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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Started a job in the Oil Field. Working at Canada's Largest Oil Refinery, right here in Saint John, NB. I am out of my element, but the money is fantastic.

Good for you. Best of luck with this.

Less then 4 months until Christmas. It'll be here before we know it.

Just watch, next month in the stores the *&(*&) trees will be up.

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...College football started, my hokies got out beamer balled by east carolina.

...Big z has a dead arm, that can never be good.

...My mom asked me for my fall break in school, where do you want to go? The beach or a cubs playoff game? I say, we have to get there first, but obviously the cubs game.

...Cussing out someone via internet is so childish, c'mon guys we are all old enough to settle things without running to your mommy and telling on someone.

...Watching high school football on espn right now, both of these teams would completely dominate my high school.

...Zmod is incredible, I'll keep it at that.

...Monday is Labor Day, means an extra day of freedom for me. :)

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...Cussing out someone via internet is so childish, c'mon guys we are all old enough to settle things without running to your mommy and telling on someone.

I agree man. And you should see some of the stuff that has been said to me over the years. I should have saved them.

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I did not get the chance because work got in the way. But I hope you were able to go.

I went to the Saturday game and Ian Kennedy started. Figures he dominates in triple a and strikes out 11 while I see him pitch. There was 11,000+ at the game and there were so many people to see Melky. I almost got his autograph but there were so many people shoving and putting stuff in his face to sign. Shelley Duncan was getting hammered with autograph requests also. Funny how people like him but he sucks.
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I went to the Saturday game and Ian Kennedy started. Figures he dominates in triple a and strikes out 11 while I see him pitch. There was 11,000+ at the game and there were so many people to see Melky. I almost got his autograph but there were so many people shoving and putting stuff in his face to sign. Shelley Duncan was getting hammered with autograph requests also. Funny how people like him but he sucks.

Ian Kennedy will be a good pitcher in the future. I'm sure about it.

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Updated to 9-7

...First NFL Sunday, and that means a lot for many people across the country. I'm an NFL fan, Raiders by choice, but I can't watch my team until next week because they play tomorrow, at 10:15 pm, two and one half hours past my bedtime. Just my luck.

...Here's hoping the Patriots get beat up and beat up plenty this year. Belicheat deserves to be taken down a few pegs.

...Count me in among the plenty of people that have never heard of Sarah Palin. But then again, this is coming from someone that still thought George Pataki was governor of New York six months ago. Only the names change my friends, and nothing else.

...What a wasted week last week was. I did nothing but work and work overtime and that left me no time to come home and enjoy myself online or doing anything else. W-O-R-K is one of the worst four letter words in the English language.

...On to more important things in life. I think the Dodgers have seen all they need to see of Manny Ramirez and would be very unwise to let him leave after this year is out. This guy's done nothing but hit for them.

...Alfonso Soriano hit three home runs last night? Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes. And two of them were hit off of Johnny Cueto, who started the year out so well and then swan dived just like the rest of his Reds teammates once again.

...Speaking of swan dived, how did you like the Yankees performance on Friday night against a pitcher making his first major league start? They could not get a hit until the eighth inning and they still want to make everyone believe they are playoff caliber?

...With or without your moustache Jason, you still can't hit anymore. Thanks for your seven years in New York. Now get going.

...Take Rasner and Abreu with you. Among many others.

...Rocco Baldelli sucks. Just thought I'd share that with everyone.

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...With or without your moustache Jason, you still can't hit anymore. Thanks for your seven years in New York. Now get going.

...Take Rasner and Abreu with you. Among many others.

...Rocco Baldelli sucks. Just thought I'd share that with everyone.

I think you can name just about 90% of the Yankees team, and you wouldnt be wrong in stating, Y4L.

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Updated to 9-14 (actually 9-15)

...I was out of town for the weekend and I came home yesterday around 12:30 pm or so but I could not find the strength to log on here all day because I have this bad cold and cough that I caught a few days ago. Not the right time to get it. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

...I spent the weekend -or I should say mostly Saturday- at the Silver Lake Fire Department in Brackney, PA. They had some kind of a raffle there where you can win some money so my mother-in-law invites my wife and I down there to accompany her. Usually this would have been a good idea. Everything there was free, food and drinks, you name it. But I was so sick I couldn't eat a thing. Just my :soap: :soap: luck.

...Even the beer was free. For me, I don't care about that because I don't drink, but I couldn't help but thinking of one of my fellow staff members here, a certain DJEagles, who likes to sample the suds every so often. :wink: This event last for five hours DJ and the beer was free for all that time. If DJ was at this thing, he'd move to Pennsylvania. :)

...From what I saw of it, Pennsylvania is a nice looking state.

...The people there on the other hand is another story all together. I never saw so many missing teeth on men and women ever in my life. They must serve chewing tobacco for breakfast down there or something.

...I missed a lot in sports. Oakland won against Kansas City for the first time in a long time and I couldn't be happier. Next week they go to Buffalo and I will be able to see the Raiders on TV.

...Don't get me wrong, I'm happy the Yankees won yesterday 8-4, but the big thing I got out of this game was the benching of Robinson Cano because of his season long laziness. It's about time Joe Girardi, that's all you really can say. I hope Cano is benched for the rest of the year. In fact, send the jackass home.

...Oh, by the way, high praises to you Derek Jeter for tying Lou Gehrig for the most hits at Yankee Stadium. You would have tied him over a month ago if you avoided hitting into so many double plays. Yeah, part of this year's classic flop falls right on you. So take your little milestone, wave to the crowd and go home.

...And look who else gets hot now? A certain multizillionaire Yankee third baseman. When the pressure's off, A-Rod can really hit that ball, can't he?

...What the hell, at least I don't have to stay up late for the playoffs next month.....but I really wanted to. :(

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Updated to 9-21

...It really is hard to believe that this is the last game at Yankee Stadium tonight. Time to get those DVR's going.

...Although it would be ironic that this also could be the day that the Yankees are mathematically eliminated from the wildcard race.

...If that's the case -and we all know it will- then I go to root for Tampa Bay in the playoffs or whoever wins the AL Central. There's no way I support Boston or the Angels.

...I am especially interested in where the Yankee deadwood will end up next season. Will Giambi go back to Oakland? Will Pettitte retire? How about Abreu? Is he back or what? Ah well, much too early to think about this now.

...I also get a chance to watch the Raiders today as they go to Buffalo to face the Bills. I'd love to have Oakland win this one just to shut up the Bills fans around here, who after a good start to this season, are thinking AFC Championship game already.

...For what it's worth for anyone following the Raiders, I think Lane Kiffin is doing a great job for them.

...Has anyone ever tried Media Monkey as an Mp3 player/organizer? It seems to be pretty good and I am starting to get into it, but I got a lot more to learn about it.

...Went into a department store last week and I saw Christmas trees up and on display. What the hell?

...Any movie with Kate Hudson starring in it is a movie I won't go to.

...The two movies I am waiting to see is The Express (the Ernie Davis story) and The Miracle at St. Anna. Even though I am no fan of Spike Lee, the previews to this look great.

...On a personal note not having nothing to do with this website, I'd just like to let my grandmother know I am thinking of her once again. She left us twenty-one years ago today and it seems like yesterday.

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Same here. The game starts at 1:05am here and I have work tomorrow, but I could not care less. I wouldn't miss this for the world, and the DVR will be working overtime.

I just wish the show started earlier so we could watch all the pre-game activities as well, but, to be honest, given the terrible record of our American sports channel this year (game starts at 12:05am, for example, the show will start at 1:30am and cut 2 innings from the game where no runs were scored), I'm just glad the show starts at 12:50am and gives us a little build-up so we don't miss any of the game.

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Since my hiatus the US government has handed out about $1,000,000,000,000 to billionaire bankers. Bailing out Freddy, Sallie, AIG, and now those pricks on wallstreet.

Welfare for billionaires. They have to get their pensions and severance packages while I have to spend $4.00 a gallon a gas and food expenses seem to rise by 10% every three months. Of course there is "no inflation" because housing prices keep falling.

Not even Alex "batshit" Jones and prisonplanet or WorldNetDaily could have made up something this stupid. The media (880 am, Fox 5, CNN, Fox News, etc.) has been beating the drum for people to feel sympathetic for the same pricks that charge us interest to get their free money no matter what poll shows that Americans are overwhelmingly against this. This country got ruined in about one year. No one gives a **** any more. Republicans, Democrats, McCain, Obama... Nothing ever changes, no one is angry. The government is turning socialist and assuming ownership over the financial industry and Americans only care about Miley Cyrus and lipstick on pigs.

This is the first time I have ever been pissed off at this country.

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Updated to 9-28

...Today's my 12th wedding anniversary. Time flies! Because it really does seem like yesterday that I got married.

...To celebrate, she got to pick what movie we went to see, so she picked Nights in Rodanthe with Richard Gere. Fair warning to everyone in here: it's a woman's movie. It was boring. Avoid this at all costs unless you want to impress someone. The best part about this movie was when the ending credits came up.

...Today's going to be one interesting final day in baseball. The White Sox (who have done nothing but choke) and the Twins fight for the Central title while the Mets and Brewers fight for the NL Wildcard. Doesn't matter to me who wins.

..It's still tough to accept that this is the final day that the Yankees will be playing. I just hope these Yankees take this thought into the off season and really think about it. That's if they really care at all.

...All I am really hoping for today is that the Yankee game can be played in Boston and that Mike Mussina can get his 20th win. And if he doesn't it will just fit in well with how this season has gone for the Yankees.

...Cheers to the Phillies for winning the east in the National League. Anyone but the Mets. And by the way, maybe they can win a game in the post season this year?

...Just thinking outloud for a second, but how many threads are going to be made in here this week for the divisional playoffs? :|

...I don't think anyone beats out Ryan Howard for MVP.

...It's nice to see Swingin' Soriano back around here and posting in this thread.

...It was sad to find out about Paul Newman. In fact, I didn't even know he had cancer. He was one good actor, the kind that Hollywood doesn't seem to have a lot of anymore. He was someone you could look up to on screen an off.

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Updated to 10-5

...Believe me, I experienced no joy or sadness over watching the Cubs get swept in the divisional playoffs last night at Dodger Stadium. All I know is that from looking at the Cubs this year they had a very good team, were dominant throughout the course of the year and won a lot of games. Which was unlike a certain New York American League team that I will not mention right now.

...I do confess though that the only times I did openly root against the Cubs was when Alfonso Soriano was at the plate. And bless him, he didn't let me down. 1 for 14 in the series and he still looks like the same undiciplined and impatient hitter that I remember from five years ago in New York.

...I'll throw this out here for Cubs fans to answer. Do you think your team would be better without Soriano on it?

...One scary thought here. Can you imagine Soriano and A-Rod on the same team during an October playoff series? They'd combine to go 2 for 40.

...So Bobby Abreu wants a three year deal to stay in New York? I just hope the Yankees don't cave in and give it to him. Send him on his way along with Giambi.

...I still believe that the right way to bring the Yankees back to the top where they belong is to bring up their young players and not grab the seemingly good-looking free agents that will be out there next month.

...Tina Fey's got it all. She's beautiful and funny.

...For the first time since he's learned how to type, Bill Simmons finally wrote an interesting article about Manny Ramirez.

...I think the real truth behind the firing of Lane Kiffin this week in Oakland lies somewhere in the middle.

...Nothing that a nice winning streak won't cure for Oakland. God knows they are overdue.

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...I feel bad for the Cubbies, they were great this season, 100 years and counting...

...Caribbean baseball starts next week, probably I'll be in the Yaqui's stadium for the opening night against Navojoa watching the rings ceremony before the game :D

...MVP Caribe 2008... October 2008

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Updated to 10-12

...So, how are the playoffs going? I've watched about seven pitches so far which is a lot more than I originally had planned to watch.

...I don't know what hair brained ideas the Yankees have for the off season but I am hoping that Sabathia stays in Milwaukee and Burnett stays in Toronto.

...Overheard yesterday while at work: two co-workers talking about the Buffalo Sabres first game victory to start the season. "You think they'll go to the Stanley Cup?" :|

...Last week I was watching Tommy Boy on FX because there was nothing else on. (I told you I wasn't watching baseball.) I've seen this movie before and each time I see it I still don't get why some people thought Chris Farley was funny. Because I really don't think he was.

...Of course, this is coming from someone who thinks Eddie Haskell is hilarious.

...If you don't agree with me you won't be banned. Heck no!! Instead you'll be sentenced to one hour in the Mvpmods chatroom with timay as he explains to you why the Mets didn't make the playoffs this year.

...Yeah, I read the shoutbox too.

...Thank God I got off tomorrow for Columbus Day. Like I give a damn what it's for. Just as long as I get the day off with pay is all that matters.

...There's nothing like having a Sunday breakfast knowing that you have nothing planned for the rest of the day.

...That is until your wife wakes up and makes plans. :(

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* I thought only the Red Sox of pre-2004 were supposed to tug at your heart and then tear it apart. But after watching the game last night...

* I am actually kinda excited about getting my dynasty (Baseball Premier League) under way pretty soon. All the templates have been done. Only thing remaining to do are the uniforms and to set the rosters.

If you guys have time, check out the progress thus far HERE.

* I hate midterms, but what's even worse is that one of the exams I took was an opinionated exam. Basically, you can be right as long as you justify your answer. But, here's a question for those who have taken or given tests/exams - How the hell can you have two right answers on a TRUE/FALSE question? If the question is a true or false question, then the statement is well.... either TRUE or FALSE. There is no true AND false based on the justification. If the question is ambiguous then it shouldn't be part of the true or false question set in the first place. Anyway, I could go rambling on about that exam, but I will end it at that.

* One movie I want to go and watch soon is Body of Lies. From what my friends have told me, it's one hell of a movie.

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- Hopes the Red Sox and Dodgers make it to the World Series, pissing off Yankee fans and Red Sox haters alike, and showing the Yankees they made a HUGE mistake in letting Torre go.

- I love being baited by the admins here, and also Y4L for mentioning me in his random thoughts.

- The Mets didn't make the playoffs, because, well they had no bullpen. With suckenweis and Homerun Heilman in there, we had no chance the last few weeks of the season.

-Also I am glad we have Santana, because the Mets, STILL have the best pitcher in the national or american leagues. The before mentioned bullpen took 7 or 8 wins from Santana. I am glad we gave him the big contract.

- Its a weird feeling not seeing the Yankees in the playoffs, not that I am happy with that, the Yankees are a staple of the playoffs. I enjoy watching them lose in the first round every year, and seeing their big money 3rd baseman choke it up.

- Last night's playoff game was extremely long (understatement of the year), and the different strikezones Sam Holbrook kept throwing out there in the last inning, were annoying to say the least.

- Around here, the leaves are changing color, its a beautiful sight, thinking about taking a little drive to northern Connecticut to see some more beautiful color.

-....With the changing and falling of the leaves, means its getting closer to Halloween, which means its getting closer to Thanksgiving, winter and Christmas, time flies by fast, I don't think I am living my life to its fullest potential, probably should change that.

- My Dallas Cowboys look good this year, maybe they can return to their early and mid 90s glory, but its sad to say that we don't have an Aikman, Emmett Smith, or Michael Irving.

- With that, thinking about the early and mid 90s kind of depresses me, I was in grade school, without a worry in the world. A million friends, backyard football, baseball games in my friends yard, school plays, playing little league, riding bikes, homework, and most of all plain old nintendo. Now here it is 2008 almost 2009, I am 22 years old, and have EVERY worry in the world. That's growing up I guess, I have to learn how to deal with it.

I have so much more to say, but I am out of time for today.

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