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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...It's the afternoon now...

...I'm a Jets fan, but i can't wait for them to get blown out...

...I opened RockBand before Christmas, it's so fun, but i still feel guilty...

...Why do I have to go to an all boys school :( ...

...Even if you go to a prep school, the kids are still A-holes...

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Updated to 12-23

...Up early today. Got to wrap gifts while Mrs Y4L is still sleeping. I don't wrap that good, but that's ok. It's what's in the box that matters. I wonder if she'll let me use the Ipod I got her?

...This is my favorite part of the Christmas season by the way. When it's almost over. :w00t:

...I might go see National Treasure today. I've read no reviews about it and I don't want to know what happened. :)

...Yesterday was the first day of winter. So does this mean the previous three weeks were free preview weeks with all the terrible weather we've had around here?

...Want to make a Canadian cry? Tell them there's no snow predicted in the forecast.

...It's nice to check out the Yankees home page and not read about any trade talks but at the same time this steroid stuff is a bit too much. I don't even bother reading about it anymore.

...This is one busy off season here on this site. Soon, TC 8 is coming out. That's always a red letter day for me. And of course Kraw's got the 08 mod in works and now a group of ambitious modders are very close to changing the announcer audio in the game. This has always been a sore spot of the game for many people because the two announcers are not that good and if these gifted modders can pull this off, it will be a major addition to this great game.

...I know it's a longshot, but Go Dolphins! I am fed up with that rotten part of the country being on top of the sports world. And to make matters worse, now the Celtics are doing well. :soap:

...Needless to say my holiday spirit will never extend to the New England states. If I ran the country the first thing I'd do was throw them out of the union.

...Anyone that's got to drive to Christmas parties tomorrow night, stay safe and take care.

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...First of all happy hollidays for you guys

...The first MVP Caribe tournament is on it's way :D , over 60 people from all around the world signed up (I say all around the world because there is a spanish guy playing lol )

...On thursday my team, Yaquis, lost against the Aguilas the worst team in the league on ESPN. Well at least the team is doing great and has the best record of the league, 27 years without a championship is hard to say...

... MVP Caribe was updated this week you can download it here in MVPcaribe, MVPmods or EAmods :D

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...This is one busy off season here on this site. Soon, TC 8 is coming out. That's always a red letter day for me. And of course Kraw's got the 08 mod in works and now a group of ambitious modders are very close to changing the announcer audio in the game. This has always been a sore spot of the game for many people because the two announcers are not that good and if these gifted modders can pull this off, it will be a major addition to this great game.


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..The wait till tonight so I can open my presents is killing me.

..I'll probably be up all night playing Rock Band.

..I don't want to see the Patriots go 16-0, but that's probably going to happen.


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....my favorite part of chistmans is shopping for the perfect gift and seeing peoples eyes light up when they open it.

...id really like some snow soon because the most beautiful thing ive ever seen is New York City the night of a snow storm before the morning clean up.

...If the yankees give up what the twins want for santana ill pee my pants

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hope everybody has a good christmas.

Same here :balloons:

Wow I joined this site almost 3 years ago (Dec 25, 2004) I feel proud to be a member of this site, I know I havn't mod a lot but it doesn't matter :) , If I could I would have donated a long time ago...

I forgot to invite you guys to vote for the MVP Caribe cover:


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Updated to 12-30

...Cover your ears because the most entitled and better-than-you-are fans in America have another thing to cheer about. New England must have sold their soul to Hades to have all this good fortune. The trouble is, there's always the bill to pay. That's what I want to witness.

...There should be no doubt after this as to how much I hate that part of the country.

...No matter what, we all have a much better chance of starting the New Year in a lot better position than Jim Leyritz will.

...Roger Clemens is planning on issuing his own report through his attorneys to detail his innocence in the steroid scandal that had his name associated with it. Clemens said he wants the report to be 410 pages long, or just one page longer than the Mitchell report. That'll show 'em.

...Again, I don't care what these players did. They did this to themselves. I just want spring training to get here!

...I saw National Treasure: Book of Secrets the other day and it was well worth it for anyone to go and see. I won't spoil it by saying what happened, but if you are a fan of these movies like I've become, you will be happy to find out that they left it open for a third installment.

...I love Total Classics version 8. Please download this! :)

...I got some gift certificates to Best Buy that are burning a hole in my pocket. I like going there all by myself so that I am not rushed. You can always find something good at Best Buy.

...There's also another store that's usually located in the malls called FYE. Has anyone ever heard of that one? That's a pretty good one for games, DVDs, music, etc.

...Everyone, take it easy tomorrow night. There's some good things planned for 2008 around the Mvp gaming community (like Mvp 08) that no one needs to miss out on. Stay safe and have fun.

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Updated to 12-30

...Cover your ears because the most entitled and better-than-you-are fans in America have another thing to cheer about. New England must have sold their soul to Hades to have all this good fortune. The trouble is, there's always the bill to pay. That's what I want to witness.

...There should be no doubt after this as to how much I hate that part of the country.

You don't hate all of the people in New England right? I'm gonna cry if you say yes.

...There's also another store that's usually located in the malls called FYE. Has anyone ever heard of that one? That's a pretty good one for games, DVDs, music, etc.

Its a good store and all but everything seems more expensive there then any where else. Its a good place to look if your looking for a DVD thats hard to find.

Christmas was great, got a bounty of clothes that i needed, thanks mom.

My new Transformers G1 (Autobots and Decepticons) Xbox 360 faceplate my little brother got me, yea it kicks so much ***.

Monday night is gonna be crazy, can't wait to start this new year with a bang.

It was a close game last night, I almost peed my pants. I'm glad tehy won but I'm not gonna be one of those fans that brags to every single person that my team is better. I'm not D'Unit (Just kidding buddy)

Xbox Live has been crashing. I don't blame Microsoft because its not there fault that so many people got live for Christmas and are flooding the servers, but shouldn't they have seen this coming?

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Yeah it's sunday but im very mad about this...

The Mexican Winter League is looking to make a fu***ng expansion with US teams (Tucson and Yuma) while other cities in the Mexican pacific have wanted to join the league for years with no luck but this might be the exception because of the economic rea$on$...

Why do this two american cities want to have a team in the MEXICAN Winter League?! Man this is so stupid, the league should laugh about this two cities trying to join the league. Tucson has a AAA team in summer and the Dbacks play in Phoenix! Also remember that the spring training is played there. If Tucson joins the league Arizona will have 10 months of baseball maybe 11 or 12 if they win the league and go to the Caribbean World Series.

Imagine an american team representing Mexico in the Caribbean World Series! Thats stupid and I would be very, very dissapointed. We know that US baseball is the best in planet Earth this brings up another point...

Maybe they want revenge... If you remember in 2006 Mexico eliminated the US in the WBC if an US team wins the crown and beats the other countries in the Caribbean World Series the States would say that they are "The best baseball country" which everyone already knows.

Why the US can't wait for the next WBC? C'mon! It's next year. This is unbelievable if this happens I won't be a mexican baseball fan anymore.

The league wants to make baseball a playable sport in this part of Mexico but putting this teams in the league won't help. If the league wants to play with american teams why not ask for permission to MLB to play exibition games against them?

In 2004 when the Expos were playing their last season the Mexican city of Monterrey with a big stadium that could possibly have more capacity than Fenway does was an option but MLB didn't want baseball here in Mexico and gave the team to Washington, why would we have to accept this United States teams in the MEXICAN pacific league?

The league might think that if they put American teams in the league they would recieve a MLB in exchange. A Mexican team will never play in MLB, NEVER!

I hope some guys can have an oppinion on this. Good night :(

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Updated to 1-6

...I always have that nice, calming feeling right around this time of year because the holidays are over and we have a year before this all gets going again.

...So, Clemens and Pettitte are being asked to speak before Congress? After thinking long and hard about this I have decided I could care less.

...Speaking of Clemens, is anyone going to watch him on 60 Minutes tonight?

...I love our new site layout and I want to thank Trues for all the hard work in getting this in place and working right. And I love that Spring Training countdown applet.

...Bye-bye Steelers, have a nice off season.

...I kind of miss having Dunkin Donuts coffee because SeanO ruined it for me by telling me that company was from Boston. I haven't been there since.

...Welcome back to Mvpmods timay. He's a modder also and some of his work can still be found in the download section here.

...Well, my Norton's AV is going to expire soon and I think I might go with AVG Professional or Kaspersky. I still got a few weeks to decide.

...What the hell is going on with Britney Spears now? You'd almost feel bad for her if she wasn't so damn stupid. She's not an entertainer anymore, she's weekly front page news on the National Enquirer.

...I am all for people working and making a living, but the only guy I don't want to see work is the snowplow guy.

The league might think that if they put American teams in the league they would recieve a MLB in exchange. A Mexican team will never play in MLB, NEVER!

I hope some guys can have an oppinion on this. Good night

I agree. Those American team don't belong in that league and there is no reason for it. I think the Mexican League is just fine the way it is now.

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Updated to 1-13

....I got a house full of relatives in from out of town here for the weekend and we only have one bathroom in the house. That's when you find out who takes a long time in there. :(

...At least none of these houseguests like Boston because if they did they'd be in a hotel and not asleep in the bedrooms as they are right now. :wink:

...Nice to see Seattle get the boot from the playoffs. The Packers played great after they stopped fumbling the ball.

...It's hard to read about any baseball news right now because all that is talked about is the damn steroids.

...I got to go for my pre-admission appointment for my knee surgery on Tuesday, with my knee surgery set for January 22nd.

...I'm glad I've never smoked or purchased cigarettes in my life. I don't need the additional health problems that go with that and I don't have the money to buy the cigarettes either.

...Nice to see compmaniac make an appearance here last night. That means pretty soon we'll see 150 new threads for 150 new questions.

...I never miss reading the shoutblock in here because some of the comments on there are pretty good.

...I don't think I will go and see that Cloverfield movie until I read something in here about it from the Mvpmods movie reviewers.

...Which kind of gives me an idea for a thread. If someone wants to make one we can have a thread for new movies where we can post why we liked going to see it or why it was a complete waste of your money.

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Been awhile, so here I go:

Finally took some time to check out NHL2K8 for the 360. My kids bought it for me, for Christmas, but with work, etc. I haven't been able to play. I have to say, that I have enjoyed it far more the NHL08. Not because '08 isn't a great game, because it is, but because I have not experienced any freezing with 2K8. I own both games, and NHL08 has been nothing but a headache.

Been pretty busy around my house. My wife and I are planning a trip to DisneyWorld for next January, as our trip to New York was canceled this past November, due to her getting pregnant, and giving birth. My sister and brother-in-law are in DisneyWorld now for 2 weeks, and loving every minute of it. So, seeing as my son is 9, and my daughter will be a little over a year old next January, we figured we may as well do it then.

Can't believe the holidays came and went as quick as they did. I love Christmas, but it all seemed very rushed this year. Ahhh well, it'll be back here before we know it.

Not much else is going on, so I'll see you next week.

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Weighed myself for the first time in awhile

181 :)

9 more pounds until my goal of 190 :)

Although I'm kinda disappointed with how small I am at this weight so I'm sure I'll set a new goal once I hit it...probably around 220-230. Well, I like the size of my legs, it's the upper body I'm disappointed with.

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Updated to 1-20

....My God it's freezing out. Right now it's 10 degrees out there and I don't want to know what the wind chill is. And it's like this all over the east coast right now. I only have to go out once, and it is right after I get done here when I go and get coffee.

...Here's a nice extended middle finger at the New York State Thruway department for raising the tolls again and one more for talking about raising them again very soon.

...I went to Best Buy on Friday to get a DVD set and they didn't have it. Yeah, it is my fault I didn't check to see if they had it first because I drove 20 minutes out of my way, but how can you be out of the Quantum Leap series and yet have an overflow of others? :(

...At least when I was there I got a good look at the quality of Blu Ray DVD's. What a picture!

...I've had gift cards for Christmas for Best Buy (like I got this past Christmas) and in previous years at Circuit City. And every time I have a gift card for one store, it is the other store that has what I want. :lol: This time, Circuit City had some DVD sets I wanted.

...I know New England is favored in today's AFC Championship game but I can't root for a New England team in anything, so I got to go with the Chargers. And in the NFC, I think the Giants and Packers game will be very close, might be too tough to call.

...I don't know how any of you feel but I am already tired of this political coverage. Did it really matter that the networks had to interrupt the shows last night to tell us that John McCain won the South Carolina Primary?

...Here is hoping the Twins do not budge at all in their demands for the young players the Yankees have for Johan Santana. In fact, ask for more. Pile on the demands so the Yankees finally and once and for all tell you to go *&*^ yourself. I have as much respect for the state of Minnesota as I do Massachusetts.

...I won't be around much after Monday night on the website because on Tuesday morning I will be having my surgery on my right knee. It's arthroscopic surgery and I'll be an outpatient. I won't be able to walk around a few days after that so I won't be able to check mail or do anything like that, so I will see you all later on.

...Finally, I don't want to forget to mention my father-in-law, who died very unexpectedly on Monday the 14th at his home. He was a good man and I thank him for accepting me, a non-Nascar fan like myself, into his home. R.I.P. sir.

...Maybe this is why I was so touchy about you guys thinking it is no problem to crack jokes and make light of what a wake or a funeral is about. I just had the sad duty of going to one this past week and all you had to do is have seen the grief on some of those people's faces that were there and none of you would have considered telling jokes.

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...Back from Israel,, had an amazing 10 days.

...Been working out a lot recently, I have pecs now, and I seemed to have picked up a couple miles on my fastball =)

...Pumped for todays games, Go Chargers :p

...Sick right now, found out that Tylenol Cold is insanely strong and just knocks you out.

...I'm pissed the Knicks are winning, they never do anything good for themselves, as Scott Leyden once said, the worst place to be is in NBA purgatory, not good enough to win anything but not bad enough to get a good draft pick. I know we're still bad, but if we keep going at a .400 pace then we'll be slightly out of the realm for a terrific player in the draft.

..Also annoyed at the Jets for winning that last game and dropping from 3 to 6 in the draft.

...Good time to be a New York fan, just not my teams...

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