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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Politics, having been taken completely over by the media and professional politicians, suck. Our country is still great. The politicians (ALL OF THEM) suck.

I really hate what has happened to baseball with the advent of money and TV contracts controlling prosperity. It's easy to say how much one hates the Yankees or the Red Sox, but they are merely operating within the accepted bounds of what is available to them. As a Royals fan, I would love the opportunity to outspend, outbid, and basically take whatever free agent you want, pretty much every year. It may not translate into World Series championshis as often as you feel that kind of investment should, but it ALWAYS makes you a competitive team. I only wish baseball would view itself as a league, rather than a collection of wealthy teams, controlling all the money.

Is Shannon Sharpe as ignorant and uniformed as he sounds, or is it an act? No offense, but the man sound completely stupid, and has yet to make a relavent or lucid point whilst he flaps his jaws on yet another silly NFL talk show.

I like the DH. I think it takes WAY more strategy to manage against, and pitchers in the AL don't get the automatic outs every ninth batter. I hate watching pitchers bat,,,they pretty much suck at it.

Having said I like the DH, I also would love to see the pitcher's mound restored to it's original height, and I would love to see strikes called in accordance to the rule book, i.e., a strike is from the armpits or top of the letters, to the top of the knees, and covers the black on the plate. Also, a time limit between pitches would be nice. Any move to speed up the gme, and get the batters swinging would be nice, and I think more folks would watch the game, rather than strictly baseball fans.

There is almost nothing about Barry Bonds I respect.

Why isn' t Jim Rice, Hawk Dawson, Bert be home Blyleven, Lee Smith and Ron Santo in the Hall of Fame?

I love steak. It's what's for dinner.

Shannon Sharpe is an idiot. What is CBS thinking? I would think you want pople who are competent and well spoken, with articulated and sound reasoning, not completely stupid morons, who talk like they have ground up walnuts in their mouths.

The NBA should just go away, or merge with WWE wrestling. It all looks fake and is about trash talking, and smack talking and stupid crap like that. It's ridiculous,,,,,maybe they could get Shannon Sharpe to be their poster boy. Him and Bob Costas could be the face of the new "WWENBA" league,,,,,, stupid announcers and stupid sports combined!!!

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Politics, having been taken completely over by the media and professional politicians, suck. Our country is still great. The politicians (ALL OF THEM) suck.
So does that mean that you won't vote? I'm sorry, but that's just not true. Americans seem to have this idea that all politicians are evil, and dirty, and they never think about people's actual needs. Unfortunately, a good deal are, but there are also others who genuinely want to help people, believe it or not.
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Away I go:

Well, January is usually a long and dreary month. It will be nice to see spring hit in March. Next thing you know...summer.

The Jays have been very quiet the past month. Starting to get a little worried. They have done nothing to upgrade their pitching situation, and just adding Thomas isn't going to win the division. I still believe that Riccardi has something up his sleeve, just don't know when he is going to show the world.

I have been loving Texas Hold 'Em lately. Been playing a lot with some guys at work, and I have been enjoying winning. I am sure I will hit a losing streak soon enough though.

What a goof-up by Tony Romo last night. Wow! At least he has Carrie Underwood to console him, eh Y4L?

Enjoy your week...

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So does that mean that you won't vote? I'm sorry, but that's just not true. Americans seem to have this idea that all politicians are evil, and dirty, and they never think about people's actual needs. Unfortunately, a good deal are, but there are also others who genuinely want to help people, believe it or not.

Dude, domocrats and republicans are just the same thing. They do not decide anything, the whole country is ran by big banks and military. I know that it does not seem that way to us that live here but if you lived outside of U.S, you would see/realize some things. Believe me, nothing seems as it is in our country.

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So does that mean that you won't vote? I'm sorry, but that's just not true. Americans seem to have this idea that all politicians are evil, and dirty, and they never think about people's actual needs. Unfortunately, a good deal are, but there are also others who genuinely want to help people, believe it or not.

Well, I will vote, I always have. I sometimes think the only good ballot I ever casted was for Ronald Reagan, twice. It may be dreaming, but I think a lot of the evil politicians could be done away with if we would just get some reasonable term limits in place.

As for living overseas, I did that for 2 years. Yes, there certainly is a different viewpoint of the US when in another country, but to say a European's perspective of the US vs. an American's perpesective of any European country is somehow better, is complete and total nonsense.

I find it extremely short sighted and intellectually dishonest to think and say that you can only see "how bad" the US is because you don't live there, and aren't a citizen. Ridiculous.

Is the US superior or inferior to other countries? That depends on your definition of what is right and what is wrong. That of course, will be influenced by many factors, including social status, wealth, lack of wealth, political ambition, civil and social consciousness, etc., etc. This is very subjective, and if you are naive enough to believe that Germans or english or French somehow know what defines correctness, you are smoking crack.

Does the US have faults? CERTAINLY......for example, we enslave generations of minorities, trapping them in a cycle of worthlessness, providing a surrogate daddy and encouraging them to accept the disgrace of welfare, generation after generation. If you have any delusions about what the Democratic party in this country was trying to accomplish with the passage of Civil rights bill in 1964, do yourself a favor, and listen to the man who signed into law, LBJ, on his released taped phone conversations. I wish I could say the Republicans were better. Although I believe they offer a better concept with individual rights/freedoms, and encourage accountability for oneself, and eschew government handouts and dependacy, they still hold interest in power brokering, particularly through attachment to corrupt corporations.

All that said,,,, the USA is still the country that donates more people, time, money and effort to human aide throughout the world, year after year. As a group of people, we are pretty decent. I've lived in Europe, I cannot say the same for many of them.

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Got an email from my Swahili instructor (yeah Swahili haha) that we wont have class on Monday because the majority of the class will be at the game. Theres 24 people in the class and the game is all the way in AZ. I highly doubt that being the real reason or I was the only one not to make it up. If they are going to go to game its going to take another day or two to get back. Im crossing my fingers that Tues and Weds will be cancelled as well. I have to take 4 qtrs of a foreign language, which is absolute BS, and I took 101 2 yrs ago. I have no clue what is going on. But, I think I'll be alright since the instructor said that she doesnt give Bs or Cs and kid in the corner that smells of weed could back up that claim. As long as I show up everyday and try my best I should get an A.

My other class Im taking this qtr in Soc. 605. What is 605 you may ask? Well its the Sociology of Sexuality. I signed up for it only because it was in a huge lecture which usually means multiple choice exams. Well it turns out I was right and the other 25% will be group discussion/attendance check. Easy class about sex. As a bonus there will be a field trip to the Columbus Zoo to see how the Bonobo's react to each other during feeding time. Ive seen this before. Its freaknasty monkey sexytime. Along with that will be two guests lecturers. One being a sales rep. for a dildo company and the other a drag queen. Those should be two nerve racking days. One might think that such a class would be a sausage fest. NOPE!!! There were more girls than guys and some I know. This should be one hell of a qtr. Woops 1205 am....

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Updated to 1-14

...As exciting as the two playoff games were last night, the ones today should be even better. I'll be watching the Charger one, and ignoring the Bears game, with the hope that Chicago gets killed.

...I read a stat this week that really showed how bad Oakland was this year. The Chargers scored 176 FOURTH QUARTER points this year, the most in the NFL. For the entire year the Raiders scored 168 points. Ouch.

...One final cheer for the Chargers. They restricted ticket sales for today's game for residents only in Southern California, thus preventing rich New Englanders from coming in and buying tickets to root for the Patriots. Sure, they still can go to the game, but they'll have to get their tickets from a ticket reseller, and they'll sit in the nosebleed area. Stay home, you're not wanted.

...I like having bacon occasionally in the morning, but I hate it on anything else.

...Three cheers to good guy Jeff Nelson, who went out with class this week as a Yankee.

...And speaking of class, Barry Bonds has none if he really did what the papers say he did, blaming a teammate for him testing positive for amphetamines, and then retracting the statement.

...One month from today, Yankee pitchers and catchers report to Florida. Doesn't that sound good?

...Lately, I've been on an audio book kick. I've been listening to a lot of them. "The Godfather", "Treasure Island", "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" are the ones I just finished.

...Someone set me straight on something here. Is it recommended to have a hi-def TV if you have a PS3 or a 360? You know, just to get the most out of it? I've been hearing yes and no answers about this and I figured I go to the experts in here. :)

...Ok, who's the wise guy that took Tribetime from this website? I haven't seen him in a long time.

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Away I go...

...It's great to see the Jays locking up players long term, but the have essentially the same team as last year, and that got them second place.

...Watched some of "The Sopranos" on A&E this past week. Without the cursing, it just isn't the same. Tony seems much milder, and as bad as cursing is, it sets the mood for the show.

...I saw "The Good German" this week. Very good movie. I love George Clooney, and with this movie have a 40's feel to it, it shows how how Clooney would have thrived in that era of cinema.

...I miss "Lost", "Heroes", and "The Shield".

...Japanese player made his debut in the NHL for the Kings. He played net and lost, but kudos to him.

...That's it, see you next week.

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Watched the Buckeyes basketball team win over Tenn. yesterday. The game was won on a Ron Lewis 3 pointer. Although his foot was on the line. Tenn. had a chance but missed their shot. However, Butler for OSU stepped on the line and as usual the refs missed the obvious. Tenn.'s bench went nuts and rightfully so. They shouldve had the ball with another chance to win the game as Lewis' shot shoudve only put OSU up by 1 instead of 2.

As for Sunday, the hardest decision I have to make today is what kind of food I should go get to eat. Im thinking Chinese or pizza will do.

Oh yeah almost forgot Rome was going to be back on tonight. Not my fav. but I like HBO shows. I wish Carnivale would come back or atleast come out with a couple 2 hour movies to tie up all the lose ends. Thats what Deadwood will be doing. Deadwood was a show that I didnt think I would like but it grew on me. Maybe Rome will do the same.

Also Extras will follow that. 12 min. preview @:


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...sucks that the eagles run is over... o well...

...connect four is still an awesome game...

...it's funny... the flyers and eagles have the same amount of wins so far (11)

...highschool basketball games are fun (almost as fun as the hockey games)... our new coach is awesome

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...The playoffs of the mexican pacific league have started, only 4 teams remain playing, Obregon, Hermosillo, Culiacan, and Mazatlan (2004-2005 and, 2005-2006 champions.

...I have a terrible flu and im freezing.

...2nd try @ uniform making: Link to Topic

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Lol, Very true. That's my random thought of the day.

the only thing i miss about being 14 is that i could be care free. now i have to worry about a job that i spend too much time at, senior year, and paying insurance, ohh yeah and trying to fix everything i screwed up in my damn car accident
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the only thing i miss about being 14 is that i could be care free. now i have to worry about a job that i spend too much time at, senior year, and paying insurance, ohh yeah and trying to fix everything i screwed up in my damn car accident

Oh, here is a story.

Last sunday night I had one of the most entertaining nights in my recent memory. I hung out with Jennifer for a while and in the end I was unformally invited to hang out with her and her group for the remainder of the night. We played pool and we kicked it on the train and everything. I felt like a high school student again. I felt like I was 17 all over again.

I haven't had this much fun in a while, you know, hanging out with someone I care about and someone I enjoy speaking to on a daily basis. However with the amount of fun I had last night comes with repercussions. My phone turned off that night while I was in the pool hall. To be exact, in the middle of a pool game with Jen and I. I was unable to really call my parents and let them know where I was at because I have not really memorized the phone number to my house, and because I haven't memorized the number I couldn't use Jen's phone and call up. However, if it's anyone I can blame right now, it's myself for not charging my phone, and Motorola for creating crappy Nextel phones.

Anyway, after I said my farewells and my adieus to everybody, I left to catch the #2 train back up to my house. On the train, I began to really absorb what went on that night and the amount of fun I had. I realized that Jen has a really cool group of friends, similar to my group of friends. Give or take...about 45 minutes later, I hobble out of my seat on my way outside the train station. It's raining, but not as much as it was when the group and I tried to make our way off to the 23rd street station in downtown Manhattan.

My legs hurt, my feet hurt, I'm tired, and even though I'm aching, I'm trying to power-walk my way home. I fumble around trying to open the door and rush to the elevator before it closes. I come in the house, and here comes my grandmother rushing to bark. It's 2AM, but I am finally home. This is very you know, typical of parents when you don't tell them where you are, but my grandparents take it to another level. Given the fact that I am their grandson and I'm an adult, they continue to treat me very child-like. Not really babying me but like always hoping for the worst, always believing that the world is a bad place, etc. It's almost like being mildly overprotective, and that is not a good thing. The following dialogue is exactly what went down once I got home.

"Where were you? Your grandfather was worried and you know he has to work tomorrow!"

"Can you wait until I come into the house so I can explain....I was hanging out with my friends and I was invited to play pool. I couldn't call because my phone turned off, and that's my fault for not charging my phone before I left."

"You know that your grandfather has to go to work tomorrow..."

This sentence usually sets me off, as this sentence has been the butt of all the jokes between my friends in regards to my "curfew". Let's get this out of the way, because now I'm annoyed. I'm 19 friggin years old. I am an adult. When I walk alone at night, I have enough common ******* sense not to speak to anyone, not to make eye contact with people, and to walk along common streets. I am sick of having them trying to instill this fear in me, like because I have a laptop (as I carry one a majority of the time when I am on the road), everyone wants to mug me, and everyone knows I have a laptop, so everyone is trying to plot on stealing it from me, and that I rub it in people's faces that I have a laptop. I can just say I have books and documents in my bag, if people need to know.

If it's anything that annoys me even more, it's when I found out that my parents have absolutely no expectations of me or anything. That makes me feel real insignificant, as if I was destined to fail in life. Deep down this makes me feel horrible. It's like no one has faith in me to succeed in anything, and that's horrible. I make a pretty solid effort to at least continue my education, and it's like to them, the way I see it, nothing I do is ever acceptable. It's like they are not happy with me graduating from high school. Suddenly now that I am living with them, my opinions do not count at all, or they are of no importance.

My grandfather works in a friggin factory, and my mother lives in Connecticut with my stepfather. What the heck am I supposed to do? I know. I'm just going to join the army because that is what they might want me to do. Maybe then I'll be someone significant in the family. Maybe if I joined the armed forces my opinions would count and everyone would be happy. I can't stand it. Every day that these crazy events unfold, I continue to regret staying in the city and not applying to a SUNY (State of New York) school. It's ridiculous.

You can tell me to find a job, but it's not easy like many people think it is. Nowadays jobs require skills, and my skills are not as good as people make it out to be. I just want to have enough money in my pocket to get around, but I'm making the decision of staying at home and waiting for college to start so that I can find work while I stay.

My grandmother sits at home, cooks, cleans and blames me when I insist that I do things on my own, and when she doesn't ask me to help her out around the house, everyone thinks I'm selfish and that I'm spoiled and that I'm disrespectful. I don't need all of this. I really don't. I'm going to move out. I don't know how I'm going to make it work but I will.

I have to go through all of this just to live my own life and have fun. To have a good time with friends, I have to put up with this crap that's thrown at me on a daily basis. The other night, I got angry at my parents and voluntarily isolated myself in the house in my own room. I don't want them to say anything to me whatsoever because apparently my opinions don't count at all, even if I live here.

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It is very fun so far being my age. I mean I have no bills to worry about or anything. Though, it does suck at times.

Try going to school from 8:50am to 3:40pm, running the streets from 3:40pm until 2-4am, going to bed at 3-5am, getting up for school at 7:30am and repeat for 5 days per week, then change to running the streets from 10am until 6am. It's not the age which is fun, it's your own experiences, trust me.

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Updated to 1-21

...I don't remember the last time I sat down and watched an NBA game and I have no plans in the near future of doing so.

...Since when is a Championship game on at night? All this time one of the games for the AFC and NFC championship would start at 1 pm and the other one at 4 pm. Now the game I really want to see isn't on until 6:30 tonight.

...Speaking of the championship games, the most pressure on anyone playing today is on Peyton Manning. This is his make or break game, once again.

...Sometimes I can't figure out people. No, strike that. Most of the time I can't. At the beginning of this month where I live, we had no snow fall and people were wondering where it was. Well, this week the snow showed up and we got plenty of it. Now the same people who were wondering where it was are now complaining that it is here.

...With all the good moves that the Yankees have made in the off season, I'm still worried about this team. You see, Kyle Farnsworth is still on the roster and that spells disaster.

...And does anyone else think that somehow Roger Clemens is going to make a return to New York? Yeah, I'd rather have him than Randy Johnson, but I don't like how he left in 2003.

...It was nice to see the Canadians take it to the Sabres last night.

...Look at this True type font I found last night. It's called Fenway Park JF, whatever the heck that means. If anyone wants it, it's theirs because I won't be using it. I've got principles.

...As fast as USC's Steve Sarkisian was a candidate for the Oakland job it seemed just as fast that he was not. I have no idea what is going on there.

...I hate January, it just drags on.

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...I've been at my new job now for about three weeks. Lovin' it. Granted, I really have no idea what I'm doing yet, but I'm learning something new everyday. Guess that's all that matters :D

...I'm with you Y4L - haven't seen a NBA in years. And don't plan to anytime soon.

...I've got the gym membership unfreezed now (just got cleared to return from a shoulder injury) so I can finally go back. I've still been told not to pitch anymore, but at least I can get back in my gym routine. After two years, I've missed the hell outta it. Sounds weird saying it, but I can't wait to have that sore feeling again!

...It's funny - all my life I've loved the coming of winter and the snow it brings. It was always a welcome change for a few months. But now, I hate the hell out of it. I've never been more ready for 70° weather in my life.

...The Total Classics Madness Championship Game is upon us. 1909 Pirates v 1965 Twins. Hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have. Thanks to the creators of Total Classics 6 for arguably the best mod available for MVP Baseball 05 - or any game for that matter.

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