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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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I remember people being upset with her because she kept on calling radio talk shows to defend her husband. She was very vocal about it and she made a lot of people wish she would just keep quiet.

I always kind of wished she's shut up... but I couldn't only be so mad, since I completely agreed.

Marc Bulger is crap. King Kurt should've stayed the starter in STL. Clearly he still had the abilitiy in the tank - he just had to spend so much time looking over his shoulder for the useless Bulger that he never got back into his groove after the two finger injuries.

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...Here's a little plug for Dylan Bradbury's calculator utilities that he has for the game. Try them out and you'll really like them. I believe there's about four different programs and each one of them can help you run a better dynasty.

Thanks Y4L for the plug. Very kind. :)

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From Bill Reynolds at ProJo.com

•Rocco Baldelli’s note to the Tampa fans was a classy and thoughtful thing to do, but I’m not surprised.

•Line of the Week is from Barack Obama, as reported in Sports Illustrated, and refers to the time he came back to speak at the Hawaii high school where he had been on the basketball team and hadn’t played as much as he wanted to. “Coach Mac, is that you?” he said. “I gotta tell you something. I really wasn’t as good as I thought I was.”

•Much of the Internet is like junior high all over again.

•Cain and Abel had nothing on Mark McGwire and his brother Jay, who is shopping a book proposal saying he introduced his famous brother to steroids and performance-enhancing drugs.

•Let’s see: A new Jets coach, and still the question about what’s going to happen with Brett Favre. Or the more things change, the more they stay the same.

•When did Tom Brady turn into the Garbo of sports, offering little and moving through his life like he’s a movie star?

•Obama did more things before noon in his first day in office than I’ve done in a month.

•Zen Question of the Week: If you have a Super Bowl and the Arizona Cardinals are in it, do you really have a Super Bowl?

•There’s no truth to the rumor that Obama already has changed his mind.

•One question in tonight’s ridiculous freak show of a Jose Canseco-Danny Bonaduce pay-per-view fight: Who are we supposed to root for?

•Did you see where Alonzo Mourning retired this week?

•Then again, Shaq retired a few years ago and just forgot to tell anyone, right?

•The best movies of the year all are out, and the top one in America is Mall Cop? Good Luck, Obama.

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Updated to 2-1

...I don't care if today's the Super Bowl. It's February. The only sport that matters to me gets going this month.

...And Spring is next month. (I think.)

...This year's game will be hard to beat last year's. Especially at the end of it. I can still see Bill Belicheat stomping off the field after the Patriots blew it.

...Ok, I flipped a coin. I'll root for the Cardinals.

...And I'll spend the rest of the week watching the commercials

...Once Joe Torre's book is released on February 3rd, I don't think it is going to be such a big deal as it is being made out to be.

...The Moron of the Week award goes to Andy Pettitte, who turned down a 10 million dollar contract and signed a 5 million dollar contract. Maybe this year he'll actually contribute.

...I'm starting to run out of room as to where I can throw my snow that I shovel off of my driveway. Any one of you guys who live down south who like this stuff so much can come up here and take as much as you want.

...I'd love to have a new baseball game for the PC, but who in here has any faith in 2K sports? I'm more than satisfied with Mvp 08 and waiting for Mvp 09.

...Sometimes I think I'd be a whole lot better off if I wasn't such a perfectionist at everything.

....Then again it wouldn't be me. There's always a Catch-22.

...Do yourself a favor and Google Denise Milani. I never heard of her until a few days ago. And don't tell my wife. :unsure:

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- I don't care about the SuperBowl at all. I hate Pissburgh and since the Cards beat the Birds last week, I can't stand them either.

- I live in Europe and ESPN America lauched last night. There is a new betting and a poker commercial, the sign changed and that's all. They showed Pens/Leafs last night and until the first commercial break they had FSN Pissburgh and I thought they got rid of that ******* HNIC, but they switched right to HNIC after it :(

- 25 days until Spring Training! I can't wait!!

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Updated to 2-1

...The Moron of the Week award goes to Andy Pettitte, who turned down a 10 million dollar contract and signed a 5 million dollar contract. Maybe this year he'll actually contribute.

He actually did? What a moron. Well, at least the Yankees didn't spend 10 millions dollar. :D

...Can't wait to see Spring training start. It's going to be an exciting season this year, i feel it.

...And hopefully the Yankees will win the WS. Hopefully. :p

...I would like to see MLB 2K9 on PC, altough i wouldn't buy it 'cause my computer sucks

...Oh, and MLB front manager sucks.

Edited by superciuc
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...It is snowing outside and the weather reports suggest that there is worse to come. I can cope with a thin layer of snow but please no more.

...MLB Front Office was a waste of time for 2K and i hope that MLB 2k9 is coming out for PC and it is a decent quality.

...I've got no money but i need to pay the rest of the money for my trip to New York, buy a replacement 360 or a PS3.

...My comp keeps crashing with the blue screen error and if i haven't sorted it now i hope it is my memory that will cost £40 to replace opposed to my graphics card which is about £150.

...My college is being inspected tomorrow and i am going to be going in after having no sleep tonight because i feel compelled to watch the Super Bowl just in case the Cardinals do win.

...I've also got about 6 hours of college work to get done tonight as well.

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From Bill Reynolds at ProJo.com

•The long ordeal is finally over.

No, not this country’s economic crisis, which every day gets worse.

Not this state’s economic crisis, which every day gets worse.

Jason Varitek is coming back to the Red Sox.

Who said these are bad times?

But are we supposed to feel happy that another fat-cat athlete, who already has more money than anyone should spend in two lifetimes, gets another $5 million for this year, with options for next year? All this in a new reality where the news is full of people who can’t pay their mortgage and unemployment claims in this state are through the roof.

Maybe we’re simply supposed to see this as all fantasy-island stuff, having nothing to do with real life.

Jason Varitek is coming back to the Red Sox?

Good for him. And good for the Red Sox, too, I suppose.

But pardon me if I don’t feel anything about that one way or the other, other than it should have been done in secret, sparing us all of the dirty details.

•If I hear one more time that some athlete needs a new contract because he has to take care of his family, I’m going to strangle somebody.

•Line of the of the Week comes from Joe Torre on David Wells, in his new book that’s due out next week, via NBC.comLos Angeles: “The difference between Kevin Brown and David Wells is that they both make your life miserable, but David Wells meant to.”

•Line of the Week II comes from Wells on Torre, when asked by Michael Kay on ESPN radio what he’ll do when he sees Torre: “I’ll probably just knock him out.”

•The Wrestler isn’t pretty, but Mickey Rourke is flat-out great, and if you hang in long enough, it achieves a certain grace, which most movies never do.

•Torre 1, Yankee brass 0, if you’re scoring at home.

•You know it’s a weird country when A-Rod makes more than $20 million a year and the president of the United Sates makes $400,000.

•And you know we’re all living in Bizarro World when you can bet on the color of the Gatorade that will be dumped on the winning coach in the Super Bowl.

•Concussions are the one thing the NFL doesn’t want to talk about.

•There’s no truth to the rumor that Citigroup’s proposed $50-million jet was the most overrated jet since Brett Favre.

•Bruce Springsteen at the Super Bowl? Say it ain’t so.

•Has Tom Brady legally changed his address to the celebrity page?

•Microsoft is going to have layoffs? Keep your head down, Bunky. No one’s safe.

•You know we are living in Bizarro World when Brown University — as reported by Brown alumnus Chris Berman — has two more players in the Pro Bowl — Sean Morey and Zak DeOssie — than USC, Penn State, and Florida.

•And that 40 goofballs marched Thursday in New York as part of the so-called “Million Manny March” in an attempt to get the Mets to sign Manny.

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•If I hear one more time that some athlete needs a new contract because he has to take care of his family, I’m going to strangle somebody.

I'll never forget watching Rickey Henderson go on ESPN in 1990 and cry on national TV because he wanted his contract re-negotiated. He was making three million dollars a year, and at that time that was a lot. You give me that salary today and I'll be just fine.

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Yes, that was hysterical. While watching it live, I turned to my friends and said "Wow. That camera man just got a black eye at the same time Bruce Springsteen ruptured a testicle. Explain that to the doctors."

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Yes, that was hysterical. While watching it live, I turned to my friends and said "Wow. That camera man just got a black eye at the same time Bruce Springsteen ruptured a testicle. Explain that to the doctors."

Ever heard of zooming. Cause apparently that guy didn't

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Updated to 2-8

...This is the week that the pitchers and catchers report. We've all been waiting for this. But now with the Alex Rodriguez mess, this is going to be back page news. :(

...I want 103 other names to have the same treatment as Rodriguez is getting.

...And if any of those 103 names are Red Sox players I want to see the high and mighty fans of that team rip apart those players just as bad as they have done to Alex Rodriguez yesterday on this website. Doubtful that will happen of course. Every one of you non Yankee fans that gave me &*%$ yesterday about this enjoyed that this happened to a Yankee player, even though he was on another team at the time. Trust me, if it comes out that one of your Red Sox or Cardinal players are named, you'll be hearing from me.

...I'm wondering if people are actually seeing the damage this news has brought? This test that was done in 2003 was supposed to be anonymous. Not even the players were supposed to know. The results of this test were sealed and put away. Until someone had to go to the media about it. When the current bargaining agreement runs out between the players and owners, don't you think this incident is going to create a greater rift, a greater mistrust between the two parties?

...As I said in the Yankee thread, all I am really concerned about this Alex Rodriguez news is how this is going to detract the Yankees when spring training starts. All I can see is the reporters bothering them about A-Rod and then about the Joe Torre book. I don't like it. I'm a fan of that team and I want them to be able to do their work down in Florida so they can have a good year. I'm more concerned about the season.

...Enough of that stuff. I've had more than my say.

...Hazel Mae serves no purpose on the MLB network except that she looks good.

...But Bob Costas does. Good hire by MLB. He knows his baseball.

...Please, please and PLEASE go to this website right here and check out this TV show. It's called My Big Redneck Wedding and I just happened to catch it on TV last week. It's one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. The commentary by Tom Arnold is hilarious. And there's a link on that page to watching the videos of the shows. There's nothing funnier than a redneck.

...For the first time in my life, I've been having a hard time sleeping. That's because I've been home the past few weeks waiting to go back to work. Not even the tried and true remedy of watching whatever is on the Christian Broadcasting Network has been able to put me to sleep.

...Today's the Pro Bowl. Yeah, I know. So what? :lol: :lol:

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Bill Reynolds projo.com (Before the A-rod steroid story broke)

• Michael Phelps is just the latest superstar to get caught doing something stupid.

Rest assured, he won’t be the last.

But the real problem?

The real problem is us.

We’re the ones who continue to make role models out of athletes, the ones who keep worshiping false gods. Which doesn’t mean we can’t learn from athletes — things like work ethic, having goals, overcoming obstacles. Athletes have many lessons to teach us. But they are what they do, nothing more.

That should be enough.

It’s we who always try to make it more.

• Here it is less than a week later, and I can’t remember one Super Bowl commercial.

• You know everything’s for sale, Bunky, when instead of playing H-O-R-S-E at the NBA All-Star Game three players will do a shooting game that will be called G-E-I-C-O. Honest.

• Springsteen had more energy in his halftime show than many NBA players have in a week.

• There are a lot of good ballplayers still unsigned on this eve of spring training, as the economic mess starts to impact baseball, too.

• Did we really think A-Rod and Madonna were going to live happily ever after in a little cottage with a white picket fence?

• Ben Roethlisberger can look like a linebacker playing quarterback, and never look real pretty doing it, but he made the big plays Sunday when he had to.

• Would you give Pedro a contract?

• In February of 1958, Ted Williams, then 38, signed a one-year deal worth $135,000, which made him the highest-paid player in the game. The year before, he hit .388 with 38 home runs. Now guys who couldn’t carry Williams’ bats want multiyear deals worth millions.

• Did you see where the Diamondbacks signed 41-year-old Tom Gordon? What’s the matter, Dizzy Dean wasn’t available?

• A story in The New York Daily News last week said that Manny, who has made more than $160 million in his career, has never given a dime to either his high school baseball program or the youth league in Brooklyn he also came of age in.

• Is Arsenio Hall in the Witness Protection Program, or what?

• Yes, the Yankees have reloaded, but I still have my doubts.

• The problem with Rhode Island is we think a stimulus package is having a cousin who works for the state.

• And getting a deal down the beach on some chowder and six clam cakes.

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Where the hell in RI do you live fenway because I don't think that at all and I do have relatives who work for the state.

It's not my comment, Bill Reynolds wrote it in his weekly "For what it's Worth" column in the Providence Journal, and I'm sure it was meant as a joke. (Maybe).

I don't live in RI any more, but I was born and raised there. I still have family there, so I still keep up with the local news.

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...And if any of those 103 names are Red Sox players I want to see the high and mighty fans of that team rip apart those players just as bad as they have done to Alex Rodriguez yesterday on this website. Doubtful that will happen of course. Every one of you non Yankee fans that gave me &*%$ yesterday about this enjoyed that this happened to a Yankee player, even though he was on another team at the time. Trust me, if it comes out that one of your Red Sox or Cardinal players are named, you'll be hearing from me.

You haven't been paying much attention, have you?

Mark McGwire.

Fernando Vina.

Jason Christiansen.

Juan Gonzalez.

Juan Rincon.

Gary Bennett.

Cody McKay.

Troy Glaus.

Rick Ankiel.

Larry Bigbie.

Ron Villone.

I'm sure there are many more.

...and Pujols was reported by local STL media as appearing on the Mitchell report. There was, of course, a frenzy, and Cubs fans were all over this board freaking out (with glee). Then it turned out the story was a fabrication, and Pujols was not implicated. Whoops. The retraction story didn't get as much play as the false original story - hence, I encounter people all the time that still think Pujols was on the Mitchell Report. Go figure.

The steroid news has hit lots of other teams besides the vaunted Yankees, and the Cards have been particularly ripped apart because of the Front Office and Tony LaRussa's seeming indifference toward them.

The Rick Ankiel bomb came at the height of his feel-good comeback, and was one of the primary contributing factors to the team dropping out of the playoff hunt that year (the entire team went flat).

I still don't understand how you think people are giving YOU crap about A-Rod. Hello? One of the top-two players in all of baseball just got exposed as a juicer. The other one of the top-two probably isn't clean either. It was major, major news. And I don't know what you think is happening in the media - I'm sure it's all over the place in NY and on ESPN - but here in Missouri - it was a five second blurb on the news and it was done. As I've said before - nobody really cares outside of the coasts and the ESPN editing room.

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...Got a ps3 yesterday, mlb the show here I come!

...Add me to your friends list! id: wrigleyville33.

...Direct tv is awesome, there are so many hd channels, I don't know what to do with them.

...Jim Hendry is destroying a 97 win team last year, I honestly don't know what he's on.

...I hate basketball, hockey needs some more love on sportscenter.

...I'm going to go back to playing the show demo. Pirate and RaptorQuiz, I hope you guys get one, because we could have a pretty intense online league for everyone that plays the game here.

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...I'm going to go back to playing the show demo. Pirate and RaptorQuiz, I hope you guys get one, because we could have a pretty intense online league for everyone that plays the game here.

I really want one. But I have yet to convince myself that I should be putting my tax return toward another toy (PS3) as opposed to knocking a chunk out of my car-payments. :)

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...I got a PS3 on thrusday with the help of my girlfriend and i since getting The Show demo i haven't been able to stop playing it.

...I can't wait for ST to start, not long left :D

...My PSN ID is redsox-rick

...I want it to stop snowing and for it to melt because a week of snow is way too much

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