

Hope your knee gets better but, no favor

Forum Rules

Its time you read them because you sure didn't read them when you registered...

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Hell yeah, I'll give it to you. Why not.


Cut and paste that and you'll be all set.

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actually kaltenbach... that post relates more to another thread we were in earlier tonite not this one so much... i dunno what i did to you tho... you didnt read the rules when you joined, which you were supposed to, so i politely informed you of them and even gave you the freakin link.. i guess i coulda copied and pasted them and highlighted the particular sentence for ya but, you're a freakin yankees fan, have george pay me to do it....

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...great church service today, as usual. Someday my pastor will die and I'll be stuck with second best....

...finally did it. I bought a video card for myself that was expensive. I've been really good with budgeting, saving, and finance in general that I literally bought me something expensive. Something for me! Now to convince myself it is ok to buy a brand new car. Ha. Maybe. Being good with money is hard because when you pay off your debts you realize you can afford something and then you try to keep yourself from spending, even if you can afford whatever it is you're trying to buy (within reason). The irony won't leave my head....

...everyone on this board argues and fights. Ok, not everyone, but the funny thing is that even the people that I try to stay away from because they are not "my type of person that I would ever hang around" I still like them, and then they may get into an argument with those that I normally do like. I'm the man in the middle. Malcolm in the middle? Who cares. I'm rambling. Time to shut up...

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...so JDK gets the boot. To me, JDK was the kind of person that liked to push buttons. I wasn't really the kind of person to take his posts to heart but he was always trying to push buttons in his posts. Somehow his posts always seemed to be about ME and my uniforms, if not insulting my work. Apparently me re-doing logos on an existing EA template isn't "real" to him, as if any other modder from other EA games doesn't have or use templates made from existing EA textures. I don't mind him leaving, but I was looking forward to the uniforms he so heavily praised being the "next big thing". Maybe if he would have shut up about my work and worried about his own, we would have uniforms by now. Unfortunately we don't.

...There's been suspicions that the site heavily favors veterans and those who register first are pressed to read the rules and automatically KNOW what's going on. One way to fix this problem is a welcome email that is sent to the newly registered members (if it is not in place). It is possible to edit it with information they might be wondering about before posting.

As for the favorites, I hope the site does not turn out to be like that. I said a long time ago that the reason why the site is run this way is because of the huge amount of members on the site at any given time. Mods can't staff 24/7, and I'm pretty sure they hate babysitting. I'll tell you this though. Banning people should only be used as a last resort, and not used as some sort of solution to every problem. A perma-ban should only be used when the staff feels that it is worth it for the good of the site.

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ok I'm in this discussion...random thought: who in the heck in Dan Uggla? I picked this guy up in my fantasy bball team a couple of weeks back b/c of his stats and he's continued to impress. I haven't had a chance to see the Marlin play this year but am looking forward to it just b/c of Uggla

- the word bro. I want to thank MVPMods and specifcally FuzZ for introducing me to the word bro about 2 years ago - lol. It's now a mainstay

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random thought: who in the heck in Dan Uggla? I picked this guy up in my fantasy bball team a couple of weeks back b/c of his stats and he's continued to impress. I haven't had a chance to see the Marlin play this year but am looking forward to it just b/c of Uggla

he's rated low in the rosters, but i think he is a very, very underrated player, even in real life... he had a game this past week against the giants and absolutly crushed the ball, two hrs

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