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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 9-20

...Not many random thoughts today because all that's still on my mind is my little Scottie who left me all too soon.

...I don't want to get all philosophical or anything like that here, but I'll never understand why a bad thing like that happened to an animal that never did one bit of harm to anyone. That dog had me wrapped around her little paw and I would have done anything for her.

...Usually I can recall exactly what I did during the course of a day but yesterday is a blank.

...At one point I decided to check out the Yankee game but I couldn't find it and then I remembered that they were out on the west coast. So I said F*** it and didn't bother.

...With any luck I'll get some sleep today because yesterday I went without it.

...Have a great week everyone.

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Updated to 9-27

...Already I can start to feel a chill in the air. Not good at all.

...Saw the replay of Ichiro being ejected yesterday. I really don't think he did anything that bad.

...The Cardinals won the NL Central last night and now you too can own official Division Champs merchandise from MLB.COM to celebrate the occasion. The cheapest thing is a $21.99 youth T-shirt while the one they are going to soak you most for is a Playoff Therma Base Classic Hood which can be yours for $54.99. They're always thinking of us.

...The upcoming four game series at Detroit with the Twins should be very interesting. Maybe the MLB Network will actually show a few of these games instead of replays of games that we have already seen.

...It's nice to see that even Joba Chamberlain can still pitch a good game.

...C.C. Sabathia has been all the Yankees hoped for, and the same goes for Mark Teixeira. We'd be lost without them.

...I got to admit, even Robinson Cano is knocking the hell out of the ball.

...But none of this matters if they can't play this way in October.

...Worst fans in the world, Part 9,872: A teacher in Baldwinsville, New York (a suburb of Syracuse) ordered one of his students to not wear his Yankee shirt. This teacher is a Red Sox fan so he didn't want to see the Yankee shirt. I hope this guy gets fired.

...The Cowboys new stadium looks impressive. They'll be on Monday Night so everyone can see it.

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Long time, no see:

- Been working ALOT, lately. Far to much for a human. LOL. I am being laid off for two weeks in December, so whatever extra cash I can make now, the better.

- Jeez, the Jays are still playing ball? I forgot about them in July. What a mess of a team. The only bright spots being Adam Lind, Aaron Hill, and Roy Halladay.

- Been playing a bit of NHL10 for the Xbox 360. Like it, but I don't LOVE it. Maybe it's because I live the modding aspect the PC games offer. As pretty as the graphics are, I love having a rink full of ads, etc.

- The Ultimate Fighter 10 has been great so far. Waiting to see what Kimbo does next week.

- Iran is a country full of crazies. No offense to anyone that maybe from Iran, or have Iranian roots, but my God, I fear for what may happen over the coming months.

- The prospect of the Yankees in the play-offs, bores me. Same with the Red Sox. Time to expand the play-off format.

- The Pats look like a team, whose at the beginning of the end. The Giants are looking like a team who is going to be a powerhouse for a long, long time.

- Can't wait for Modern Warfare 2. Pre-ordered a month ago. What a hell of a game that's going to be. Have to get online and shoot me some BigRog, again. LOL.

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The U.S. is a country full of crazies. No offense to anyone that maybe from the U.S., or have American roots, but my God, I look back with horror at the last 30 years.


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- The Ultimate Fighter 10 has been great so far. Waiting to see what Kimbo does next week.

That fight was pretty much a letdown. Although it was kind of shocking to see a guy overpower Kimbo and use his knee to hold Kimbo's arm down and render him helpless. Kimbo didn;t try a kick out or anything, he just sorta laid there and took it.

- The prospect of the Yankees in the play-offs, bores me. Same with the Red Sox. Time to expand the play-off format.

IMO, the only way the playoffs should be expanded is if the reg season is significantly reduced. Baseball has a long season, so less playoffs are needed. I would actually prefer to go back to the 2 division system and do away with the WC altogether. Compared to NFL, NBA, and NHL ... baseball is the only one whose reg season REALLY matters.

- The Pats look like a team, whose at the beginning of the end. The Giants are looking like a team who is going to be a powerhouse for a long, long time.

The Pats are suffering the same thing all dynasties have ... teams cherry-pick their coaching staffs and rosters, and they've had some key players retire (high roster/staff turnover). Still, they'll likely make the playoffs. I don't think they'll endure the failures of SF, DAL, etc. I think they are still a threat.

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Updated to 10-4

...Because of the playoffs starting this week, this month is going to fly by. We're going to be watching so much baseball that we won't know where the month has gone.

...And then when it's finally over, we'll miss it just like we do every year at this time.

...It's about time the Dodgers finally got around to winning their division. The season was almost done so they figured that they had nothing else to do.

...Who else thinks the AL Central will go down to a one game playoff?

...I've been spending a lot of time on Youtube the past few days ever since I found out that some guy was posting an old cartoon called Underdog. I really doubt if anyone here would remember this show.

...I think that the lady who does the Progressive insurance commercials is just as annoying as the Geico commercials.

...While I am obviously pulling for a very successful Yankee October, I still am hoping for Andy Pettitte to get the hell off the team and never return.

...How about winning the last game of the season just to recall what it feels like to win ?

...Tampa's deliberate beaning of Mark Teixeira won't be answered back by the Yankees until next year.

...Let's see if the Raiders can score more than three points today. Nothing changes with this team.

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...I've been spending a lot of time on Youtube the past few days ever since I found out that some guy was posting an old cartoon called Underdog. I really doubt if anyone here would remember this show.

I remember Underdog. Wasn't he a stimulant using superhero? *grin* When I go to youtube, it's to watch boxing.

...Let's see if the Raiders can score more than three points today. Nothing changes with this team.

OAK sealed their fate when they drafted a big arm instead of a QB that can read defenses. Serioius, with all his natural ability, how dense does Russell have to be to be this bad? Al Davis basically makes his own mess. Strangely enough, their 82 Super Bowl opponents, The Skins, have an owner running that team into the ground also.

How does Matt Millen get an analyst job? Isn't he regarded as pretty much the worst GM in NFL history?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated to 11-1

...My God, it's November already. And we are still playing baseball. Something's wrong with this.

...Can anyone stay up to the end of these games? I try my best but sometimes I can't.

...Once again these late starts are killing the game. They want kids to get interested in baseball, but when they tune in to the World Series at 9:30 pm or so, they are only in the second inning. Sorry, they got to go and get ready for bed for school tommorrow.

...For those wondering, I was gone again because I had to have a second surgery. Again, I won't bore you all with details, but it was a tough 17 days in the hospital. And I am determined never to go there again.

...Anyone ever here of a protein drink called Ensure ? I have to drink that to get protein in me and I have to have a high protein diet to help with the healing stages. So I got to have a lot of eggs, milk, cheese, meat, fish, etc. And I got to drink a lot. Here's the problem: I don't have an appetite right now and I have to force this stuff down me. Before this all happened, I had an appetite. Now when I need the appetite, it deserts me. :)

...Listen, if any of you know anything about these protein drinks, can you let me know what is the best one in your opinion? I don't know much about these. I just picked up the Ensure's because they were on sale. I have no idea if there are better options out there.

...I've become quite a TV watcher as I have said in some past posts in here since I've been home from the hospital. And I am at the point right now where I am bored out of my mind. Ever want to watch a movie on AMC for example? Forget it! They put so many commercials in between the movie that you can't even enjoy it. They can make a two hour movie a four hour one with no problem.

...No trick or treaters at my house yesterday. That's for two reasons. First, it was not that good of a night to be out due to the weather and secondly, we had our lights off. I'm too sick to deal with the doorbell being rung repeatedly.

...My condolences to that little girl in Florida whose body was found in a trash area. She's just a baby who did not deserve that. And my condolences to the person or persons who did this because that little girl's mother will kill them if given the chance. Let's hope that the killer(s) will be caught soon.

...Don't forget!!! Turn your clocks back today one hour.

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Updated to 11-8

...Can it be? Has 2K sports released a game that a lot of these guys in here are actually enjoying? :) I've been reading some nice stuff about the new basketball game by 2K sports from some of the guys in the shoutbox. I'm glad that 2K finally released something that people are actually liking. My question is, will this continue on when baseball 2K10 is released? That's what I'm hoping for.

...The MLB Network, after virtually ignoring the Yankees since they went on the air this past January, have been playing Yankee World Series highlights practically non-stop. Thank you MLB for this. Of course, by next week you'll be back promoting the Red Sox, but I'll take what I can get.

...One thing that the MLB Network does right is those Studio 42 interviews by Bob Costas. Every one of them have been great. Like that Juan Marichal-Johnny Roseboro one when they went in detail about what happened and why when Marichal hit Roseboro over the head with a bat in a 1965 game. Turns out, both players became good friends.

...Two million people attended the Yankee victory parade? That's more people the Pirates get in attendance for the entire year. Sorry everyone, I just find this hilarious.

...With the exception of the World Series Highlights DVD, I'm not going to be buying any "Official" Yankee World Series souvenirs. $30 for that hat? Thanks, but no thanks.

...I would not want to be Brian Cashman right now. He's got a lot of tough decisions to make in the coming weeks about who stays and who goes and what free agents to go after. I think we may be surprised as to what will happen during these coming months.

...I've been lucky to see my Yankees win the World Series seven times in my life. I know that's very fortunate especially if I compare myself to fans of the Indians or Giants for example, teams that haven't won anything in a long time. I think about that sometimes and after thinking about it, I really don't care. If they win, they win. I'm just not going to root for them to do so.

...World Champion New York Yankees. To me, those five words go together perfectly. Nine long and frustrating years are finally over.

...It just occurred to me that I did not go out and vote this past Tuesday. Well, I couldn't. I can hardly get out of the house now because of what I went through.

...It's frustrating during this recovery time after surgery because you don't know if you are making progress or not. The healing is extremely slow, so slow that you sometimes think nothing is happening. Without these pain pills, I'd never make it.

...Anyone watching that new show on USA called "White Collar"? Not a bad show. Give it a shot. 10 pm on Friday nights.

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Updated to 11-8

...Can it be? Has 2K sports released a game that a lot of these guys in here are actually enjoying? :) I've been reading some nice stuff about the new basketball game by 2K sports from some of the guys in the shoutbox. I'm glad that 2K finally released something that people are actually liking. My question is, will this continue on when baseball 2K10 is released? That's what I'm hoping for.

2K has been dominating the video game basketball scene for a few years now. From what I read, 2k9 is viewed as the best BKBL game ever ... and 2k10 just made it a little better.

2K has also dominated the X360 baseball game scene too ... but, only by default. *grin* I'm not optomistic that 2K basketball success translates to 2k baseball success. It would be nice, but this mess is 3 years in the making, with 2k7 being (IMO) the best atempt of the bunch.

...One thing that the MLB Network does right is those Studio 42 interviews by Bob Costas. Every one of them have been great. Like that Juan Marichal-Johnny Roseboro one when they went in detail about what happened and why when Marichal hit Roseboro over the head with a bat in a 1965 game. Turns out, both players became good friends.

Didn;t HBO used to do this with Costas? I don;t get MLB network, but Costas is as knowledgable as any baseball TV personality ... plus, he genuinely likes baseball.

I think MLB is missing out on the Joe Buck train. This guy should be involved in everything MLB does on TV. Very smart, a baseball broadcasting lifer from a great broadcasting family ... somehow baseball let him take his talent to the NFL. Actually Buck and Costas together in the booth would have endless, high quality, debates/conversations of players, issues, history, etc. Could be interesting ... but we have to (for some reason) have a former player as a color commentator ... describing the most obvious aspects of the game, often in errant fashion, so we get McCarver and Morgan on a regular basis. Baseball tonight isn;t much better with Eric Young and Chris Singleton. Kruk seems to overcome his sideshow existence and develop into a reasonable TV personality that won;t hesistate to describe situations as they are, even if it might hurt someone's feelings.

...With the exception of the World Series Highlights DVD, I'm not going to be buying any "Official" Yankee World Series souvenirs. $30 for that hat? Thanks, but no thanks.

At least we have a choice. Imagine Cub fans pondering a purchase of a $30 "NL Central Division Champions" t-shirt. Hilarious.

...I would not want to be Brian Cashman right now. He's got a lot of tough decisions to make in the coming weeks about who stays and who goes and what free agents to go after. I think we may be surprised as to what will happen during these coming months.

I think Cashman is in the most desirable position. Whereas some of the otheer teams might be under their fans wrath for letting the WS MVP walk, he can afford that luxury because it means other quality guys will get some more playing time (that has worked for so many teams over the last 15 years), and he has the star-studded core of the team back and under contract, as well as, Wang returning to health. Only injuries can keep NYY out of the post-season next year.

...I've been lucky to see my Yankees win the World Series seven times in my life. I know that's very fortunate especially if I compare myself to fans of the Indians or Giants for example, teams that haven't won anything in a long time. I think about that sometimes and after thinking about it, I really don't care. If they win, they win. I'm just not going to root for them to do so.

I find myself on the opposite side of the spectrum. I thought it was awesome that both the Cubs and Red Sox entered the season knowing they would not win the WS, even if they won 120 games in the regular season. Seeing how they'd destruct was one of the best storylines of the season/history. The agony and misery of their fans, seemed to make them more passionate and loyal, instead of 'less'. Still, how the 04 Red Sox won it all was pretty darn impressive. I cannot, ever, root for the Cubs to win a WS ... if they do they lose everything the organization is known for. Only they can turn a profit on the "Lovable Losers" situation.

...World Champion New York Yankees. To me, those five words go together perfectly. Nine long and frustrating years are finally over.

A whole 9 years? You poor fans. I don;t know you were able to get through each arduous and agonizing season, with making the playoffs every year but one. *grin* I see what you're saying, but you have to realize there are whole lot of teams, perhaps ALL of em, that are struggling to come up with empathy for NYY and their fans for what they have had to endure over this decade ... you know, most wins, most division titles, most times in the playoffs, and now tied for most WS titles in the last 10 years. I'm not mocking you in any way, but I feel as bad for NYY and I did ATL for *only* winning one title over 13 straight division titles. I will say it was exciting to have NYY back in the WS. Love em or hate em, everyone watches.

...It's frustrating during this recovery time after surgery because you don't know if you are making progress or not. The healing is extremely slow, so slow that you sometimes think nothing is happening. Without these pain pills, I'd never make it.

Hang in there, buddy. It eventually gets better. At least you have a Championship to help take your mind off of it.

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Just a few things, all of which are awesome in their own way.

My most recent 2 litre bottle of Irn Bru was apparently so awesome it decided to ice itself while in my fride. So, whenever I pour a drink, it comes pre-iced. Win.


Say hello to my new pet - Shaniquilon. (Thanks to Dylan for the name. :lol:) He's been chilling in various spots on my ceiling and high on my wall for the last week or so, rarely moving, but decided to come down earlier, so I stabbed a few air holes in a container (I have no idea of the origin of said container), added a few drops of water and gave Shaniquilon his new home. He's currently having a drink. Unfortunately, I have no food for him (live bugs are scarce now with the colder weather coming), but I might add a piece of banana if he starts lagging. I don't think he'd much appreciate any other food I have in - think ladybirds like tuna, crackers, oranges, a Subway cookie, chilled microwave meals, chocolate, Oreo's, tortilla chips and ice cream?







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ay hello to my new pet - Shaniquilon. (Thanks to Dylan for the name. :lol:) He's been chilling in various spots on my ceiling and high on my wall for the last week or so, rarely moving, but decided to come down earlier, so I stabbed a few air holes in a container (I have no idea of the origin of said container), added a few drops of water and gave Shaniquilon his new home. He's currently having a drink. Unfortunately, I have no food for him (live bugs are scarce now with the colder weather coming), but I might add a piece of banana if he starts lagging. I don't think he'd much appreciate any other food I have in - think ladybirds like tuna, crackers, oranges, a Subway cookie, chilled microwave meals, chocolate, Oreo's, tortilla chips and ice cream?

Haha, Shaniquilon... what a great name! I nominate Tre'' (double apostrophes, not a quotation mark) for his middle name.

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Can I get a few more pics of the bug, from some different angles. I don't quite feel as though I have a good grasp on the complete appearance. *grin*

Maybe something with a valentine's day pillow, or making a pouty face, or maybe with nothing but a fur coat? Y'know something that really displays her complex, yet fun, personality.

Man, I'm in a weird place right now.

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"Magic Mushrooms - on Sunday nights, there's nothing better!"

Endorsed by CicrleChange11™.

Heh Heh. I swear I don't see an empty Southern Comfort bottle anywhere around here ... but, maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Sometimes you try to be funny and it ends up just being weird. I accept that.

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Mark, I would have got rid of that bug the second I saw it. Bugs and I have a shaky relationship. They stay in their own area and I stay in mine and never do I want the both us to meet.

But Y4L, look at the eyes! He's practically begging to be cared for! The poor little guy is just looking for a home, somewhere to keep him warm in the winter. After that, if he survives, he can be released into the comfort of the spring warmth with his friends, find a decent coke dealer, get stupid with his buddies, tear up a bar, screw a few drunk female ladybirds, have a late-night aphid meal, and eventually be torn apart by a hungry wasp after a night on the town. That's all anyone can ask for, isn't it?


*Note: above post made in full knowledge that Shaniquilon Tre" is, in actual fact, most likely a female anyway.

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Looks like I might have been just in time to save our little friend - I spent a few days away from home this week and just got back tonight to find this on the wall.










This sucker is currently contained between a sheet of paper and a CD cake top...running around circles attempting to find a way out. It seemed to attempt suicide and fake death by jumping from the top of the wall to the floor after I spent 15 minutes throwing a foam ball at it and hitting it repeatedly, but after refusing to move, a direct attack with a kitchen roll tube was attempted, and led to the suicide attempt. Were it dealing with a lesser species, it may have been successful, but it was dealing with a human. A Scottish human. No mercy.

I originally had thoughts of letting Shaniquilon Tre" battle the intruder, who I'm considering naming Xerxes, but I think Mother Nature kinda screw Shaniquilon Tre" on that front, so I'm pondering ideas on what to do with it. Quite intrigued as to what kind of spider it is as well, as it's quite a bit larger, and seems more aggressive, than a normal house spider seen around these parts. It's damn hard to get adecent photo through the CD cake top, though, so I can only go only what you can see from the photos of it on the wall.

Dylan, ideas for names other than Xerxes?

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