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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...I've been at my new job now for about three weeks. Lovin' it. Granted, I really have no idea what I'm doing yet, but I'm learning something new everyday. Guess that's all that matters :D

...I'm with you Y4L - haven't seen a NBA in years. And don't plan to anytime soon.

...I've got the gym membership unfreezed now (just got cleared to return from a shoulder injury) so I can finally go back. I've still been told not to pitch anymore, but at least I can get back in my gym routine. After two years, I've missed the hell outta it. Sounds weird saying it, but I can't wait to have that sore feeling again!

...It's funny - all my life I've loved the coming of winter and the snow it brings. It was always a welcome change for a few months. But now, I hate the hell out of it. I've never been more ready for 70° weather in my life.

...The Total Classics Madness Championship Game is upon us. 1909 Pirates v 1965 Twins. Hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have. Thanks to the creators of Total Classics 6 for arguably the best mod available for MVP Baseball 05 - or any game for that matter.

Why do you people hate the NBA? I know that I've only been to one sports game in my life in person, but I like watching basketball on the TV. In fact, I like basketball more than baseball...

(Please don't start yelling at me) :starwars:

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It's not wrong to have your opinion. I just think the NBA is boring as hell. I'll watch 10,000 more college games before I watch a minute of the NBA.


although, you are retarded for this statement:

In fact, I like basketball more than baseball...

i think your captain question jacket is on a bit too tight...it must be cutting off the circulation to your head. :stone:

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Why do you people hate the NBA? I know that I've only been to one sports game in my life in person, but I like watching basketball on the TV. In fact, I like basketball more than baseball...

(Please don't start yelling at me) :starwars:

Before you begin to kill this thread with an endless onslaught of questions, let me explain what this thread is about. It's a thread where anyone here can post their thoughts, their random thoughts, hence the name of the thread. So if one guy dislikes the NBA, the next guy posting may or may not agree with it. You just post whatever is on your mind. The reason why I posted that NBA comment today was I was looking through the channels last night to see what I wanted to watch and I saw an NBA game on. I don't know who was playing or what the score was, I just kept moving. That's why I made my comment.

And if you like basketball more than baseball, why don't you go and find a NBA forum to hang out at?

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Do you have to talk like an idiot?

Good random thought :D

-Go Colts

-Go Saints

-I'm not a Colts fan, I just wanna see people finally stop saying Peyton can't win the big one, maybe he can win the big one when he finally gets a defense.

-Speaking of getting a defense, I don't believe in this new defense the Colts have, it's a 2-game fluke.

-I don't care about the Saints affiliation with N.O, I just wanna see more Reggie Bush, that's my selfish reason for wanting them to win.

-My favorite random thought of the day...25 more days 'till pitchers and catchers report (atleast for the Mets, I think the earliest is 22 more days)

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Excerpts from what ya just said:

Oh, here is a story.

Last sunday night I had one of the most entertaining nights in my recent memory. I hung out with Jennifer for a while and in the end I was unformally invited to hang out with her and her group for the remainder of the night. We played pool and we kicked it on the train and everything. I felt like a high school student again. I felt like I was 17 all over again.

If it's anything that annoys me even more, it's when I found out that my parents have absolutely no expectations of me or anything. That makes me feel real insignificant, as if I was destined to fail in life. Deep down this makes me feel horrible. It's like no one has faith in me to succeed in anything, and that's horrible. I make a pretty solid effort to at least continue my education, and it's like to them, the way I see it, nothing I do is ever acceptable. It's like they are not happy with me graduating from high school. Suddenly now that I am living with them, my opinions do not count at all, or they are of no importance.

My grandfather works in a friggin factory, and my mother lives in Connecticut with my stepfather. What the heck am I supposed to do? I know. I'm just going to join the army because that is what they might want me to do. Maybe then I'll be someone significant in the family. Maybe if I joined the armed forces my opinions would count and everyone would be happy. I can't stand it. Every day that these crazy events unfold, I continue to regret staying in the city and not applying to a SUNY (State of New York) school. It's ridiculous.

You can tell me to find a job, but it's not easy like many people think it is. Nowadays jobs require skills, and my skills are not as good as people make it out to be. I just want to have enough money in my pocket to get around, but I'm making the decision of staying at home and waiting for college to start so that I can find work while I stay.

My grandmother sits at home, cooks, cleans and blames me when I insist that I do things on my own, and when she doesn't ask me to help her out around the house, everyone thinks I'm selfish and that I'm spoiled and that I'm disrespectful. I don't need all of this. I really don't. I'm going to move out. I don't know how I'm going to make it work but I will.

I have to go through all of this just to live my own life and have fun. To have a good time with friends, I have to put up with this crap that's thrown at me on a daily basis. The other night, I got angry at my parents and voluntarily isolated myself in the house in my own room. I don't want them to say anything to me whatsoever because apparently my opinions don't count at all, even if I live here.

1. I tried to give you a tad bit of advice but you didn't acknowledge anything I said. This is re: your future. I believe in you, literally, but you don't even know that. I don't even KNOW you.

2. Understand that it could be a while before you rfamily takes you serious. Otherwise you'll feel like you do now as if you have something to prove. Grow up, as you already are, and stop worrying about how they're treating you. You'll be treated worse in the military. Just take it for now and when you can get out on your own, live that life you wanted. The respect comes later. Trust me.

3. Don't wait for your grandmother to ask you to help her. Get to it. Whatever the chore is. That is why they'll think you're lazy or spoiled. Part of the problem may be that they don't know to be asking you for help. Or to teach you all of these years that you should have been proactive. Ask if you can help. Sometimes don't even ask, just do the

darn chores. :alright:

4. You can do better than Jennifer. Trust me on that. :contract:

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Finally looking like winter here in Ohio. Got a couple inches of snow on the ground. Sitting here waiting for the games to start. I hope its Saints vs. Colts in Superbowl. With Saints winning it all. Anything to put New Orleans back into the forefront is a good thing.

Just watched the national anthem being sung by that dude from American Idol that was weird sideburns. Anyways it looked like at the end he was crying. I think it was just the cold wind hitting his face but you watch the media will turn it around to make it look like he's a diehard american and singing the anthem gets him emotional.

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Not so random thoughts;

One thing I want to figure out before I die is what controls how you feel on any given day. Some days, you just wake up tired. Others, you wake up happy, for no apparent reason. Others, you wake up pissed off, again, for no apparent reason. Apathetic, bored, crazy, energetic, and many others, are on the list and I can never figure out why. It controls how you feel for the whole day, too.

It's going to be quiet around here for a week or so now. A guy I went to school with, and was pretty good friends with, was killed just before new year, and his funeral is tomorrow at lunchtime. Unfortunately, I didn't find this out until Friday night, so didn't have time to organise the day off work. The ironic thing is that he had just turned his life around in the past few years, had organised a house for himself, and was living with his girlfriend and 2-year old son. Need a reason to get pissed off at the world? There you go. Another kid growing up with no father, another single parent struggling to raise a kid by herself, and another family ripped to pieces because of mindless violence and ignorance. And yet, as soon as the memories fade, the banners are taken down from the windows and the gossip stops, the same thing will happen again in a couple of weeks, if not sooner.

I've been on an R&B kick today. Started listening to 112 when I woke up, which made me think about my girlfriend, and I'll probably be listening to that for the rest of the night now. Man, women can really mess with your mind without even knowing it.

I'm looking forward to pitchers & catchers reporting for Spring Training, but I'm waiting for the graphic on Yankees.com to be created to make it official. I'm looking forward to the 2007 season, and to seeing how the Yankees prospects develop.

Life hack of the day - to remove the smell of paint, chop an onion in half and leave it in a bowl or saucer. The stairs in my block were just painted (something that we really could have done without, as well as the cigarette ash and random mess being left over by the cowboy paint-wielders), and all the houses and the block now stinks to high hell. And somehow, they actually managed to screw it up! How you can actually fail to paint a wall correctly baffles me.

Microsoft had an exhibition of Vista in Dell on Friday with some attraction items to entice people into giving half a damn. Free pizza (with 700 people in the office...actually, 600 geeks, 100 people, they order 2, yes, 2 boxes of 10" pizza - needless to say, they then had to order more, which was again finished in less than 5 minutes), free T-shirts (the ugliest and most pathetic T-shirts I've ever seen, I can guarantee they will be used to clean cars) and a few hours of boring crap about the greatness of Vista made for one very unimpressed crew of Dell techies. The high point of the event was when a crew of us new starts on the floor decided to print hundreds of Linux and Mac OSX logos and stick them to our desks while the Microsoft gerbils were being given a tour of the facility. The looks on the faces were priceless. One of the client teams had to make a bit of a run for his life when he attempted to deliver a Vista T-Shirt to the Linux support team, however. I wish I had taken my camera in on Friday, but thank God that exhibition wasn't mandatory.

The weather...pretty much speaks for itself.

If you like webcomics, check out xkcd.com and ctrlaltdel-online.com. Discovered these 2 while at work (nothing else to do while awaiting calls than random internet surfing), and they can be pretty good.

One positive to come out of the new flu bug that's going around is that due to the sickness and overall beating your body takes, you lose weight like a T-Rex on crack. However, due to a new exercise regime, I've been eating normally for going on 2 weeks now and I'm the same weight I was when I was ill. Chicken + tuna + random arm, shoulder and upper-body exercise = diesel.

Speaking of food, it's dinner time! Have a good week everybody.

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You know what I just noticed? Beginning in 2009, every team in the NL East, excluding the Marlins, will have a brand new stadium starting from 2000.

Turner Field

Citizens Bank Park

"Nationals Park" - name pending

Citi Field

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Updated to 1-28

...I went to my very first basketball game in my life on Thursday. It was an ABA league game and I had complimentary courtside seats. If anyone has ever sat courtside, you'll know what I mean when I say the view there is impressive.

...I love the YES Network especially when they air Yankee Classics in the winter.

...Sometimes you got to tip your hat to even the people you hate. So, here's to you Scott Boras. You managed to get Jeff Weaver an 8 million dollar a year contract for winning only eight games last year with a combined ERA over 5.00. And that right there is what I hate about baseball.

...I can drink Orange Juice every single day of the year. My favorite kind? The "no pulp" one.

...Why is Texas Hold-Em called Texas Hold-Em?

...I never knew who Lane Kiffin was until I heard that he got hired as Oakland's head coach. Good luck, I hope you turn them around.

...It is time for the Yankees to respectively and swiftly cut the ties to Bernie Williams.

...Does anyone believe that Bill Parcells is really retired?

...Maria Sharapova forces me to watch tennis even when I don't want to.

...Old people should not drive in the winter, or at least not that much. They are an accident waiting to happen.

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Missed last week's, so here I go...

...The last two episodes of Smallville, have been fantastic! I have been waiting a long time to see to back to back, action packed eppy's, like they were...

Ohka and Thomson...Ohka and Thomson...that's all Riccardi could come up with??? Yet Trachsel and Redman are still unsigned...I want to believe in this team, I really do, but it is hard to sometimes...

...I saw "Smoking Aces" and "The Prestige" over the week-end. Both very entertaining movies. I am a huge Jeremy Piven fan, so I enjoyed "Smoking Aces" a bit more...

...The Denzel Washington flick, "John Q" was on TBS yesterday. I swear, the kid in that movie looks like a midget Frank Thomas. I could not believe the resemblance...

...What a disaster the Eastern Conference is in the NBA...I find it hard to believe any of them will beat either the Mavs or Suns...

...One week until the Super Bowl. Should be great!

...See you next week...

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Good Morning everyone, here are my thoughts:

-Why there are a lot of stereotypes about Mexico, like: every mexican mears a hat, that Mexico foods mekes you sick (tacos, etc.), On wednesday I was talking with a friend that lives in the US and he told me: Im going to mexico in 2 weeks but, we will need to ride horses to go from the airport to the rest of the city. I answered why do you say that. He responded that he saw that on many USA movies. lol.

-Why there are a lot of sex-related commercials in National TV channels, Yesterday I was watching a cartoon in the morning with my brother, it ends and then there is a woman saying: bla bla bla bla (sex related) bla bla bla, and then the comercial ends but the next one is about condoms and there is a couple simulating u know what, the commercial ands and then 3 commercials, and another cartoon. Why put that commercials when all the kids are watching their favorite cartoon.

-My 500 post here, I have 2 years and 1 month here. Thanks to all the admins: Trues, Y4L, MarkB, Tejbr, DJEagles11, If i didnt mention you, sorry i dont know all the names of the admins.

-I made a great Mod, the Spanish version of MVP baseball 2005, It took me like 8 hours to change the 70% of the FEENG.LOC and the 100% of the other .loc file. I wont change the positions, Injury types and other things in owner mode, the Sliders in the Option menu, but they are translated when you are playing a game, It will be ready to be uploaded today.

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My cat is weird

If theres only 1 person in the house, he won't leave the room that you are in. He constantly tries to get your attention, jumps up in front of the computer screen, or whatever you're currently doing.

If theres 2 or more people in the house, hes totally different. He doesnt care at all and just goes and sleeps some place quiet.


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....dont go get groceries on a Sunday afternoon. Good god. If these people drive as bad as they do a shopping cart then we are in trouble.

....fixed my headlight bulb on my car. The plug was sorta forzen to the connection so it took longer than I had hoped. burrrrr

....said, screw it, for my swahili homework.

....going to watch some movies today and go to bed early.

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-- called outta work cuz i didnt feel like going

-- pissed off that the guy at bestbuy said they would have nintendo wii game consoles this morning yet they arent getting them till next sunday now

-- gotta type a hundred word paper on "The Life of Pi" yet im not in the mood to do anything

-- im so bored out of my mind

-- cant wait till feb. 8th when season one of dragon ball z comes out on dvd

-- My red sox season tickets came in the mail the other day. puts a smile on my face

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-- gotta type a hundred word paper on "The Life of Pi" yet im not in the mood to do anything

ill trade you... hundred words is nothing...

the light papers in my honors classes are 1250

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ill trade you... hundred words is nothing...

the light papers in my honors classes are 1250

My Philosophy term paper had to be between 5000-7000 words. (high school, not university) but I aced it and got 90% cuz I'm bad like that :p

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My Philosophy term paper had to be between 5000-7000 words. (high school, not university) but I aced it and got 90% cuz I'm bad like that :p

yea ive had one in that size, but thats all. Id rather have one that big though, than 4 or 5 1250 +'s, which is what i have in one of my classes this semester

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every week we have a 100 word paper due by 12:00 AM monday morning plus any regular assignments we have.

It's due at midnight? So you just e-mail your teachers the assignment? That's kind of cool, I like e-mailing my teachers stuff rather than always printing it out and wasting a bunch of paper (and $$$).

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