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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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ughhhh I miss baseball so much

Last year I atleast had UF Football...then UF Basketball...and once march madness is over it's baseball time again. I mean I still have UF football/basketball this year but they're rebuilding years, they aren't going to be nearly as exciting as last year's were....and it still doesn't compare to baseball...

There's just no sport like baseball man. Plus the fact that it's played nearly everyday....doesn't matter what happens in the day, you know at the end you can sit back and enjoy your team from 7-10....really helps you get through the day....now there's nothing....:(

UF Baseball starts FEB 22nd...so gotta wait nearly 4 months before the next baseball game...someone hold me :(

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...Why is there anything? Laugh all you want, but it's true and a bit discouraging. Seriously, why is there time, matter, existence of anything? It's really sort of depressing and also makes you want to just ask, "Uhhh... what? That doesn't make sense." Then again, not much does.

...Which reminds me of a Woody Allen movie (forget which one) where he talks about how he stopped doing his homework for a week when he found out the universe is expanding. Who can blame him?

...ronmexico, I agree with you. A lot, in fact nearly all people suck. Sometimes I'd like to be an animal bored out of my mind sitting in a field or on a branch or in water, just sitting/swimming there. Sure, it might bore the hell out of you but... there's no homework.

...Humans seem to be too smart for their own good. If I was a god (or maybe I am, but maybe I just don't want to tell you), I would create an animal with the right balance of intelligence, enough to enjoy life, create some basic artistic pleasures, know what's going on, but not enough to take advantage of too many things. People are just too damn smart.

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...'Nuther thought: Could SOMEONE, PLEASE, I don't care if it's NYM or someone else, just forward the entry pms we sent for the stadium contest to the judges, just so they can be critiqued for fun, not necessarily for any prizes, please just 10 minutes. If you really want, the judges could rank the stadiums by which are their favorites, but it would mainly be just to see what the "experts" think of them.

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These are truly random thoughts, pulled from my Journler entry for today. There may be some confusing stuff; I'm too tired to sift through anything. My random thoughts were near the bottom of the entry.

Matt and I are starting up a new site next week, LeopardDocks.net. It's a site for custom dock backgrounds for Leopard. I think we're going to be the first site to do this, and I can't wait to launch. He doesn't seem too keen about having a ton of advertising space, but you gotta make money somehow, right? I'm using a really nice custom wood background for my dock, with a subtle icon reflection.

Speaking of Leopard, I got another overdraft since the $130something reserved for my Leopard pre-order didn't leave enough for my AT&T iPhone bill. I honestly didn't know how the whole pre-order system worked, so thank God there wasn't any fee associated with the overdraft.

Amazon's one-click purchase system is really one click. I pushed the button next to 'oPtion$' by Fake Steve Jobs and the next screen says 'Thank you for your order!'. Wow!

I don't want to let go of WPC to the new Neue network. I need to tell Matt. WPC is my baby, not even a half a year old. It's just getting to the good part.

I just about smoothed out the overload disaster I was left with at the end of the week. Sometimes it's nice to be a kid, you know?

I beat GH2 on Hard mode, including Free Bird. Expert, here I come.

Friday Night Lights is getting interesting, with Matt starting to voice his own opinion more and get more self-confidence. I think his little conversation with Julie near the end of the episode may have sparked my epiphany about Maura.

Heroes is going downhill. It's almost to the point of complete suckage. I'll be really disappointed if the season ends halfway through with the strike, though with the level of excitingness going down with each episode, it may not make much difference to me at all.

That 109-yard field goal return today was ama-za-zing. His foot was literally |--------------------this close--------------------| from the out of bounds line. I say give him 110.

Speaking of TV episodes, I can't wait until Prison Break and The Big Bang Theory tomorrow night. I normally pick either Heroes, PB, or TBBT on Mondays and space the others out through the week (with The Office, FNL, South Park, and Family Guy) to keep myself entertained.

I am dying to play a real game of football.

Girls' minds confuse me, especially the minds of the lucky ladies who had a chance to date me. I've given up.


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Friday Night Lights is getting interesting, with Matt starting to voice his own opinion more and get more self-confidence. I think his little conversation with Julie near the end of the episode may have sparked my epiphany about Maura.

Heroes is going downhill. It's almost to the point of complete suckage. I'll be really disappointed if the season ends halfway through with the strike, though with the level of excitingness going down with each episode, it may not make much difference to me at all.

Who did they kill on FNL?

I like Heroes better this season for some reason

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I think the problem with Heroes this season is they brought in too many new characters. And the whole Peter Petrelli thing is taking waayyy too long to unfold.

Just an off the record question for Fred, if your still in school, do you have a PD day today?

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I was at woodlands for summer school this past year. Pretty bad school actually.. not that Graydon's any better.

lol, I know what you mean. I've been to Graydon a few times before for DECA competitions. I'll be going again later this month.

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Updated to 11-11

...I salute the Yankees and the other GM's around baseball for not wanting to give a certain someone a 300 million dollar contract just because his agent says so.

...This is the worst time of the year for me when the only baseball news I get to read is the free agent signings, and I could care less where some of these guys go.

...Rumor has it that Clemens may actually retire this time. Funny how no one believes this.

...Pumpkin spice latte. Give it a try.

...Yep, right on schedule. I'm seeing a ton of Red Sox hats and coats all over town. I wonder why?

...The most ignored rule I notice when I am driving is the rule that says you can't talk on your cell phone when operating a motor vehicle.

...There's really nothing in ESPN insider that I really need to see, but I'd still like to have access to it.

...I hate Christmas commercials.

...My wife is worried that we can't go to her family's house next week for Thanksgiving because gas here has gone up to $3.35 a gallon. So am I. Her family lives 180 miles away. That's going to be one chunk of change.

...Happy Veterans Day tomorrow to all you Veterans, including yours truly.

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My first post in this and basically not a whole lot to say, but here I go...

...Anybody who hasn't yet watched the Bourne Series (especially the last one) should stop what you are doing and go watch that movie. "The Ultimatum" is arguably one of the best movies I have ever seen.

...Doing MBA is so much fun than going to grad. school for Electrical Engineering. Four and a half years of Electrical Engineering (undergraduate) is good enough for me. I want to be educated on the business aspect.

...Everytime I sit down to play some games to update my dynasty, I find out that I have very little time. But I am surely enjoying presenting the dynasty the way I am.

...My friend talked me into watching Hostel I & II, and I have to say that I didn't really much like it. Hostel II wasn't as gory as the first one, but still, they were pretty gruesome.

...I still cannot believe that I was all for A-Rod coming to Boston before the 2004 season. Over the last 3 years, my opinion about him has completely taken a 180 degree turn. No question that he is still the best player in baseball, and is only going to help the team that he lands in, but the way he went about opting out and the fact that his agent is requesting a contract in the area of $300M is outrageous.

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...hopefully the weather starts to get a little colder this month coming into December.

...college is making me angry because it's frustrating. I can't complain because I worked so hard to get here but maybe it's just me not adapting to the changes in my learning environment. I'm supposed to get a check from the CUNY system that gives me money back from whatever I spent on books, and because I didn't qualify for that state grant to buy books, I'm stuck with this POS check from the government grant that pays my tuition:


It's depressing because I was really depending on this check to help me in my quest for a PS3 and other things this year like the rest of my school books, future classes and stuff, but unfortunately that is not the case. The check was supposed to be in the thousands because the state grant that covers books refunds the money you don't spend and most students spend about 400/500 on books, and the grant covers up to 2100, I think. That means I could have gotten 1500/1600 back.

...Why the heck are my classes SO expensive? Oh yeah. It's because the college I go to uses stupid proprietary books :(

...my birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and it's going to suck. My check holds no value to me, I have a class that day, as well as a doctor's appointment :( However my boys will stop by at night to celebrate and take me out for a couple of drinks. I love my friends.

...any GM or owner who is willing to pay $300+ Million for Alex Rodriguez is a fool and WILL be the laughing stock of baseball regardless of how talented he is. I don't think a chunk of your team's payroll should go to ONE player. Why do you think Tom Hicks could never compete in the AL West with A-Rod? His contract prevented Hicks from signing pitchers.

Again, just how much money do you really need to play?

...enjoy Veterans day gentlemen...I will be in class unfortunately :(.

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College is definitely a very costly investment. I was lucky to have a private scholarship to get me through Undergraduate school, but for my MBA program, I am currently working two jobs - a graduate assistant with one of the professors and as a consultant on a project funded by NOAA. But this constraint on money will only be there for another year and a half and by the time I am offered a job, it will be all worth it.

I have always gone against taking student loans for college. Its just the mentality I have I guess.

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