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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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I know its not Sunday, but I won't be here, so lemme get my thoughts off now.

Going to Canada, everyone at mvpmods, have a good break, and for the Christians out there, Christmas, and for my Jewish bretherin, I hope you had a good Chanukah, along with the folks who celebrate Kwanzaa, a happy one of those to y'all.

Jets really need to win. Please, please beat the fish.

Showboating in sports really annoys me. (ala T.O.)

If the Mets sign Zito, I'm happy cause we get a good arm in our rotation, and if we don't I don't mind too badly because I want to see the young arms get a chance to throw.

Not much thought in this head, so once again, good break to y'all.

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Updated to 12-24

...Before I get started on my random thoughts of this week, I'd like to thank Time Magazine for making me Person of the Year.

...Hasn't this month just flown by?

...I know last week I said that I was tired of hearing Christmas songs, but now that it's Christmas Eve, those same songs sound better to me right now.

...I'll never understand people who start their Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. I don't even want to drive past a store today.

... Dogs are a weakness of mine.We have a little puppy, she's a little dachshund.

That's not her pictured, I just got a picture of the breed to show you. But she's as innocent looking as that dog. But don't let that fool you. She can chew through a pair of shoes like no one's business and can give you a sad face when you catch her in the act. She knows darn well she has me wrapped around her paw.

...My God, have you seen the newest version of Classic Yankee Stadium by PaulW and SeanO? Stunning is the first word that comes to mind. Thank you both.

...I can't help but thinking of MarkB's comments in here that he made a few days ago. I usually have a lot of contact with Mark over the course of the week but this week I had none and after reading that I found out why. I also know that the person who did this is very lucky that he wasn't there. What's next for that guy? Taking an old person's groceries? :(

...I went to see Rocky Balboa yesterday evening and if anyone has not had a chance to see it, I won't spoil the movie for you. I'll just say that I enjoyed it very much and it was a hell of a movie. Good job Rock.

...The Yankees got hit with a 26 million dollar tax by Commando Selig. By next year when Randy "do nothing" Johnson being off the books and some others, maybe we won't have to pay that much.

...Have a great holiday everyone. You all deserve it and every one of you make this place as special as it is.

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...It was good to see Florida play like they did last night against Ohio State. It's looked so far as if the team has had trouble getting up for games since we won the title last March - hopefully this gets some swagger back.

...but it's still very early in the college basketball season. And who am I kidding - the real matchup happens in 15 days.

...can't wait to start the new job on Jan 3rd. Finally got my foot in the door - that's all I needed. It's on my shoulders from here on out.

...saw the new Rocky yesterday. Fantastic movie. I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10 - because of the crappy *** fight announcers. Other than that particular annoyance, the movie stood up to the hype.

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Another Christmas service and everyone was wearing red.

What was I wearing? Creme shirt, grey pinstripe pants. Nope, non Christmassy clothing for me....

...I still don't want anything for Christmas, and whatever I get I sure hope I like so I don't have to be fake as if I like what I get. I hope I'm just happy to get something, anything...

...Attending an UncleMo School of Gift Shaking has paid off. I've got 3+ gifts guessed.

1. New bible (sure did weight too much)

2. Ball Four by J. Bouton (now I can read what the older generation got to read

3. Juiced by "I'm Jose Can seco! I'm Jose Can secooo!!!"-Jim Carey in Liar Liar.

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2. Ball Four by J. Bouton (now I can read what the older generation got to read

That's a great book.

Well, I can't really tell what I'm getting. I asked for a Wii, but I never really expected/really wanted one. Whats nice is that I can feel a bunch of book-like presents, so I'll have something to read for the next few weeks.

I'm also gonna see some relatives that have avoided our side of the family for a good while, so that should be fun.

I'm also trying to figure out a nerd-project to do over the next week. I'm thinking of a Nintendo related site, or a site where people can host sports-related blogs and forums. Either sound interesting to y'all?

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Wanted to get my two cents in before I leave for Christmas Eve festivities:

Loved Rocky Balboa! Loved it! was a great ending to a great series of movies. Thank you Sly....it was worth the wait!

My 8 year old has been bouncing off the walls all day. He has been funny to watch. Makes you realize that Christmas is for children.

I don't like the pro sports plays on Christmas Day. Sitting at an NBA Arena watching basketball, just doesn't sound like Christmas to me.

Santa Claus was going door to door in our neighbourhood earlier. Funny to see...still don't know who it was.

Merry Christmas to you all. Happy Holidays, and may 2007 bring you happiness.


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...I can't help but thinking of MarkB's comments in here that he made a few days ago. I usually have a lot of contact with Mark over the course of the week but this week I had none and after reading that I found out why. I also know that the person who did this is very lucky that he wasn't there. What's next for that guy? Taking an old person's groceries? :(

You know, I wouldn't be surprised is he's already been down that alley and found that it's not profitable enough, so he moved onto mobile phones. Now that I've calmed down a little about it, I'm just thankful she wasn't hurt in any way, but you're most definitely correct about this slimeball being lucky I wasn't there. I'd be up on, at the very least, a serious assault & battery charge, and spending the start of the new year in jail isn't my idea of fun.

I'm hoping to go up to see her at some point this week, but I'll be around on YIM for the next few days, so shoot me a message if you get a chance.

4 hours and 25 minutes into Christmas here in Scotland - and it's exactly as I expected it to be - quiet. No gifts, no crap music, just peace. Thank God. I'll be happy when it's all done with.

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Updated to 12-31

...I hope everyone that had off from school this week really had a good week off. When I was in school, this week was always a fun time to have off.

...I think for the average Yankee fan a belated Christmas gift would be watching Randy Johnson being shipped out of town. I'm sick of bad back pitchers on the Yankees like Johnson and Kevin Brown, who most of the time got lit up by the opposition.

...Just watch, the Raiders are going to beat the Jets today. I just have a feeling.

...And if I'm wrong about this, I'll just go back in here and edit that last line out. :shrug:

...I defy anyone to tell me that Carrie Underwood is not hot. I could care less if she's a Country music singer. Nobody's perfect.

...No knee surgery for me in January. I had to push it back. I had some sick time all saved up for this but I used it up for something that came up in November. And I'll be honest with you, it's going to be tough to make it like this for another year. Oh well.

...The toughest part of the possibility of having Doug Mientkiewicz on the Yankees is learning how to spell that guy's name. The only reason why I have it correct right now is because I cut and pasted his name. :hmph:

...Has anyone checked out the new fielding cams by thasainted40? Trust me, give them a shot. They look great. The things you guys come up with to improve this game is amazing.

...I love my MusicMatch Jukebox.

...Note to NYM: It's the two year anniversary for you-know-what. Wow.

...Everyone please take care if you are going out and about tonight. Enjoy yourselves and come home in one piece. Let's have a great 2007.

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Away I go...

Well 2006 has come to a close, and we are faced with a new year. I hoep 2007 is everything you guys want it to be, and more.

Spring Training is a month and a half away...time flies when your having fun. I can't wait for pitchers and catchers to report.

I sure would love me some "Underwood"...she is hot!

Can't wait for "Heroes", "Lost", and "Prison Break". These midseason breaks suck.

Does anyone outside of Canada care about the World Junior Hockey Champioships? It sure doesn't look like it watching it on television.

Hussein was hanged on Friday night...and Iraq is still in a mess 48 hours later...go figure...

Have all my alcohol on ice...waiting for this evening. I can't wait. My wife and I are going to a house party, and I will probably get pretty drunk. I don't do it often, so I take advantage of it while I have the chance.

One more week of vacation left...I am starting to get bored. My son has another week of school off though, so I will probably bond with him. I am sure he will be sick of me by the time it is over.

Congrats on Zito for his huge deal...hope the Giants get something in return.

I hope everyone here has a Happy New Year. Place safe, and don't Drink And Drive...

See you next week.

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...It's already the 31st! Wow, that year went by... moderately fast. Kind of like you remember January like it was yesterday, but it doesn't actually feel like yesterday. I think that's what most years feel like.

...Why do we always start a sentence with the three dots? :?

...I remember once on New Year's eve, we parked in a tiny, crowded parking area (you couldn't call it a lot), and we were surrounded on three sides, so we couldn't get out. So we had to wait like an hour and a half for on of the people to move their car.

...be safe, don't drink and drive. I know I won't do either.

...How come I see all these up and coming baseball forums, and they suddenly have like 50 members by a week, and I've had my site for two months, and I've only got 17 members, but more like only 10 active ones...

I know! You can make a difference! Register today.

...I'm thinking of switching my board over to invisionfree, if it's possible to transport all the forums. You can just do a lot more with the forums that way, and the price is exactly the same.

...Happy New Year's everyone. Hope the next year is even better than the last!

...Is Hanukkah spelled like that<<, like "Chanukah", "Hannukah", Chanukkah", or what? I've seen a million different spellings...

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-Good year, as usual it flew kinda fast

Does anyone outside of Canada care about the World Junior Hockey Champioships? It sure doesn't look like it watching it on television.

-YES! They rock! I love watching them when I go up to Canada around the same time each year! God Bless TSN!

...Just watch, the Raiders are going to beat the Jets today. I just have a feeling.

-Hehehe, Y4L is sooo funny :D

-The Jets will beat/stomp the Raiders (note: this can be commented out as well) ;)

-My away message has been "This Raiders season has been brought to you by UPS. When you need to mail one in, call on them." XD

-Good luck to the Raiders on getting Brady Quinn, does anyone else think that they're gonna pass on a quarterback...again?

-I kinda wanna see the Giants get eliminated through that crazy tie breaker scenario, but I don't, cause I like my NY sports.

-Want to thank MVPMODS.com, for making my first year (calendar year) on this site a very enjoyable one, and one that has made my offseason fly by.

-Happy New Year (and to all the Canadians out there, I missed you on Boxing Day, so a happy one of those to y'all as well). :party1:

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...I defy anyone to tell me that Carrie Underwood is not hot. I could care less if she's a Country music singer. Nobody's perfect.

...(three dots securely in place) :hail: to Carrie Underwood.

...one week until the BCS game!

...I love the Zito signing. Yes, the contract is outrageous; but it needed to be done. I can't wait to see how Lowry and Cain respond to Zito's mentoring.

...Have a great New Year's Eve everyone and hopefully everyone's 2007 will go smoothly!

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Updated to 12-31

...I hope everyone that had off from school this week really had a good week off. When I was in school, this week was always a fun time to have off.

...I think for the average Yankee fan a belated Christmas gift would be watching Randy Johnson being shipped out of town. I'm sick of bad back pitchers on the Yankees like Johnson and Kevin Brown, who most of the time got lit up by the opposition.

...Just watch, the Raiders are going to beat the Jets today. I just have a feeling.

...And if I'm wrong about this, I'll just go back in here and edit that last line out. :shrug:

...I defy anyone to tell me that Carrie Underwood is not hot. I could care less if she's a Country music singer. Nobody's perfect.

...No knee surgery for me in January. I had to push it back. I had some sick time all saved up for this but I used it up for something that came up in November. And I'll be honest with you, it's going to be tough to make it like this for another year. Oh well.

...The toughest part of the possibility of having Doug Mientkiewicz on the Yankees is learning how to spell that guy's name. The only reason why I have it correct right now is because I cut and pasted his name. :hmph:

...Has anyone checked out the new fielding cams by thasainted40? Trust me, give them a shot. They look great. The things you guys come up with to improve this game is amazing.

...I love my MusicMatch Jukebox.

...Note to NYM: It's the two year anniversary for you-know-what. Wow.

...Everyone please take care if you are going out and about tonight. Enjoy yourselves and come home in one piece. Let's have a great 2007.

Dude, she is so fat and ugly. She sings like a cow.

Lol, im kidding. You have a great point there Y4L.

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...Underwood is one of my favorite country girls. Can't find any country girl out here in the city though, but I'm still lookin' :)

...John Mayer for songwriter of the year! I can't stop listening to Continuum or any of his earlier works for that matter.

...last day of 2006, and I wake up at around 2PM. Awesome :(. I am planning on hanging out with tons of friends but it's lame though man. Same BS every year.

...I'd like to thank everyone who download Total MLB this year as it has been a very good year to me, modding-wise. I can't say I'll continue the project but it's whatever.

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Waiting on the world to change was one of my favorite tunes all year.

Great end to my fantasy football season

-Started Dayne (0 yards) instead of LJ.. who was supposedly going against the great Jax Jag D ( 100 total yards so far and 3 TDs)

- Garcia goes what... 4 snaps? and then AJ Feely goes in.

Dayne going to the "dead to me list" after this season.

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HAHAHA!!!! Two year aniversary of the MVPmods flame fest on New Years eve! Good times....

It sure did fly by, didn't it?

And to all our members that don't know what we are talking about, ask NYM :)

Happy New Year, to all our members, both current and not here anymore.

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Updated to 1-7

...It's enjoyable watching the NFL playoffs when you don't care who wins or loses. I'm just going along for the ride.

...I am not going to cheer about Randy Johnson leaving the Yankees until it is 100% final. Let him have his extension in Arizona. Of course, this year he'll have an ERA of 2.35 and win 20 games because there is no pressure to win in Arizona.

...Nothing against you at all Bernie Williams, but get the hell out of here.

...Why is it that the Walmart stores are so dirty and the Target stores are so clean?

...Where I work, two people retired last week. I can't imagine how long it will be for me to be in that position.

...Took my wife out for her birthday to her favorite restaurant, an Italian steakhouse. It was nice. The trouble is, we sat near a kid that had to express herself by screaming all the time. This has been happening a lot to me lately when we've gone out. At times, deaf people don't have it so bad.

...What makes blu-ray DVD's so special?

...Thank God I got that Yankee DVD set of games that I can watch over this winter to hold me over until the spring training games.

...And, with Total Classics Phase 7 coming out very soon (as Fuzz says) it is going to be a very good first quarter of the year for Mvp Baseball.

...I was in Best Buy two days ago. EA has a sports bundle set that they are selling for $29.99 if anyone is interested. It has the sports games from 2006. Madden 06, NHL 06, Tiger Woods 06, Nascar Sim Racing and NBA Live 06. For that price, it isn't bad. Here is the link.

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...I see we decided to stick with the "..." format.

...started the new job on Wednesday - feels good to be put on the full-time payroll after interning somewhere over a good period of time. Can't wait to see how this year plays out.

...Less than 36 hours to go until the game. Can barely sit still - let's do this already.

...About six weeks until pitchers and catchers report. I've never been more ready for Opening Day - despite the fact that I have a feeling that, other than Cain and Zito, this season is going to hurt.

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...eagles play today... hope they win...

...cosmic bowling is not what it is made out to be...

...Ohio State/Florida game tomorrow... gonna be awesome

...mids in a week... they're all lookin pretty easy so far ('cept for english)...

...i broke both my xbox controllers last week... so now i'm usin the wireless ones and i don't like them...

..i've got a great feeling about the angels this year

...cocoa pebbles are still awesome...

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...Thank God the Colts won even when Manning thew 3 INT's. Addai was solid for a rookie

...Went for wings and drinks with some friends and my bro yesterday to celebrate my brothers birthday, its good to be with friends and family while watching playoff football.

...School starts tomorrow and exams will be at the end of the month, they screwed up my schedule and it turns out I have 3 on the same day, gotta get that sorted out.

...My room is a mess and instead of cleaning, I'm typing my thoughts

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