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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 1-18

...Anyone notice that I've spent a lot of time here the past few days? That's because I haven't been working. When the weather gets into the subzero temperatures, my knees do not like it and they let me know it. Let's just say it hasn't been a pleasant and fun few days and we'll leave it at that. ;)

...But I did have to go out on Wednesday because I had to go and get dog food. So I took a trip down into YankeexDev territory and went to BJ's wholesale club in Webster. It was around 9 am and I got in and out. It was freezing. About five degrees outside and God knows what the wind chill was. But the oddest thing I saw was when I left that store. Some guy was wearing sandals. You know, the shoes that have the feet completely exposed? You wear them in the summer. And people criticize kids because of what they wear!

...My wife got a new iPod for her birthday (an iTouch one) and now I am the proud owner of her hand-me-down one. It's an 8 gig one that plays video and audio. I have to take off all the songs she had on it because there's no way I'm listening to country music and Elvis.

...Same goes for hip-hop. Sorry Mark. I did listen to one hip-hop song a few years back for you and just recently my headache went away. :D

...I am going to miss Circuit City. I always enjoyed going there and spending time just looking around. I love electronics.

...I wonder if the MLB Network is going to have a reality show? Everyone else seems to.

...Right now all I see from those people is that they repeat everything over and over again. It's like they are having a hard time filling 24 hours so they have to repeat the same 1991 Cubs-Pirates game. Put another one on. Have some variety.

...I see that one of my favorite punching bags received a huge 41 million dollar contract extension from a team that I don't care to mention right now. One thing I'll admit right now: he'll probably earn it unlike Robinson Cano, who stole money last year from the Yankees.

...If Roger Clemens ends up in jail he will be the one who put himself there.

...Oh yeah. The NFL Championship games. Like I care. I don't like anything from Philadelphia so I won't root for them. The Steelers I can't root for so there you have it. And if these two teams win today, so what?

...I am more interested on who is going to be the next Oakland coach. I'm hoping that Tom Cable comes back.

...The next movie I want to see is that Kevin James one, Mall Cop. Let me know if anyone here has seen it.

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...My wife got a new iPod for her birthday (an iTouch one) and now I am the proud owner of her hand-me-down one. It's an 8 gig one that plays video and audio. I have to take off all the songs she had on it because there's no way I'm listening to country music and Elvis.

What kind of music do you listen to, Y4L? Classical, Rock 'N Roll?

...2 years since joining the site, time flies.

...Just 1 month and a half before Spring Training. Can't wait to see some action!

...I'm going to see AC/DC in Milan the 21st of March. It's going to be great

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I am officially on strike.

...No more Blue Jays baseball for me...

I am disgusted by this off-season.

That is all.

Join the Yankees...join the Yankees...join the Yankees...join the Yankees...join the Yankees...join the Yankees...

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What kind of music do you listen to, Y4L? Classical, Rock 'N Roll?

...2 years since joining the site, time flies.

...Just 1 month and a half before Spring Training. Can't wait to see some action!

...I'm going to see AC/DC in Milan the 21st of March. It's going to be great

enjoy Brian Johnson's one lunged horrible voice.....

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I am officially on strike.

...No more Blue Jays baseball for me...

I am disgusted by this off-season.

That is all.

Good luck DJ. but that won't happen when opening day comes around. I said the same thing once the cubs got swept for the second year in a row. 2 weeks later, I was craving opening day. It's an endless cycle.

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...My wife got a new iPod for her birthday (an iTouch one) and now I am the proud owner of her hand-me-down one. It's an 8 gig one that plays video and audio. I have to take off all the songs she had on it because there's no way I'm listening to country music and Elvis.

...Same goes for hip-hop. Sorry Mark. I did listen to one hip-hop song a few years back for you and just recently my headache went away. :D

:lol: I guess I better kill that plan to send you a new mixtape. :lol:

Random thoughts;

Loving the new PC set up. Speedy Gonzalez in PC form. Plays Spore and NBA 2K9 well with nothing more than the onboard HD3200 graphics. Pinstriped unis in MVP look terrible though, even with AA and AF maxed. I'm tempted to think it's something to do with the drivers, but I'm unsure. Shame, too, because everything else looks great.

Speaking on NBA 2K9, mentioned this in the shoutbox last night, and still haven't found a solution. Anyone else who has NBA 2K9; can you use different buttons to shoot and steal? For some reason, mine seems to be tied to one button and can't be changed. Using a PS2 controller with PS2-to-USB adaptor. Annoying as hell. If anyone has any ideas, please PM me.

Still to try NBA 2K9 via HDMI to my 37" TV. I'm pretty sure it'll look amazing. It looks great on my 19" TFT monitor, but on the TV it'll look fantastic.

Just as a standard upgrade, looking around for a new graphics card. Still to do some serious research into what's best for my needs. Was considering a HD4670 earlier as I was going to the store that had them in anyway, but it was an after-market card from PowerColour, couldn't be overclocked by much and wasn't particularly future-proof, so I'm on the hunt for one that fits the bill. Shouldn't be to difficult to find a decent deal.

Back to work again tomorrow. Bleugh. New capacitor issues on the Optiplex GX620s. Shoot me now.

Can't wait for March 14th - Amir Khan and Marco Antonio Barrera. That should be an epic fight, but it's a big risk for Khan. It's also a lose-lose situation - he wins the fight, people will say Barerra was over the hill. He loses, people will say he's not got a chin and won't make it. Might see if I can get tickets to go down to Manchester with some of the guys.

Winter copy of 2600 came in the mail today. Love the picture on the front, and some of the letters are weird and wonderful. I'm you're not a subscriber already and are interested in the sort of thing you'd find in the magazine, I strongly recommend it.

Anyone seen a website called Not Always Right? Great for wasting time at work, reading anecdotes of just how stupid some customers can be.

Looking forward to opening day. Bring it on.

Last random thoughts before Barack Obama takes over in the White House. It's been a long time coming.

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Bill Reynolds "For What it's Worth" from projo.com

•Can we put the canonization of Eli Manning on hold for a while?

•This has not been a great offseason for the Red Sox, no matter how they try to spin it.

•Tony Dungy’s retirement is the NFL’s loss.

•Line of the Week is a classic from former Bulls coach Scott Skiles on Eddy Curry, whom he was coaching at the time, as reported on a blog called Tremendous Upside Potential: When asked what Curry had to do to improve his rebounding, Skiles answered, “Jump.”

•If Gran Torino is indeed Clint Eastwood’s farewell to acting, it’s a beauty, Dirty Harry at the end of the trail.

•You know it’s still a great country when the White Sox just gave Bartolo Colon $1 million for the upcoming season. What do you have to do to be considered washed up?

•Barack Obama’s inauguration Tuesday is a great American moment, whether you like his politics or not.

•You’ve got to love Bud Selig, who now says he wants earlier starting times for the World Series.

•Memo to Bud: You’re 20 years too late.

•How are we supposed to have any faith that this state (RI) is ever going to be able to turn itself around when three to four inches of snow is treated like it’s our version of Katrina?

•You don’t want to be Roger Clemens in 2009.

•Slumdog Millionaire is very clever, and worth it.

•Speaking of Eddy Curry, now accused of exposing himself to his driver in the Knicks’ latest sex scandal, is just the latest NBA player who was given too much too soon.

•If that Cardinals team that came to Foxboro and died like a dog in the snow gets to the Super Bowl, there should be an investigation.

•I hope the end of the world is announced as often as the move to digital TV has been.

•The Celtics and Cavs get all the love, but as of yesterday morning the Orlando Magic had a better record than both of them.

•New York used to be a great basketball town. Now it’s all about baseball and football.

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What kind of music do you listen to, Y4L? Classical, Rock 'N Roll?

I listen to classic Rock, not classical music. Classic Rock like Van Halen, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses, Early AC DC, Judas Priest, etc. I do not listen to any of the new crap.

...I'm going to see AC/DC in Milan the 21st of March. It's going to be great

I saw them years ago. Just wish I could have seen them when Bon Scott was there.

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I listen to classic Rock, not classical music. Classic Rock like Van Halen, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses, Early AC DC, Judas Priest, etc. I do not listen to any of the new crap.

Wow, i love AC/DC and Van Halen. Deep Purple, Iron Maiden and G'N'R are great too. I don't like Judas Priest. Do you listen to Queen Y4L?

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Sure, just about anything from that time period. Early Def Leppard too.

I love Queen, also i like listening to Pink Floyd. Altough i like Heavy Metal too (Black Sabbath, Metallica etc.).

I hate Rap and Hip-Pop (Mark is going to kill me :D)

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On the contrary, super. I hate rap and hip-pop for the most part as well. I'll listen to some rap and hip-pop for the same reason I have random dance, techno and oldies music on my MP3 player - I like how it sounds. Nothing more, nothing less.

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On the contrary, super. I hate rap and hip-pop for the most part as well. I'll listen to some rap and hip-pop for the same reason I have random dance, techno and oldies music on my MP3 player - I like how it sounds. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hold it, hold it!!!!!!

Is there a difference between hip-hop and hip-pop or did superciuc just do a typo?

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On the contrary, super. I hate rap and hip-pop for the most part as well. I'll listen to some rap and hip-pop for the same reason I have random dance, techno and oldies music on my MP3 player - I like how it sounds. Nothing more, nothing less.

I hate rap and Hip-Pop just because i don't like how it sounds. :lol:

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There is a place for hip-hop though. Get a few of those songs and use them to wake you up for work or school in the mornings. You're guaranteed not to hit the snooze button.

I'd rather use Highway To Hell ;)

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Hold it, hold it!!!!!!

Is there a difference between hip-hop and hip-pop or did superciuc just do a typo?

Yep, definite difference. Rap is just that - rapping over a beat, doesn't have to make a great deal of sense, but sounds decent. Hip-pop is the stuff you see most on MTV etc., a bastardisation of hip-hop that's been dumbed down and fed to the masses in the name of hip-hop, but actually carries very few of it's qualities.

Hip-hop is more than a musical preference - it's a lifestyle.

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Updated to 1-25

...When it was up to 42 degrees here on Friday (the 23rd) it was higher than the temperatures of the previous week combined. Now that's cold no matter how you look at it.

...Just one month ago it was Christmas day. And some people are still paying for it.

...Don't you hate it when you go to someplace like McDonalds for instance and the person in front of you acts like this is the first time they've been there?

...Saw "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" the other day. It was pretty good. Kevin James is always funny.

...I have no problem with Kurt Warner. In fact, I think it's a great story of how he came to the NFL ten years back after working in a supermarket. I just don't want his wife getting a lot of air time like she did the first time he went to the Super Bowl. Talk about annoying.

...Scott Boras is having a hard time selling Manny Ramirez. Can you blame him? He quit on the Red Sox last year and now he's trying to get teams to buy in that they need him. The sad thing is though someone will bite.

...Brett Favre announced his retirement the other day......from online poker.

...Come on Raiders, make Tom Cable the head coach and be on with it.

...I've lost a lot of respect for Andy Pettitte after he didn't sign that ten million dollar contract offer. He did nothing last year except give up a lot of runs. I understand that ten million dollars is not enough for the Pettitte family. They might have to resort to cutting coupons if he signed for that amount.

...Here's a little plug for Dylan Bradbury's calculator utilities that he has for the game. Try them out and you'll really like them. I believe there's about four different programs and each one of them can help you run a better dynasty.

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I'm happy that Kurt Warner is back in the Super Bowl but i want to see the Steelers win their 6th Super Bowl and go clear of the Cowboy and the 49ers for the most Super Bowl wins.

This week has turned quite expensive as i had to pay for my trip to New York in April and then on friday my 360 decides break but i am trading all my stuff in for it to put towards a PS3.

I look forward to see what MLB Front Office will be like when it is released tomorrow.

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...I have no problem with Kurt Warner. In fact, I think it's a great story of how he came to the NFL ten years back after working in a supermarket. I just don't want his wife getting a lot of air time like she did the first time he went to the Super Bowl. Talk about annoying.


(Yes, there is irony there).

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Wasn't the reason she got so much air time was because she was recovering from breast cancer?

Brenda Warner got lots of air time in St. Louis just because her husband Kurt was hailed as the savior of St. Louis football after he came out of obscurity to lead the Rams from worst-to-first in the 1999 Super Bowl victory - then back to the Super Bowl in 2001 to lose to those piece of crap Patriots.

Then Brenda got really loud and opinionated when Martz n' Co started pushing Marc Bulger over Kurt Warner. He was unceremoniously released in 2004. This created two factions in St. Louis. The "Bulgerites," who now see how useless Bulger is, and the "Warnerites," who would hate Rams football until the new owner/president took over.

I do not recall Brenda Warner ever dealing with cancer. Both she and Kurt had some serious things to overcome, though.

LINK: http://www.snopes.com/glurge/warner.asp

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