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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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-I don't know why, but I don't like Shannon Sharpe, he irritates me on the pregame shows.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's because he has the most annoying voice of all time. I think his tongue gets in the way all the time or something.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's because he has the most annoying voice of all time. I think his tongue gets in the way all the time or something.

That might be it, but also, the words that come out of his mouth, funny soundinig or not, are too pretty dumb. He has thhe vocabulary of an eight year old, or a football player who took one too many hits to the head. He was awesome though, when he was playing.

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i just had a creepy thought- what if mvpmods is really run by a 24-hour machine that creates real forum personalities and posts, creaets new members, in addition to all the mods, including starting new forums, creating sigs, wps, etc. what if i'm the only real person on here?!

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i just had a creepy thought- what if mvpmods is really run by a 24-hour machine that creates real forum personalities and posts, creaets new members, in addition to all the mods, including starting new forums, creating sigs, wps, etc. what if i'm the only real person on here?!

If that's the case, the line forms to the left for all the banned people and ones who have a grudge against me. They'll all want to pull the plug on my machine. :wink:

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okay... random, random, random...

...first one!

...iTunes is really acting up for some inexplainable reason.

...I hate how people at my school are always like "My computer won't work! There's no reason why it shouldn't!" There's always a reason for something going wrong on a computer. oh, wait.

...the best time to be on mvpmods is at night. because a couple things have happened:

All the fights have alread broken out

People are too tired to fight

They realize it was stupid of them to fight

All the mods have already been released

...There should be another option on installations. Like you know how when you install just a simple version of something, they're like "Go Advanced/Pro/Super-Advanced/Super-Super-Advanced/Mind-Bogglingly-Advanced/Reall Really Really Pro! and then they have another thing that says, "No, thanks". They should have a third option that says "No I don't want it, you pestering idiot! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberry!" (or is it the other way around?)

...how many words per minute can you type? i think i can type 40 wpm if i look down at the keyboard, which is the required amount for typists. Don't worry, i won't run off to become one.

...it's fun just looking through game files, whatever game it may be, and see what you can do with them, what you can customize.

...have you ever tried to see what someone's first post was? go to the search function, type in some one's name, select only forums, and do chronological order by ascending. It's fun. :)

...wow, i have homework to do. ****.

...there's this one teacher who is really annoying me. So i'm like a straight A kind of student, right? I can't help it. I think this teacher really hates me doing anything that's more than excpected because she thinks i'm showing off rather than just trying my hardest. Or when I get something wrong and try to correct it, she thinks i'm trying to be a smart-alec instead of just trying to get the question correct. And as far as i know, i'm the only one she really does this to. :thunder:

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...Away I go...

...For all you "A Christmas Story" fans, you should like this:


Pretty Cool!

...I agree with ABC006, late in the evening is a good time for MVPMods..although, so of the gusy can get pretty loppy late at night...your still fairly new, so you have missed some of the late night "scraps"...

...Still waiting to see where Barry Zito ends up...and I am anxious to see if his success away from the A's will be as bad as Mulders and Hudsons. Something tells me it may...

...Here's hoping the Jays get some pitching, because more offense isn't going to translate into more wins...we need pitching...or effective pitching...

...Watched the Macy's Parade this past Thursday...love it, and I am 31...

...Read "The Curtis Files"...if anything, it's imaginative...

...See you all next week...

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...Watched the Macy's Parade this past Thursday...love it, and I am 31...
watched it too. never really gets old. well, except the annoying singers who have no right to sing, let alone in the Macy's day parade, but whatever. and the dog show after is nice too. I actually like thanksgiving more than july 4th, excluding the fireworks. it all just seems more american in a way.
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Updated to 11-26

...As long as it will take you all to read the latest contribution of random thoughts, that's how long I spent watching the three NFL games on TV Thanksgiving day.

...Speaking of that, I do hope everyone enjoyed their holiday because that's really all that it is about.

...I was at a Target store the other day and I was watching the PS3 on a hi def TV. I got to admit those graphics are the best I've ever seen on a console system. And I'm still not buying one.

...I don't know about you, but this just goes too far. I understand people buying memorabilia, but would you fork over money for dirt? If so, I'll go out to my backyard right now and mail you some of mine for the today only low price of $49.99 :sleepy:

...I'm one day late, but happy birthday to Bernie Kosar, one of my favorite NFL players.

...I'd rather have Ted Lilly and Gil Meche on the team instead of Barry Zito because I can't stand when the Yankees have to deal with that crook Scott Boras.

...I bet Alfonso Soriano spent Thanksgiving day at the food shelter because he heard that free turkey dinners were given out.

...Any of you guys out there go shopping on Black Friday? I'm just wondering because I didn't.

...I got a letter from my high school that I went to. I went to Catholic schools. The school I went to is having a fund drive and they are asking alumni to pitch in. The average cost for a year's tuition there is about $5,000. Outrageous. Who the hell's got that to spare? I pitched in by ripping up the letter and throwing it away.

...I can not wait for Total Classics Phase 7.

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Not much to think about considering I'm about to have one of the worst weeks of my life.

....Project worth 15% of my mark due Monday in one class...

....Project worth 15% of my mark due Wednesday in another class...

....Project worth 15% of my mark due Friday in yet another class...

....SAT's on Saturday...

....Anyone ever pull an all-weeker?

....One more: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KC! :party1: :wishes:

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....Time for more football. Cincy should beat Cleveland, but you never know.

....Back to school tomorrow. It sucks, but at least there's only 2 weeks left until finals.

....I attempted shopping on "Black Friday" but was highly unsuccessfull. I tried to camp out at gamestop for a nintendo wii, I was the 6th one in line by the time I got there, and they only had 4. So I then left to head up to walmart who opened at 5am hoping they would have one, and I have to admi I've never seen anything like what I saw. At 15 till 5 the entire parking lot was full. There were huge stacks of stuff in every ailse, and they were completely covered with black sheets so you couldn't see what was under it. 60 - 70 people were lined up around these stacks, and when you ask them what they are waiting on, they all said they had no idea, but they just wanted it. How stupid is that?

....How hard is it to get a Wii? Not only are they impossible to get in a store, but I had a dream about going to buy one, and they were sold out there too...

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i tried to make oatmeal for breakfast today... first i waited about thirty seconds after i heard a high pitched whistle to realize it was the boiling water. Then i instead of emptying out the water from the kettle into a seperate pot, I put the oats in the kettle. yeah. so, i emptied it all out into another pot, only to realize the water was almost cold by then. i should've just had cereal...

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...I had a very enjoyable break. Family came, had fun, gained ten pounds, you know, the works.

...Back to school, argh. Teachers always try to cram stuff in before Christmas, I can't wait.

...Going to a birthday today. Its at the movies downtown, so I'm not too excited. Downtown just never clicked too well with me. Theres a homeless guy on every street corner, and you fell sorry for them, but you know what most of them will do if you give them money. I think we're seeing Casino Royale, and of course, I have already seen that.

...I finally got a new cell phone. I ended up getting the KRZR and it was pricey. It has everything I want, but I still feel it was too much money to spend on my parent's part. I still have to get this accessory pack thing to be able to put songs on the phone, so I think I'm going to find that this afternoon. Stupid cell phone companies make you buy more stuff to put your music on your phone. I hate business.

...Wii and PS3. Wow. What a start. They both look excellent, but the Wii looks better. Its like virtual reality. I dunno if you guys have seen any of the videos for the new Zelda game, Twilight Princess, or for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but oh man do they look nice. I am very anxious to play on the Wii.

...In Fresno, California some guy got shot fighting over the last PS3. I consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer, but man, I would never shoot a guy over a system. Thats just crazy.

...Off to breakfast. See you all next week.

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...the BCS needs to be torn the **** down. Can someone tell me what "style points" have to do with winning a championship? How about they handle it like they do IN EVERY OTHER GODDAMN SPORT and take the top x amount of teams, make a bracket, and find out who's the best. And don't give me the argument about adding bowl games will interfere with classes: all the other divisions of NCAA football have playoffs - are their student athletes' educational futures worth less than the division 1 kids?

...usually I don't watch basketball until March Madness, but the Florida/Kansas game last night was damn good (much better than any NBA game you'll ever see). Obviously the wrong team won, but the regular season doesn't mean much anyway - both squads will be highly ranked in the tournament.

...well, unless Sabean has a plethora of blockbuster trades waiting in the wings, the Giants are going to suck reallly bad next season. At least I'll be able to watch Cain pitch every 5th day.

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...the BCS needs to be torn the **** down. Can someone tell me what "style points" have to do with winning a championship? How about they handle it like they do IN EVERY OTHER GODDAMN SPORT and take the top x amount of teams, make a bracket, and find out who's the best. And don't give me the argument about adding bowl games will interfere with classes: all the other divisions of NCAA football have playoffs - are their student athletes' educational futures worth less than the division 1 kids?


I couldn't agree more.

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Updated to 12-3

...Hard to believe we are in December now, isn't it?

...I wonder what Michael Vick will do today after the game to the fans if the Falcons lose again ?

...Don't you just love those Christmas commercials on TV from the jewelry stores that try to hawk their stuff "from $99.99 to $8,999"? And if you go and look at the stuff that they sell for $99.99 it is not even worth your time.

...People that work in the medical field do a fantastic job.

...Anyone ever read People magazine? All it seems to be is a mouthpiece for Britney Spears, and what a pig she turned out to be.

...That Ms. Dewey search engine site looked interesting for the first five minutes until she kept on talking. Then I ran back to Google.

...Winter meetings start tomorrow. This should be an interesting week.

...I still wish the Yankees would get Ted Lilly back.

...and then have them give away Kyle Farnsworth.

...Every year this video makes me laugh, I hope you like it too.

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...Away I go...

Well we are finally supposed to get some snow here tonight and tomorrow. Uggh..I mean I don't mind the stuff, but I can do without it. My son is excited though. Got a really nice sled from Santa last year that he wants to use...

Wow! That was some money shot of Britteny Spears this past week. She could have made a fortune posing in Playboy, but decided to give it all away for free. I would love to be the judge looking after her custody battle. Who the heck would you give the kids too? The Pig or the Freeloader?

The Jays resigned Greg Zaun...good leader, average ballplayer...Frank Thomas was unveiled...where's the new pitcher? Hope Riccardi isn't waiting for Santa to deliver one...atleast shortstop isn't a questionable position anymore...

Rocky Balboa is out on the 20th! I know that it is a very FARFETCHED story, but there is something about the Rocky movies that I love, and look forward to visiting one of my all-time favorite sports characters one last time...

Who here thinks that the Red Sox aren't signing Masasuzka (sp?)...

See you next week...

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...Well, it comes down to today. The heads of college football should be shot in their knee caps and tortured until they vote to change this piece of **** system. Yeah, I said it.

...speaking of torture, Brian Sabean is still running the Giants. He's got one chance to redeem himself, and it begins this week. If he can't pull off a deal to bring in the next franchise player to replace Bonds, don't let him on the plane back to San Fran.

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...actual graffiti seen in a baltimore bathroom, mid 60s:

first handwriting: jesus is the answer

2nd handwriting: what is the question?

3rd handrwriting: Who was Matty and Felipe's brother?

100% true.

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...actual graffiti seen in a baltimore bathroom, mid 60s:

first handwriting: jesus is the answer

2nd handwriting: what is the question?

3rd handrwriting: Who was Matty and Felipe's brother?


-Jets are up 38-10, for a minute there, when the Packers were scoring, I thought that we were actually gonna blow it.

-I'm liking what I've seen out of Reggie Bush today, even though he only has 27 yards rushing, but 52 receiving and 2 TD's.

-Tomlinson is at it again, but I'm not ready to call him LT, so for now I'm calling him OLT, for offensive LT.

-Mets re-upd Glavine and I'm happy, though I still don't see him as a Met, we do need our pitching though.

-Should get some sleep, think I'll do that after the Jets game ends.

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...I really did mean to start getting into football. I really did. I even watched 2 games earlier in the season. I just can't muster up the desire. Why do these games need to be on Sunday?

Lord willing, this may be the year I can go for it all. I'm laying it all on the line, making the plunge and never looking back. If I screw it all up, I'll just start all over. Failure is not an option in 2007. There is no turning back. I'm pressing on, Lord willing, I'm finally here. Thank you.

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