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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 3-7

...This forum got jump started ever since the release of the Show 2010 and MLB 2k10 last Tuesday. There's been so many new threads that it's hard to keep up with them now. And that's a good thing.

...As soon as 2k10 was released I was paying attention to the reaction of it from the people in here. Initially there were great first impressions but now I am reading about some problems in the game. So, as of now I am still not getting it until there is a patch. To echo one of the posters out there "don't they have beta testers?"

...At the same time it didn't take long for Snash to release a roster for 2k10. These modders on this site are on top of everything.

...But for me being a Total Classics fan, the biggest release this week was the updated version of Total Classics for the 1961 season. For me, that beats anything.

...Once again before I forget, kudos to the Canadians for capturing their third straight gold medal in hockey.

...Of course, if the U.S had won, the Boston area would have somehow claimed credit for the victory. (I'm sorry, but I just can not stand these people. They remind me of co-workers or relatives that you dislike. When they walk in a room you either want to kill them or just leave the room.)

...Wasn't it a nice feeling to finally watch some baseball on TV after all these months? The YES Network has been airing some Yankee games and it is a welcome sight.

...I don't know what kind of problem the Toronto Blue Jays have with Francisco Cervelli but I don't like it. The Blue Jays pitcher who threw the pitch said the ball "just got away from him." Two years ago they injured him too by breaking his wrist and they said that wasn't intentional either. Maybe the Yankees should send out a pitcher the next time and have a few pitches just get away from him too.

...It didn't take long for clumsy ox Nick Johnson to get hurt, even though it was just a mild injury. He caught his spikes in a mat during batting practice and tweaked his lower back. Only he can do this.

...Had to go for a CAT scan this past Thursday because I have been having pains in my side and the worst part about it besides having to be there for two hours was drinking the stuff before you have the test. It's like drinking water with a sour aftertaste. So, my advice: don't have one. :)

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Updated to 3-14

...Nothing's been said about this in here, but good luck to Joe Nathan who is looking at missing a considerable amount of time due to injury.

...Watched Godzilla this week for the first time in years. (This was the movie that was made in 1998 with Matthew Broderick in it.) And it was really good. I always wondered why there wasn't a sequel made of it.

...Not familiar with this guy at all, but the Yankees seem to be the leaders to sign Adeinis Hechavarria, a 21 year old Cuban shortstop who is supposed to be pretty good. If that's the case, I hope they get him.

...Welcome back Dept: DJEagles11 is back as a Blue Jays fan.

...The Yankees are having such a good spring that even Javier Vazquez is starting to look good to me.

...The work ethic of Curtis Granderson for example has been fantastic. If this guy can play as well as he prepares then the Yankees are going to have a good one.

...This radical realignment idea proposed by Major League Baseball is one of the worst ideas I have ever read about and it stinks of Boston. No one can try to convince me that it wasn't that team that is trying to push this.

...R.I.P. to Corey Haim. Obviously, you never want to read news like this about anyone but sometimes you can't save someone from themselves as it appeared to be the case here.

...Got an e-mail the other day asking me about if I wanted to sell my time-share property down in Bermuda. That was news to me since I don't own a time-share property and I've never been in Bermuda. :)

...Attention Yankee fans in the Northeast: Turn your clocks ahead one hour today due to Daylight Savings time.

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Updated to 3-21

...Every single time this idiot of a baseball commissioner opens his mouth or thinks he has a great idea I cringe.

...I don't know where the MLB Network gets them from, but Greg Amsinger fits right in there as a know-it-all prick.

...Each time Peter Gammons is on TV reporting on something I always wait for him to throw in a Boston reference to anything he is talking about. And he never fails.

...One of my favorite pastimes is going through the clearance aisle at Staples. Sometimes you can actually find some pretty good stuff for a reduced price.

...If anyone wants to know how to run and present a proper dynasty, go and do yourself a favor and check out the current one that JoeRudi26 is running. It's a bonus for anyone who follows it that he adds his photoshop skills into his dynasty, but you really don't need to have that to have a good dynasty. The key things that JoeRudi does is he constantly updates his dynasty and he completes them.

...Went out to dinner tonight to a very fancy restaurant. They had on the menu leg of lamb and since I have not had that in years I was planning to get it. But then I saw that they wanted to soak me twenty nine dollars for the pleasure so when dinner was served, that was not sitting in front of me.

...On Friday it was sunny and 60 degrees. Because of this, many people in my city were in a panic because they thought the world was coming to an end.

...I just realized that opening day is going to fall on Easter this year. I have no idea why I didn't know this before.

...I must be slipping. Season eight of Hawaii Five-O came out on March 16th and I still do not own it yet.

...The season finale of Psych was one of the most exciting of the series and I can not wait until it returns in the summer.

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Updated to 3-28

...Just one more week now and the baseball season starts again and I honestly can not wait. Even though major league baseball is forcing the Yankees to open up and close the season at that place against that team in that city in front of those people, I still plan on watching opening night. It's as though MLB is saying to the Red Sox "we are sorry you didn't win the World Series last year but we will manipulate the schedule for you this year to give you an advantage."

...I know Alex Rodriguez has to talk to the Feds about some Canadian doctor who is currently under investigation. I'd feel more comfortable if a representative from the Yankees would be at this meeting too because a certain city in the state of Massachusetts is not above planting evidence against him.

...I got to admit, the most boring part of spring training was the story of who was going to win the fifth starter spot for the Yankees. Non Yankee fans were not interested and Yankee fans didn't even care.

...My wife went shopping the other day and got some stuff we needed and a lot of stuff we didn't and her excuse for that was that "it was on sale." Whether you need the item or not a woman can never pass up a sale on anything.

...Don't you hate it when your wife (or girlfriend) suggests that you watch a movie that she wants to watch and it's one that you had no plans on ever watching and when you finally watch it with her the movie actually turns out to be pretty good? That's what happened to me the other day when I was coaxed into watching Fried Green Tomatoes. I ended up enjoying the movie and she hasn't let me forget it yet.

...Seattle's Milton Bradley said this week that he is Major League Baseball's version of Kanye West. I believe that. I'm sure that Bradley can't sing either.

...Sarah Palin is getting a reality show. Unbelievable. For a woman who's political view are completely unreal, she gets a reality show. Maybe her daughter Bristol can one for herself if she manages to get knocked up again by the next guy that takes her to the movies.

...The cost of movies is going up again. That's just another thing that you can't get upset over because who are you going to yell at, the ticket taker?

...The NFL showed this week that making rule changes just for the sake of making rules changes is a bad idea. Now you need a touchdown to win an overtime game in the playoffs. A field goal is not good enough. For all these years it was and all of a sudden it isn't.

...I've said this before, but do yourself a favor and watch the lineup of shows that are on the USA Network. They begin again in the summer and they are the best shows on any network.

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Updated to 4-4

...Well folks, it's finally here. It's Opening Day in Major League Baseball. (Or should I say night?) This is the day I officially put winter away and look ahead to another hopefully successful season for the Yankees.

...I still don't like the fact that we have to open and close the season at Fenway. Do the Red Sox ever have to do that in New York? 'Course not! But it is what it is and I obviously can't do a thing about it. If I complain about this too long a Red Sox fan will call me paranoid. Paranoid to them means if you don't agree with what they say you are, of course, paranoid.

...Let's see. Josh Beckett is starting for Boston. Who's he going to throw at first?

...No matter what these people do they have to brag about it even in cases where you shouldn't. Check out this video on this webpage where two stuffed shirts wearing suits are in Fenway Park and one guy brags that they "painted the visitor's clubhouse and fixed up the bathrooms." All this told me was the visitor's clubhouse at Fenway was below standards and these people finally got around to fixing it. Oh, one more thing. There are two new items on the menu at Fenway this year, veggie dogs and burgers. I also noticed they neglected to say how much they were going to take you for for the privilege of having one.

...Makes me wish I was in charge of the visiting clubhouse at Yankee Stadium. During the hottest day of the year I would make sure the air conditioning would not be working when the Red Sox were in town.

...As you can tell, I am ready for the season. :angry:

...But of course, Nick Johnson is not. Captain Klutz did it again, this time fouling a ball off of his right knee. This marks his second minor injury of the spring. He'll wait for the regular season when the team needs him most to miss a really significant amount of time.

...This week, thanks to the shoutbox crowd that frequents this website, I found out who Ricky Martin was. Wait a second. Why am I thanking them? :shok:

...I am done -for awhile at least- playing hidden object games. When it takes a person almost ten minutes to find a button and that same person is going nuts because he can't find that button, it is time to walk away.

...Welcome back In Plain Sight and welcome Hawaii Five-O season number eight to my collection. I'll be busy for awhile now.

...Happy Easter. I did not want to forget to say that.

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Now, for the next 6 months, I get to read how horrible Red Sox fans are, and how horrible Yankee fans are...Cracks me up.

Thank God for Jays fans...for the most part, we are a quiet few....at least on this site.

Saw Hot Tub Time Machine...hilarious.

Brian Tallet is the Jays second pitcher....hilarious, what an frigging joke. Wasting a slot in the rotation on a pitcher that has no business being in the starting rotation. Should be Marcum, Romero, Morrow, Cecil, and then whoever.

Anyway, Happy Easter, and enjoy Opening Night.

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Now, for the next 6 months, I get to read how horrible Red Sox fans are, and how horrible Yankee fans are...Cracks me up.

That's fine. I'm sure a lot of people laugh about how Yankee and Red Sox fans go about things. This year just let us go about our business and everything will be ok.

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Updated to 4-11

...Now if you didn't have a good week last week because of the return of baseball then you are spending time on the wrong forum. It was great to have this game back.

...You can tell it is very early because Toronto is leading the AL East with a 4 - 1 record. The thing that concerns me is that they look good while doing it.

...And Seattle, with all their personnel changes are tied for last in the AL West. Good for them and they can stay there for all I care.

...I saw Hot Tub Time Machine last night because I had nothing to do and you know what? It wasn't a bad movie and it had a lot of funny parts. Is there anything else you can ask from a movie?

...Concerning Joe West: I got to admit he does have a point. I mean haven't we been talking about this on this website for years now about how long these games are between those two teams? I think his point was valid but the choice of words were not.

...But then again when you have a guy like Nick Johnson, who seems to have a gift for getting on base because of his great eye, that contributes to the length of the game.

...What I like best about JoeRudi's dynasty that he's doing is that other people are now doing one of their own because they see how fun it could be when it is done right.

...I have come to the conclusion that Red Sox fans are the most opinionated people you'll ever have the displeasure of meeting. They have a bull**** opinion on EVERYTHING and if you don't agree with them then you are the one with the problem. Never them. Just check out the shoutbox on any given day and you'll see for yourself.

...One thing that I have found out on this website over the years is no matter how insulting a user is towards a staff member no matter what he says to them, like suck my _____, you will always find another user ready, willing and able to defend that person. ALWAYS.

...Here's wishing rroy can get some help on his NCAA mod.

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I really love reading these. So entertaining! Thanks for being so consistany with them!

Well thanks, but you know you can add to this any time you'd like to. This is not a private thread. Any random thought you got throw it in because you are more than welcome to.

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-Thank god baseball is back!

-Spring break is about to end, back to real life tomorrow.... This spring break has had some extreme opposites for me. It starts out with my best friends Dad having a massive heart attack and having a quadrupedal bypass. Goes on and then baseball started. Then ends with myself getting a girlfriend. Weird turn of events. My friends Dad is doing really good now too.

-Red Sox have had some good flashes and some bad ones so far(bullpen).

-MLB.TV is nice but there are some issues with the HD and DVR functions with Windows 7, I mean come on MLB..... I just am using Boxee instead of the MLB.TV site and it's working wonderful, great picture quality and the DVR works! But since I have it I have watched way too much baseball this week.

-Finally got some good time in with 2K10. It's good REALLY needs the a patch to make it great.

-Got a new processor for one of my computers. A Q9400 for $100 from a guy I live near, it was a steal.

-Played some video games, not as much as I imagined though. Got Borderlands for $25 on Steam, it's fun.

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-Spring break is about to end, back to real life tomorrow.... This spring break has had some extreme opposites for me. It starts out with my best friends Dad having a massive heart attack and having a quadrupedal bypass. Goes on and then baseball started. Then ends with myself getting a girlfriend. Weird turn of events. My friends Dad is doing really good now too.

Great news on both parts, for you and your buddy's dad. I hope it continues.

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Updated to 4-18

...Well gentlemen (and ladies) of this fine website, you'll be proud of old Y4L after what he did yesterday. Seems as if yours truly went to Barnes and Noble yesterday with the intent of purchasing more books and when I left that fine place of business, a family of four drove up to talk to the Mrs. and I. Seems as if they were lost and needed some directions to get to the Thruway. They were in town for a funeral and were on their way home and their home was of course, in Boston. They had no idea who I was because if they were they would have kept driving and asked the next person they saw. But since they asked me I took the time to draw them a map providing them with the right directions that had the family driving east towards Boston instead of west towards Buffalo. And there was my good deed for the day.

...If you didn't see that humorous (?) post about wives that I made in here a few days back you won't see it now. Seems as if the wife in question accused me of "making too much stuff up" and asked me to kindly remove it as soon as possible. I did. But after re-reading it I didn't see how I was stretching the truth. ^_^

...If you are like me you never even heard of Ubaldo Jimenez until yesterday. So he pitched a no hitter. Big deal. But he did it against the Braves with Jason Heyward (0 for 2) in the game! That has to count for something because Heyward has already been named the National League's Most Valuable Player if you are paying attention to the MLB hype machine.

...Oh, and Ubaldo Jimenez's record is 33-28 for his career. Just don't mention that in front of any Red Sox fans around these parts because they'll use that as another excuse to give you shit.

...Since when did pitchers stop being so aggressive on the mound and become nibblers? People like Edwar Ramirez, Jose Veras and Johathan Albaladejo of the Yankees immediately come to mind. All three have great stuff but all three are afraid to throw it.

...Yesterday's Mets-Cardinals 20 inning affair took 6 hours and 53 minutes to play which is the equivalent of 11 innings for the Yankees and Red Sox.

...I'd like an explanation as to why the hell this Kate Gosselin woman is so damn important? Seems as if all she's ever done is pop out eight kids and is now screwing around with some Romeo on Dancing with the Stars while her starting lineup is at home being raised by anyone dumb enough to watch all eight of them while Mommy fluffs her hair and cries on cue when a camera is around.

...I said this in the shoutbox and I'll repeat it here. The only time Jorge Posada is going to throw someone out at second base is if the guy is in a wheelchair. Or if I'm the one that's running.

...I don't feel bad for David Ortiz at all. In fact I want him to have even a worse year than last year but at the same time I don't believe he is done until he is done.

...Monday is the famous Boston Marathon, made famous by Rosie Ruiz, which goes to show that they just don't cheat in baseball. They cheat in everything.

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...If you are like me you never even heard of Ubaldo Jimenez until yesterday. So he pitched a no hitter. Big deal. But he did it against the Braves with Jason Heyward (0 for 2) in the game! That has to count for something because Heyward has already been named the National League's Most Valuable Player if you are paying attention to the MLB hype machine.

You'd REALLY never heard of Ubaldo Jimenez?

Do you watch baseball at all if it doesn't involve the Yankees?

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You'd REALLY never heard of Ubaldo Jimenez?

Do you watch baseball at all if it doesn't involve the Yankees?

That's right. Never heard of him.

And the answer to the second question is very little. I watch the best and that's that.

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That's right. Never heard of him.

And the answer to the second question is very little. I watch the best and that's that.

You only watch the best? So what did you watch the decade prior to 2009? :)

Just kiddin.

I only know as many players as I do thanks to the amazing rosters from the likes of Totte and KG (and now Knight for MLB The Show)... that's why I knew Jimenez (other than the few times the Cards faced him).

Hmm - he IS NL - so I guess the Yanks wouldn't have faced him, so that makes more sense.

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