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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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The Jays look like a team that has fallen on a string of bad luck. I am not to worried....if they are playing like this come July, then I will hit the panic button.

Beautiful weekend here in Atlantic Canada. I enjoyed some cold beer, sitting in front of a warm fire in our outdoor fire pit last night, listening to the Jays lose. Two out of three ain't bad.

BBQing today. Walking down the road to partake in a little "ringtoss" tournament. It's like horseshoes, but you throw rings into a box. Pretty fun, and a little hard.

Virginia Tech is still fresh on everyone's minds. I suspect it will be a long time until that fades from memory.

Smallville and The Shield have been great. They are both building towards one hell of a finish.

Let's get those SIGS into my inbox. Looking forward to the first round of competition.

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...Manny Ramirez' hair = Parliament Funkadelic?

...Mariano Rivera is known for his slow April starts, on top of that, he has only pitched 4 games in the past 16. He'll be fine. Aside from that, I heard a rumor that Mariano is so godly like Chuck Norris that he killed a guy with his mind.

...I'm glad A-Rod is destroying the ball. I am starting to believe that it was really Alexander Rodrigov that had been playing last year. However from this torrid start I'm starting to think that when he does cool off, he'll cool off HARD. The good thing is, I think he's picking up things that the pitchers are not seeing, and the pitchers are not exploiting his weaknesses, which I hope he doesn't have.

...Happy Birthday, BigJay!

...I'm going to have my tooth removed tomorrow morning, and I'll only have ONE day of recovery until my road test Wednesday for my license. It's a shame, I am capable of driving, I know how to park, etc. but my parents don't seem to give me a chance to show them what I can do, so I don't get enough practice except from the driving instructor, and that's every other week. My next practice session is this Wednesday before my road test. I hope I destroy this exam, so I can take my girlies out to Six Flags this summer. And yes. I said girlies. No typo there ;)

...Life is good, life is great right now. Everything seems to be going right, until yesterday morning. I had a conversation with this one girl, let's just say her name is Douchebag Karin (DBK), and I have tons of love for this girl. Anyway, she's always said she loved me, but I don't even bother to say it back because well, she loves me, but is not IN love with me and that being IN love is what I want. She got frustrated the other day because I said that she doesn't love me, she loves her boyfriend. Then she's like oh, do you love your friends? I said heck yeah I do, I just choose to show it in my actions and not my words. So she goes off on a tangent about how there's different kinds of love etc etc. I get mad and I say "STFU Dr. Phil"....and then she goes off into a fit. By the early AM, we've already settled our differences more or less, but now that she's recently broken up with her boyfriend, the worst case scenario happens. Since I was in her good graces, always giving her advice etc. She automatically decides to MAKE ME HER BFF.

Instant aggravator. I said I can't be her best friend because I am always going to want more than that, and I don't want to keep my feelings for her bottled up all because I'm a friend, or if I did, I don't want to hit a glass ceiling. I told her I didn't want to be the one she'll run to when her boyfriend is treating her like crap. Being a BFF is the equivalent of going to a job interview and having this response after having such an awesome resume:

You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you.

We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

I don't play that BFF crap. We might be close buddies or whatever but guys don't play the BFF card. I don't have a BFF because when I do hang out, I hang out with a crew like the guys from American Pie. Ever since then I haven't spoken with her or anything, and I don't plan on doing so for the time being.

...ESPN is dead to me. The major reason that I despise ESPN is because 90% of the people they put on their network to give "expert" commentary act like they are God's gift to sports commentary and journalism. Their douchebaggery knows no bounds, and their inflated sense of self worth has continuously expanded since the late 1990's. Think about it: of the majority of the people they have had on ESPN what is one thing they all have in common: Corso, Vitale, Scott, Theismann, Morgan, Mariotti, Hayes, Bayless, Irvin, Salisbury, etc.? They all believe that they are simply the greatest people to talk about sports. Ever.

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...Reds were in 1st place this week but now they are going down, down, down

...I hope the NYY vs BOS game will be on TV tonight.

...Joakim Soria has been doing a good job in the MLB with the royals

ERA: 3.24

W-L: 1-0

SV: 1

SO: 11

...Man, things have been good in Alfonso Soriano's world lately. He's been hurt so he couldn't play. That meant he didn't have to make any effort to do anything and he still got paid.

...Yes, I do hate that guy as much as you think I do.

:lol: made my day.

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Nice work! I find myself looking forward to this mod, even though, to be honest, I know nothing about the League.

Thanks DJ, when the mod is finished I'll start a dynasty with my hometown team.

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...Sig comp on the way. I'm really bad. I can't make a sig. Whoever's facing me doesn't have to put in all the effort to make a really good one, they'll beat me even with a crappy one, so you don't have to put all the time and hard work into it.

...Everytime I'm at the "guess that song" thread, the newest couple I can't name, but when I'm away for like an hour, I go back and see at least one song I could've named. Oh, well.

...Haven't made a blog post for almost two weeks. I'm going to wait a bit to make a new one, then do it on a regular basis, I've been really busy, spring break having just ending. (So teachers think they have to pile us all with homework to make up for the "lost time". Please. Though we did have so many snow days this year we have to add an extra day.)

...A-Rod is on an absolute TEAR. It's really quite amazing. Watch out Bonds. Something might be gaining on you.

...Mo = sadness. I'm not worried though, just a bit nervous.

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My random thought for this Sunday?

Apparently the Cardinals need to play ALL of their games on Sundays.

Runs scored by St. Louis:

Sunday the 8th: 10 runs.

Monday the 9th thru Saturday the 14th: 11 runs.

Sunday the 15th: 10 runs.

Monday the 16th thru Saturday the 21st: 12 runs.

Sunday the 22nd: 12 runs.

Seriously. lol.

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Updated to 4-29

...Thank you Raiders for drafting Jamarcus Russell in yesterday's NFL draft. I hope this is a start that turns the fortunes of the team around. The last few years have been unwatchable.

...The collective sigh of relief you heard late yesterday afternoon came from the Yankee fans right after they saw their favorites finally win a game.

...It is amazing to see how so many Yankee fans (on this site and those you come in contact with away from here) who are quick to throw in the towel because of this bad streak of baseball that they are playing.

...Hey, at least this makes the people at ESPN happy. They are always a fair and truthful bunch over there.

...You know the main thing I hate about the Yankee-Red Sox games? It's how long the games are! Screw that with the 3 1/2 hour games.

...I went to see the new Nicholas Cage movie last night called Next. It was great and as an added attraction, Jessica Beil was in it.

...Spiderman 3 comes out this Friday (May 4) and that's going to be the first blockbuster of the movie season. Unless of course you consider Will Ferrell's latest clunker one. :lol:

...Good Lord, that's my version of hell. Watching a Will Ferrell movie followed up by Ben Stiller at his finest. :lala:

...I love my .mp3 player. I don't know if my wife does because I drown her out. :laff:

...Finally, this past week I did some reading on the new Madden game that is supposed to come out in the summer. Madden 08 has Vince Young on the cover. Well, I was reading some of the things that they have in there (new signature moves) and basically this game looks like 07. And 07 looked like 06. Oh well, EA's got nothing to worry about. People will buy this game for the name itself and not for what's in it.

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...Matt Cain's going to have a 2.30 ERA this season...and only win five games. And none of those wins will come from the one no-hitter he's going to throw - he'll lose that game 1-0.

...got free tix to an Indy race today. Don't know how I feel about that because I could care less about racing. Then again, maybe I'll run into Danica Patrick?

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Went to a funeral for my wife's aunt today. She was only 57. Nice lady, didn't deserve to die that young.

Got home, logged online, only to find out a person I knew, only in passing, but knew enough to stop and have a conversation with him, whenever I saw him, was found dead in a park here. Murdered. Now, Saint John is a place that gets a murder once every couple of years, if that, to say I am shocked is an understatement.

RIP Josh Hancock.

WTF were the Pats thinking? Locker room meltdown this year?

The Jays are still trying to find their identity. They have been fun to watch though.

See you next week.

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Glad with how the Draft went for St. Louis, got a DE and a decent FB.

LOL at how the Phins took Ginn over Quinn, and how Quinn fell all the way to 22nd.

I need to buy a controller for my computer so I can start playing MVP again.

Can't wait for Halo 3 and GTA IV.

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Updated to 5-6

...It's within my grasp now. That's right, a vacation for me is coming up. I work the first three days this week and I got a week and a half off. I believe I am up to the task of doing nothing all day.

...After work on Wednesday I have to go for a cortisone shot in my right knee. I am not looking forward to that at all. I dislike needles for one, and that shot, at least for me, is painful.

...One guy I really feel bad for is Carl Pavano. I understand everyone's frustration with him, but being injured like this is the very last thing he wanted to have happen. And if it is Tommy John surgery, say goodbye to 2008.

...I'd like to see the Yankees go through an entire week of not getting hurt. Am I asking too much?

...Paris Hilton's going to jail for 45 days. Am I the only one that finds this funny?

...I saw this tornado video on youtube from two days ago in Oklahoma. It's a very clear video of the tornado itself. The only bad part about it is the commentary of the guy who is taking it. This is as close to a tornado as I want to be.

...Ping to JoeyMcM93, Tribetime and Thug4Life. Where have you guys been?

...Who's this Hunter Pence guy from Houston and why's he so special? I never heard of him.

...So Ichiro's a free agent?? Very interesting.

...Ok, who's seen Spiderman 3 yet? Any reviews for those of us who haven't seen it yet? Is it worth it?

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Spiderman 3 is horrible dont go see it . The ending is disgracefull and the storyline is like it was made in the spot. On the plus side Kirsten Dunst takes her level of hotness up a notch

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...Lincecum debuts tonight!! I don't want to start any worthless arguments in here, but I find it funny that Hughes and Bailey get talked about all the time - and that Hughes' debut was amped up - but I've yet to see anything more than an article on MLB.com mentioning Lincecum's debut tonight. There's not a pitching prospect more dominant than Lincecum right now. Hamels v Lincecum should be a hell of a matchup.

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...see (and click) verything in sig.

...That and I almost pulled a Dave Winfield on a bird the other day. Don't worry, I said almost.

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Updated to 5-13

...The only team in baseball that can identify with what the Yankees have been going through this year with injuries are the Blue Jays, who've had enough injuries to last two baseball seasons so far.

...And yet Boston doesn't get hurt at all. Their time is coming.

...I survived my cortisone shot on Wednesday afternoon, Thank God.

...Heck yeah, my vacation is going good so far. I've done nothing but watch baseball and drink iced tea.

...Had a overload of Star Wars yesterday. The first five movies were shown on Cinemax yesterday and I watched most of them, taking time off to sleep. I still got to say my favorite was The Empire Strikes Back.

...I should explain that I'm someone that enjoys watching those movies, that's it. I'm not one of those people that collect everything about Star Wars. I don't have an official Star Wars coffee cup or an official Star Wars pillow. That's just nuts.

...Interleague play starts soon. I can't stand it. The Yankees got to play six games against the Mets and the Red Sox have to play no games against the Mets.

...Good for Scott Proctor not to appeal his four game suspension, just get it done. And the next time hit that hot dog Bentacourt right in the head.

...Why? Because I hate the Mariners.

...And, don't forget, Happy Mother's Day to all your mothers out there, whether they are with you or not.

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...Happy Mother's Day.

...season starts Thursday. Excited, but there's a lot of crap to do before then.

...Lincecum got his first victory. Congrats kid. Looks like he settled down a little bit after the excitement of his first career start. We'll see if that's true as Bochy has said that he will make his next scheduled start, despite the return of Ortiz. Guess that means Russ is probably going to be long relief for now.

,,,don't know if I like the direction "The Shield" is taking. Guess we'll see.

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...Happy Mothers day.

...Happy birthday to me, via yesterday's date.

...Lets go Mets.

...This site is pretty darn nuts


...According to Weird Al Yankovic, "Satan eats cheez whiz"

...Interleague play starts soon. I can't stand it. The Yankees got to play six games against the Mets and the Red Sox have to play no games against the Mets.

...I think that was a compliment towards the Mets. :p

...No more random thoughts for today.

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...We play today. We win today. 'Dats it.

...in fact, I think I'm going to replace that with my karma blurb in my sig.

...Beckett left today's game with an injury to his wrist and/or hand. No news article yet.

...Jeter is batting .376 entering today's game, while Posada is batting .369. I wish the hits were just more evenly distributed with Abreu and Cano.

...this guy in the times today makes a good point about bosox fans: they hate the yanks more than they love their team, and I think it's the opposite for Yanks fans, though both teams still hate one another.

...NBA playoffs starting to heat up, there have been some really good games so far. Since the knicks aren't in the playoffs (big surprise there -_-) I guess I'll go for golden state... jumpin' on the bandwagon, so sue me.

...Check out everything in the sig.

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Why is it that when I have an image or a sig of a baseball player or something, in some mysterious way, something happens to that player or whatever I have as an image.

I had a Pavano sig, the guy got hurt and he's out because he has no pain threshold.

I had an A-Rod sig and people kept booing him even if he did good.

I had a That 70's Show sig and the show ended up being cut short at 8 seasons

Scott Proctor is my avatar and he has the Rick Vaughn glasses. What does he do? Plunk Betancourt.

I'm a jinx!

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lmao...thats good kc....

my random thought for sunday: why is it that when the cubs win, the brewers usually win? and when the cubs lose, EVERYBODY wins!?

lol...i know the answer...so please no sarcasm...i realize we suck

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Why is it that when I have an image or a sig of a baseball player or something, in some mysterious way, something happens to that player or whatever I have as an image.

I had a Pavano sig, the guy got hurt and he's out because he has no pain threshold.

I had an A-Rod sig and people kept booing him even if he did good.

I had a That 70's Show sig and the show ended up being cut short at 8 seasons

Scott Proctor is my avatar and he has the Rick Vaughn glasses. What does he do? Plunk Betancourt.

I'm a jinx!

I beg of you to have a David Ortiz avatar as soon as possible.

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