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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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-If I hear one more announce on Sportscenter say "If it's fair it's gone" on a homerun to center, I'm going to go crazy. Jeez, it was funny the first time you said it, don't say it every homerun.

- Y4L, I'm with you. 2009 isn't that far away, and I can't wait for the new stadiums to open. Ebbets field remaid, a classic pitchers park, and old Yankee stadium. Maybe we can get some old time action with the stadiums and have these two teams play in the WS every year just like the old days between Manhatten, Brooklyn, and Bronx.

- Nothin' like a Sunday. That means early dinner, and somethin with a red sauce. I'm smellin some Chicken parm for tonight!

- Madden '07 pwns all.

- Ah crap. 11 days till school, 14, until the first full day.

- Finally rained here. I don't think it rained in the city since early August.

- You think the mayor would listen to a 14 year old complaining about traffic on the Island, and listen to his idea about putting a subway that connects to Brooklyn and Manhatten and runs throughout SI? Maybe a bridge connecting to Manhatten? Seriously, unless you wan't to wait for the ferry, you have to drive or take a bus, about 30 no traffic(which there always is) so make it about an hour sometimes an hour and a half. Traffic sucks here. To many cars, to many houses.

- I started watching prison break last season, around midway through. It's great.

- Mets are doing great. I've been waiting so long for a team like this. D-Wright need a day off, Willie give him the day off now! Now that Valentins back, put Woodward at third for a day.

- Oliver Perez? Where did this guy come from? Was great, terrible, and had a excellent game last night. No hitter going into fifth, but Howard hit a Grand Slam. No big deal though, because the umpire blew a call that continued the inning. I was impressed, and if he cuts down the walks (5 or 6) he can become a great pitcher. I only saw him throw a fastball and slider, but damn was that slider nasty.

Guess I'm done.

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Not done this for a while, despite more thoughts than ever before. Only problem is I can never remember them by the time Sunday rolls around!

Influenza sucks. Like, really, really sucks. It's not bad enough that it makes you feel like crap, it does it in stages. The first is the "wake-up-with-a-sore-throat" stage. Fine. Sucks, but I can deal with it. Next is the full blown "I've got you now!" stage. Makes you feel like utter hell in a human recepticle. After that, it's the blocked and runny nose and cough stage. Then comes the blocked nose and tickly cough stage. That's what I'm on now. My coughs sound like a nuclear warhead being launched right about now.

The Thunder have been doing well this year, but they've lost their last 3 games - swept a double-header and lost last night's game 9-1 - to a team they beat 18-0 just a few days ago. Only 4 games left at Waterfront Park this season, excluding the playoffs.

And on that note, apologies to everyone waiting on a Waterfront Park 2006 release. I'm still working on it, but I seriously doubt I'll get anything near the amount I wanted to done. The basics are done, but I'm trying to add in a few more things and am having trouble not only finding the time to do it, but also working around the stupidity of EA.

For all I'm grateful to have a job right now, it surely isn't good to be getting up at 4:30am, starting work at 6am, finishing work at 6pm and getting home at around 7:30pm at night 5 days a week. I'm off on Friday's and Sunday's, working the other 5. All for a very slim amount of money at the end of it all. Anyone know of any vacancies for an I.T. technician in the Glasgow area? ;)

Winamp: Surely the best piece of audio software ever. I've been using this program since 2001, when I first got my own home PC, and have never stopped. I've been upgrading as new releases come out, but a few months back, I took stock of the latest version, complete with flashy looks and smooth transitions. "It looks nice", I thought, "but how much memory can this be using?". After checking it out, It used anywhere between 7-10MB of RAM when only one track was in the playlist. Out of curiosity, I installed an old version, version 2.95 - released in June 2003. As I type, the memory usage is 3MB, and that's with 20 tracks in the playlist, as well as the equalizer active and open. Oh, and the equalizer. I hadn't used this since random experiments in 2002, but recently started toying with it to attempt a better sound from a couple of malnourished tracks. In short, it did the job perfectly. Output the audio to my stereo and it couldn't sound better.

Jeff Karstens is starting again for the Yankees today. Hope he does well. Now if only Matt DeSalvo could turn it around before the playoffs come for Trenton. He's been horrible this year, and has never really recovered from the stint he had up in Columbus. His control is nonexistant.

Yeah, I had a few other things to mention, but as I've forgotten them, that'll be it. Anyone got a spare brain implant I could use? ;)

Have a good week, people. :)

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..Bye bye Bernie Williams, Tom Gordon, Tino Martinez, Kevin Brown and Felix Rodriguez. We'll validate your parking. Now get out. And take Posada with you.

What?! Posada is one of the most important people on the team, he's clutch, he's one of the best catchers around, and his throwing is better than ever. And maybe I can understand about Tino, his best days were behind him, and I'm DEFENITELY not sad to see Kevin Brown go. Just don't-- don't TALK about Brown. my head hurts.

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What?! Posada is one of the most important people on the team, he's clutch, he's one of the best catchers around, and his throwing is better than ever. And maybe I can understand about Tino, his best days were behind him, and I'm DEFENITELY not sad to see Kevin Brown go. Just don't-- don't TALK about Brown. my head hurts.

Exactly what are you talking about? You are not making any sense.

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- They officially started to build the foundation for the new yankee stadium. Looks like they started to dig out the existing track where people used to run around, and they cut all the trees out so you can get a plain view of the entire soon-to-be field. I am going to try and take pictures and turn it into a photo journal out here. :) only time will tell.

- Looks like I've jumped on the Linux bandwagon, and I'm amazed at how flexible the OS is. There are many distributions that fit everybody's tastes, which can be a good thing, but a bad thing for those companies that want to install Linux on desktops. I suppose they can build their own type of Linux distribution like the other companies have. So far I've tried most of the distributions but I like Fedora a lot. I've installed Fedora on my laptop, kept XP on my main rig with all my MVP files, and will be planning on installing Slackware or a fast version of Linux for my old desktop PC that's laying around. It's a Dell, but it's a Pentium II 500mhz with 192MB of RAM.

- Looks like these idiots at the Board of Education will force me to miss another semester of education. I wish everything would just be over between me and them, but there are always obstacles.

- The guy who made the drum beat for My Sharona passed away this week. That was a classic tune that actually made The Knack. M-M-M-My Sharona!

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Updated to 8-20

...The USA Network has some of the best shows on TV today. Now I'm starting to tivo The Dead Zone with Anthony Michael Hall.

enjoy it while you can. USA has renewed Monk, Psych, & 4400 and has not said anything about the dead zone which has been out of production for over a year now.

they are showing what they call season 5 now, but season 4 was renewed for 22 episodes. all 22 was filmed. USA decided to split season 4 into 2 seasons of 11 shows. USA has until the end of this month to renew the actors contracts or they can get new jobs

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Hey -

Im at work for 16 hours today , yeah me.

Bought madden 07 for ps2, dont know if its my ps2 or copy of madden but it seems to stutter alot in between plays.

The Red Sox lose again, oh well wait till next year !!

Cant wait for NFL regular season to start.

thats all im out

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i'm setting myself up for heatache again this season as the giants creep back into it. say what you will about barry but, for a 41 year old cripple who will miss around 30+ games, he's still on par for around 20-25 homers and 70-80 rbi. not too shabby.

i can't believe aaron brooks is going to run the raiders offense.

i've been spending a ton on money on restoring my bronco. i just totally rebuilt the cooling system and have the cuts on my hands to prove it. i try to do one thing a week on it. this week i'll replace the headliner. next week exterior mirrors. then the bumpers. then a reupholstery on the front seats. after that i'm replacing the removable hard top with a removable soft top. then the big one - an entire engine rebuild. i love trucks.

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-entourage season finale today...good thing prison break started or I'd have nothing to watch until 24

-emmys are also on tonight. Good thing Conan's hosting

-Tim Horton's' Ice Caps are the most refreshing drinks on the planet

-Work Sucks

-School in one week, gonna be hell. Senior Year and I gotta get into an American University

-******* jays couldn't score a run against the Royals. what a waste of another quality start by doc

-saw every movie worth watching in one week...Talladega Nights, WTC, You, Me and Dupree. Accepted, Snakes on a Plane, Beerfest, all of them were good, Beerfest and WTC were the best. This week I'm going to go see Invinceable.

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...My sister is in town for the weekend and it forced me to not plan anything. Now she's off with her friends and I'm stuck at home sitting on my *** pondering the start of school.

...I've been fooling around with my computer lately and I think I fially got it exactly how I want it.

...I'm not nearly prepared for school. All I really need to get is binder paper, a bigger binder, and maybe a few pencils. Other than that, I'm looking pretty good.

...I really hate school. I'm not one of those people who don't mind it, I hate it. I have never gotten a grade lower than an A in my life and I never try. Just shows you how lame the California school system really is. I spend most of my time in class mocking the teachers and doing what ever I want. Maybe if it was a little more challenging I would like it more. I don't like doing the work, but if it was a little more interesting and a little more challenging it could be better. Hopefully High School will be better. 8O

...Finally my traveling baseball team is finished. I had fun doing it, but the coach was horrible. He tried to re-teach my entire batting stance and messed mr up for about a month. Finally I just said forget you and went back to mt natural way; been killing the ball since :D.

...The one highlight of the school year is the basketball season. Our county is very competitive with High School and Middle School basketball and we have been champions for three years running. I plan on repeating again, but who knows. All my school is really good at is sports. We have the best athletic program in the county, but our academics are the pits.

...I finally bought myself a new dirt bike. 2001 XR 250R. I am very happy with it and am very anxious to ride it.

I really ned a new graphics card. I have a Gateway computer from November 2005 and this integrated Intel stuff is crap. I would really like to get an nVidia GeForce 7500, but who knows. The only way I am running my games at full power (right now) is because of my processor. Once 2007 rolls around, I will definately need a new graphics card.

This may have been my longest random thoughts post ever. See you all next week!

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Holy crap, Joey, you're not even in High School yet? How old are you, man?

Sad part is that this guy's worst post is more readable and sensible than the average post from around 70% of other users here.

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Updated to 9-3

...I don't care what generation you are from, the one thing in common we all have no matter how old we are is that the summer goes by too damn quick. It seemed as if it were the other day and it was the middle of June and you guys were getting out of school. Even now, being out of school as long as I have been, I still dislike the coming of Labor Day.

...Which makes me stop and thank the DirecTV people. There's so many channels now, I don't have to be forced to watch the Jerry Lewis telethon like I had to when I was a kid.

...Went to see Invincible yesterday with Mark Walberg. Not a bad movie. But there is one movie I am getting anxious to see that will be out around Christmas called Night at the Museum. I'll still see it even though it has that idiot Ben Stiller in it.

...Welcome back NFL. I bet some of you guys can't wait for it to start but I never really got into it until the World Series was over, and then the NFL season was in its eighth week. One thing is different this year: there are three games on Thanksgiving Day this time. The third game is a 8 pm game with Denver and Kansas City. Big deal.

...I would not want to be Carl Pavano when he reports to spring training next year. He has a lot to prove to his teammates. Sure he's had bad luck, but not reporting an accident?

...Unless our minor league team fails to make the playoffs I will not be able to see a ballgame this year. I don't mind, I don't care for the Twins AAA team anyways.

...Old news to some maybe, but I thought it was pretty funny that Tom Cruise got canned by Paramount Studios. He can shove his Scientology right up his ***

...I think the wildcard races, especially the National League, will go down to the last day. The best time of the year for baseball is coming up again.

...The Raiders for some odd reason signed Jeff George, a player who has not played since 2001. And yesterday they released him. Thank God. Why sign him in the first place?

...I like that Bobby Abreau. Why can't they all be patient like he is?

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--Darrell Rasner is making his Yankee debut today, and I'm going to the game to see it. I got some pretty good tickets too. I'm sitting a couple rows behind home plate.

--I'm sick of Joe Torre overusing everyone in his bullpen except for Rivera. You know, this guy has no clue about pitching. I can't wait until he's done being a manager.

--Yeah, Y4L, Abreu is doing really good. I love how he gets on base so much, and he's as valuable to this team as anyone.

--Football starts soon. But it's going to be another joke season for the Jets. They'll probably go 6-10 or 5-11.

--I'm seeing a Roger Waters concert in a couple of weeks. I heard it's going to be pretty cool. He's going to play some Pink Floyd classics and his solo stuff for the first half. Then, in the second half, he's going to play the whole Dark Side of the Moon album. I can't wait.

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1) ND sucked last night, but still managed to escape with a win... whew... that coulda screwed the irish right there.... but rashad mcknight (#5) is gonna have a big year.. he had some amazing catches... stovall who???

2) Calculus sucks. Big time.

3) College has been way better than I ever anticipated. Have a good roommate, and the classes are fairly easy... except for calculus... see #2 :)

4) I'm doing the rosters for madden this year and madden-mods, and Im learning just how hard it is. Thank god the nfl doesnt have minor leagues... id quit... Totte... my hat goes off to you man...

Well, im done for now... cya guys later

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I love college and high school football...and NFL too. Thank God its back, because the Braves don't seem like they're going anywhere for the playoffs. It's a pity. I was gonna buy some playoff tickets.

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...Chinese soups are tasty

...So is sushi

...cold sushi from the fridge. aah...

...Nervous about the Yanks facing Matt Garza today. I don't like young prospects. I'd rather face somebody like Schilling than pitching phenoms.

...Wow, 2 doubleheaders in a row for the Phils. Ouch. Although for me that's be fun, I'd love to do that. But then, I'm not a proffesional ball player.

...The music on MVP 06 is seriously annoying me now, I'm trying to find a solution to it.

...Mmm, sushi. Chinese soups are good too.

...need a new sig

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...Away I go...

...Well heading to Calgary, Alberta for 90 days of work. Got the call back on Monday. Leaving my wife and son behind. Applied went out was out there for a wedding in July. In three months there, I will make almost as much as I would in 9 months here...I leave on Tuesday morning...

...Sorry to hear about MVP Mods The League...but to much change isn't always a good thing...

...Well the Jays are crapping away the season...Good job guys...

...Looking forward to Prison Break tomorrow night...

...Hopefully I can post next week...If not see you all in December...

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i don't think carl pavano hurt his ribs in a car acccident, no records of it happening...some think he hurt it doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

i hate espn now...and espn on abc sounds stupid...it's like a simocaust...ugh.

i think every college football fan should go see a game at the swamp...it's amazing there. florida beat southern miss 34-7, but it was fun anyway to see the golden eagles.

chevy's van needs to be made a bit better, we rented one to go up there, no cupholders in the middle seats and no steps in between the van and the ground...spilled a drink and nearly fell a couple of times.

i hate windows now, it doesn't like me anymore. i was planning to wait till around christmas to get my macbook, but i think i'm going to get it next month, when i get my cash (which was unexpected).

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2) Calculus sucks. Big time.

3) College has been way better than I ever anticipated. Have a good roommate, and the classes are fairly easy... except for calculus... see #2

i actually took ap calcus about four years ago, easy a.

and college was a bit of a suprise when i started out...i thought it would be this extra hard place, it was still hard, but not like you see on tv.

and this is my last semester of college, but juggling with my job at a website (i don't get paid btw) will be a bit tough for this month, and maybe next month if we make the playoffs. at least i'm taking just 12 credit hours.

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Nine- Three

-My Oakland A's are going to the playoffs again.... IF there is no colossal(SP) meltdown

-School started Wednesday, its horrid.

- Can't wait til October.

- Marching Season for band, its pretty cool.

- Fantasy keeper league going to the playoffs with a bye ...

Did I mention my A's? ( Just Kidding )

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...Wow, 2 doubleheaders in a row for the Phils. Ouch. Although for me that's be fun, I'd love to do that. But then, I'm not a proffesional ball player.

Hard for the Phils? Imagine how hard it is for the Braves who had to go to Philadelphia, and then have to go to New York versus Philly who gets Houston at home next

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i actually took ap calcus about four years ago, easy a.

and college was a bit of a suprise when i started out...i thought it would be this extra hard place, it was still hard, but not like you see on tv.

and this is my last semester of college, but juggling with my job at a website (i don't get paid btw) will be a bit tough for this month, and maybe next month if we make the playoffs. at least i'm taking just 12 credit hours.

yea i took ap calc in high school too... had a 99.4 for the year... was crazy easy in hs... then i tested into calc 2, and its way harder, plus i have 18 hours... im actually going to have to study for it... not cool at all... but like, in my calc class... the atmosphere is totally different than any other class i have... in all the other classes, no one pays attention when the doc walks in... no one does much hw or antyhing. But in calc, EVERYONE pays attention... ALL the time... the atmosphere is way different... people know they gotta try in that class... im in it with a bunch of seniors who have failed it a couple times... its like 10 seniors, 4 freshman who tested into it (including me)... and then 2-3 sophs/juniors

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jhath, im guessing youre at a smaller university (you don't have to tell me the name though) with the size of the class.

at my school (small, like 3k), the students pay attention and ask questions as well...especally in the biology major.

oh two more things. first, if you're in ocala, florida and need to stay at a hotel there, avoid the hotel next to exit 354. worst hotel stay ever. the nebigors tv was on all night that i got like six hours of sleep and couldnt get to bed till after one, and i had to hit the road at 8 am this morning to get back home in time for baseball.

the yankee fans would love to stay at the ramada inn over there though, it's owned by geroge stinbrenner.

secondly, those marlins have shocked and amazed everyone, even me. i know i said they would win 70+ games when everyone said they would be a joke and finish in last, etc, but i didn't expect this. nobody thought this would happen, but i think it's partlialy due to a bad nl.

have a nice labor day, and don't wear withe, unless you're in south florida of course...lol.

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