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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Still watched them but the only difference is that I yelled at them more when they didn't win.

Glad to know I'm not the only one to yell at the TV.

I really freaked out my dog yelling at the TV during that 20-inning hot-mess from yesterday.

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Updated to 4-25

...Wishing a speedy recovery to former Poison lead singer Bret Michaels, who is currently in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage.

...With the trade yesterday that brought Jason Campbell to Oakland from the Redskins that could be the end for Jamarcus Russell in Oakland. And for anyone that follows football you would not have seen that coming. Russell supposedly had it all coming out of college. Big, strong quarterback. Rifle arm, etc. The trouble is he lacked any kind of work ethic and never seemed to learn from his mistakes or had any improvement.

...What happened to Jordan Schafer, who started out so fast last year with the Braves?

...Did everybody see yesterday's Yankee-Angel game? Oh man if you didn't you missed a lot of drama. At the end of the fourth inning when the Yanks retired the Angels Alex Rodriguez went on his way back to the dugout but on his way he took two steps inside the third base coaches box. Oh the horror.

...Expect Dallas Braden to get a standing ovation the next time Oakland visits Fenway Park.

...When Mark Teixeira knocked out that Angel catcher in Friday night's game I expected Mike Scioscia to do his usual crying act, but he didn't. So Torii Hunter took up the cause. He said that he thought it was "a little too early in the game to take him out." So tell me Torii, what inning is acceptable for you to try and score a run for your team on a play at the plate? Idiot.

...And this is the main reason why I can't stand the Angels. They always have something stupid to say.

...Don't look now but Hall of Famer Jason Heyward is now hitting .254 on the year. How the mighty have fallen.

...Johnny Damon currently has an 11 game hitting streak. That means he probably wants a new contract.

...JoeRudi may not be doing his Reds dynasty anymore but he has another one going in the blog section of the forum. Check out his game write ups from there.*

*Joe Rudi paid me five dollars for this shout out today in the Random thoughts thread. You too can have one next week. Contact me via PM and we will get it done.

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Updated to 5-2

...Back in December when the Yankees reacquired Javier Vazquez I said over and over that it was a mistake. But there were some people in here that tried to explain to me that this was a pretty smart move by the Yankees. All I am asking now is for those same people to come out and tell me again what a good move this was.

...Even loudmouth ChiSox manager was right about Vazquez when he said he wasn't a big-game pitcher. I'll go even further. Vazquez is a guy you wouldn't even want to trust in a spring training game.

...Here's hoping that Curtis Granderson's injury is not severe. And I'm sure that the great sports fans in you-know-where were happy about this.

...I have to confess here to one and all that I do watch NESN. And that's because of Heidi Watney. (You see? That's a good reason, right?)

...I'd really like to know why such an uproar is going on with the Arizona Immigration Law? Exactly what is Arizona doing that is so wrong? Does anyone know what this law really is? If you don't, I direct you to this page. That's what this law is about. There are too many people that are in this country illegally as it is. I can understand them wanting to be here to better themselves and I'm all for that. But do it the right way. A lot of these illegals have jobs that could be filled by an American citizen. When they get hurt or need serious medical attention it is the taxpayer that ends up footing the bill. If Arizona has to crack down on this then they have a good reason to.

...Y4L out of touch Dept, part 76: Was watching TV earlier this week and was switching through the channels on my DirecTV and I came to a music video station. Usually I just pass these channels by without a second thought. But when I landed on this channel there was this black guy jumping up and down singing a rap song and what stood out for me was that I was able to make out some of the lyrics. Usually I can't.

This guy was going on about that he "likes big butts and he can not lie." When my wife came home from work I told her about hearing this new song and she said it wasn't new and it's been around for a few years. Then she started laughing at me. Well, how would I know? :lol: And I bet my good friend Mark is rolling his eyes now at me.

...Speaking of Mark his expertise with computers, the maintaining and repair of them and software knowledge he possesses always continues to impress me. In case you didn't know Mark is a licensed IT but I don't think that he has the qualifications to work for a place like Microsoft because Mark is too helpful and he does things right the first time -something that Microsoft would never stand for. And his knowledge of software programs is really second to none. For example, we both happen to own an older program called Paint Shop Pro version 8 and the difference is that Mark knows how to work that program and get the most out of it. All I know about Paint Shop Pro is how to install it.

...Two modder shout outs this week: for 2k10 please check out the impressive uniforms made by Misopogon. Him and DonSpa are making that game look even better than it is. And for Mvp, some guy named grmrpr1313 has a very good up to date roster set out for that game. I don't know what a grmrpr is but he puts out a good roster.

...My on-again, off-again trip to Oahu next year is currently on again. My wife is excited to go and is going to Old Navy later on today to get some bathing suits. She wanted to know if I was going to get one and I told her no, I didn't plan on going in the water. (I don't care for swimming.) Which lead to her getting mad at me for saying that. "Why do you want to go there without going in the water?" Can't reason with a woman.

...Don't forget: Mother's Day is in exactly one week so get those Mother's Day cards out in the mail this week.

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Haha, a man cannot hate on Sir Mix-A-Lot! :lol:

Me, knowing how to work PSP8? I've used it for at least 3 years and have used layers twice. :lol: That's like saying the Brewers know how to win the World Series. :rofl:

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...Here's hoping that Curtis Granderson's injury is not severe. And I'm sure that the great sports fans in you-know-where were happy about this.

Curtis is a great kid. He plays the game right, and does a lot of work helping out kids. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Im not sure if you were aware of his situation, but hes got a groin strain and has been put on the 15 day DL. Mark Melancon was called up in his place.

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Curtis is a great kid. He plays the game right, and does a lot of work helping out kids. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Im not sure if you were aware of his situation, but hes got a groin strain and has been put on the 15 day DL. Mark Melancon was called up in his place.

I knew about his injury and the extent of it but not who they called up. Thank you.

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I knew about his injury and the extent of it but not who they called up. Thank you.

Someone needs to be reading the Yankees fan thread more often, methinks! ;) :friends:

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If you want to really know what's wrong with the Arizona Immigration Law, without the emotional arguments, here's a good link.

In a nutshell, The U.S. Constitution provides the Congress with the exclusive power to determine Immigration and Nationality law. The Arizona law will be struck down, however I believe this law will spur Congress to actually do some immigration reform soon.

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Updated to 5-9

...Doing an early submission this week because I plan on sleeping in in the morning. It's been a hell of a weekend with the wife out of town visiting her mother for mother's day. The quiet I have had since Friday afternoon is something I have really needed. No dogs, no talking. Just the TV, computer and myself. And it will be like that until they all return on Sunday afternoon and life returns to normal.

...It always takes one. Even though the Yankees are off to a fine start, some New York writer seems to be throwing in the towel. And of course if the Yankees win the East he'll say he was backing them all along.

...Tim McCarver and Joe Buck should be locked in a room with Joe Morgan and never be let out. At one point in today's game Buck was going on and on about a group of doves that congregated in the left field corner and was wondering what the plural of dove was. All while the game was going on.

...If Oakland screwball Dallas Braden ever gets traded to Boston they will name a street after him.

...I wonder if Braden would have had the same attitude if it were Derek Jeter who did this instead of Rodriguez? I've been following this and these guys have never heard of this rule and it just seems obvious that this no name pitcher is trying to make a name for himself.

...Heard on friday night's game when the Yankees were up 9 - 1. "Yankees suck. Yankees suck." Please look at the scoreboard and then please be quiet.

...Working on this website is a pleasure. It's fun to work under a man like Trues who just wants us to have a good time out here. And I do 99% of the time. But on Saturday thanks to three people I literally walked away for about four hours. And that was good because that's all it took. It takes two to get things going in here and if one of the participants isn't around nothing happens.

...Whoever had 28 games for Nick Johnson to go down with a significant injury for the Yankees is a winner. I wasn't even close. I picked seven games.

...Pssst. MLB General Managers. You want a pitcher for free? Take Javier Vazquez. The Yankees will gladly pay his salary.

...How about that debut of Starlin Castro for the Cubs? Six RBI in one game. Good luck to him and if the Cubs can keep him away from the Jason Heyward Hall of Fame hype machine this kid has a chance.

...Mark, get back here!!!!

...Happy Mother's Day.

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Wondering why it was 80's friday and saturday, up till about 8 p.m. saturday night... then it started to rain, then sleet, then snow? are you kidding me? oh Cleveland, why do you hurt me so badly!!! lmao

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Updated to 5-16

...This latest Nick Johnson injury really has bugged the hell out of me. Yes I know that injuries are part of the game, etc, etc. But this guy has made a living out of being injured so much that you can not depend on him to give you anything close to a full season. And the Yankees knew this.

...The more other people and other organizations not in the state of Arizona cry about what is going on over in that state the more I support Arizona. Now the city of Los Angeles will not do any further business with that state because of the illegal immigrant laws. Arizona will survive.

...Maybe I'm slow or set in my ways but if you are an illegal immigrant you have no rights here and should get out. This country has enough problems with their own citizens.

...I am as interested in where Lebron James is going to be playing next year as I am about the health and well being of the Boston Red Sox.

...The Philadelphia Phillies have been on the road this week and that is why we have not heard anything from the psychopathic fans of theirs. But starting tomorrow the team returns for a seven game homestand and the fun will begin again. There will be unannounced races between fans in the outfield during the game and one lucky drunk will be vomiting on a family of four.

...This road trip was well timed for the Phils as the team just finished installing new spy equipment in the visitors clubhouse and bullpen as well as a new center field spy cam to help them along the rest of the season.

...Philadelphia is not all bad as evident in what their hockey team did this week in eliminating the icemen from Boston.

...I've been one of many of the Javier Vazquez get-out-of-town fans but when the guy does something right I got to give him credit for it. He gave up two runs on five hits in seven innings in Detroit this week which was by far his best outing of the season. I'm hoping he does this for the rest of the season and proves me wrong.

...I just love watching Francisco Cervelli play. The enthusiasm he has for the game is wonderful. And, when he's behind the plate that means Posada isn't.

...JaMarcus Russell went unclaimed Friday, passed waivers and is now a free agent. Nobody wanted to touch his $9 million salary this year and he is now free to sign with any team for something closer to the veteran's minimum ($620,000). He asked for it, he got it.

...2k10 fans check out mcoll's contributions to that game in the uniform department. This is a guy who has been making uniforms on this site since we started up here and he does a great job in what he does.

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...JaMarcus Russell went unclaimed Friday, passed waivers and is now a free agent. Nobody wanted to touch his $9 million salary this year and he is now free to sign with any team for something closer to the veteran's minimum ($620,000). He asked for it, he got it.

I suppose he can now hang out with Ryan Leaf.

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Not Sunday? Well, I slept from 9:30am until about 10:30pm yesterday, so it's still Sunday to me. :lol:

My only worthwhile contribution is to welcome a new member of the family.


Top left is a 1TB Seagate, top middle is a 500GB Maxtor, top right is a 400GB Maxtor, bottom right is a 500GB Seagate and bottom left is the new kid - 2TB Western Digital, which will be the drive storing my ever-expanding baseball video archive.

The 2 internal 250GB WD's are feeling left out and rather puny right now.

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Updated to 5-23

...Had a good week this past week as my wife and I finalized our trip next winter. It's all official now and she is raring to go with money to spend. God help me.

...I'm pulling for Bret Michaels to make a full recovery. He's gone through a lot lately and I hope that before he considers going back on tour he takes care of himself first.

...Three cheers for that 13 year old American kid who climbed Mount Everest. He became the youngest climber ever to do so. And to think, sometimes the stairs in my house look like Mount Everest to me. :lol:

...I had to go renew my drivers license last week. Got soaked for $64 for eight years.

...And that's not even for the enhanced version of the NYS license. That allows you to go to Canada. The trouble is I have no desire to go there anymore because of the border Nazi's on both sides.

...Sure as hell didn't take Phil Hughes to get back to earth, didn't it? :angry:

...The Yankees can survive this latest injury to Jorge Posada because they have a very good backup in Francisco Cervelli to rely on. But for me it is going to be hard because now I won't have my favorite target to scream at.

...It is not surprising to me at all to see how much Jamarcus Russell's former teammates on the Raiders do not miss him at all. In fact it is almost like a collective sigh of relief.

...Thank you Juan Castro.

...And a huge thank you to modder dennisjames71 for all the mods he uploaded this week on the site. It's much appreciated.

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Updated to 5-30

...Damn I am happy this month is coming to a close. Maybe the Yankees can play better in June because this month they played like garbage.

...Wow, two perfect games in one month. That is a hell of an accomplishment. Congratulations to Roy Halladay on his 1 - 0 gem yesterday in Florida. And 25,000 people were there to see it too. It must have been a giveaway day down there or something.

...Right now I'd be happy if Joba Chamberlain could pitch a perfect inning. This guy is terrible right now. If you want to know what I am talking about just look at what he did yesterday. He gave up four runs on four hits all with two outs in the inning to help the Indians to a come from behind win in the Bronx. Good going Joba. They love you in Ohio.

...This is a Yankee team that is in trouble and I am not afraid to admit it. The injuries have been severe. Alfredo Aceves is facing season ending surgery and this guy is an important member of the bullpen. So is David Robertson and he is hurt too. Unfortunately Javier Vazquez is still healthy. All he's doing is giving up runs in bunches every time out.

...I can understand Kim Jones being upset because some fan upset her segment during a recent Yankee telecast by taking a bite out of her food that she had but she still ended up making herself look like a stuck up self important bitch.

...While I am on that subject, I have another Hazel Mae observation for you. You all know how much I hate this pig on the MLB Network. Watch her the next time she is on TV doing a report. Every time she says the words "Red Sox" it looks like she is having an orgasm.

...R.I.P. to Gary Coleman and to actor Dennis Hopper who both passed away this week and also to Jose Lima, who was a very successful pitcher for the Astros. All died too young.

...It was bound to happen department: Hot dog Kendry Morales broke his leg after celebrating a game ending grand slam yesterday against the Seattle Mariners. It couldn't have happened to a better team.

...It is very nice to see that Cleveland pitcher David Huff is doing much better now after being beaned in the head by an Alex Rodriguez line drive yesterday. That's probably the scariest thing in baseball.

...Everyone enjoy your holiday weekend!

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Updated to 6-6

...If any of you missed what the Dodgers did to Arizona last week you really missed something. In the recent three game sweep of the Diamondbacks at Chevez Ravine, the Dodger pitching staff shut out Arizona for the last 31 innings of that series, winning 5-4, 1-0 and 1-0. Impressive.

...And what was just as impressive was that Joe Torre looked like he was awake for most of it.

...This is what is wrong with Interleague play. The Yankees so far this year have played more games against the Mets (3) than the Toronto Blue Jays, (2) a team that just so happens to be in their division.

...Jim Joyce and Armando Gallaraga showed class after what happened last week. Joyce by admitting he was wrong and Gallaraga accepting his apology with a smile and understanding. Those two guys should be honored. Bud Selig however showed what he was really made of when he did nothing about this call the very next day. It just goes to show that the real problems in Major League Baseball are the people that run it.

...The big thing this week was the Jim Joyce - Armando Gallaraga perfect game incident. We had a lot of pretty good opinions from people in here and they were all different and well explained. I think JoeRudi26 said it best that it was great just being able to get everyone's opinion without having something start because of it. To me, that's what this place is really about.

...Speaking of JoeRudi26, I wonder what his next idea for a good thread is going to be? He comes up with some good ones.

...Best of luck to Ken Griffey Junior who retired this week. It also was nice to read Dennis James' thread about Griffey and how he got to meet him. I'm sure after reading that a lot of people here were envious. I admit I was.

...And at the opposite end of this, another person who should retire but isn't is Jorge Posada. Yep, good old Jorge came back from the DL last week and immediately started to cry because he wasn't catching. He can't catch or throw out runners but he still can hit. So make him DH. Let Cervelli, who is a real catcher, do the job. Not Jorge. He wants to catch and he whined long enough so that now he's the catcher again. Shove it you son of a *&#%*. The problem here is that Jorge wasn't on the disabled list long enough to suit me.

...R.I.P. to John Wooden, who died on June 4th. He was 99 years old. God bless him. When you think of college basketball coaches you start with him. 27 years the coach of the UCLA Bruins. Some famous athletes he coached were Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul Jabbar), Gail Goodrich and Bill Walton.

...On a personal note, I've started physical therapy this week. I have to try to build up walking five minutes straight and then go past that. Right now it's a capital B I T C H just trying to make it up to five minutes. I had an idea how bad this surgery was that I had but the strength it robbed from me is shocking.

...Well, I can't end it this week like that. Let me end it with a laugh. Guess who got a $130 ticket because the seatbelt wasn't fastened? If you guessed my wife, you guessed right. Her excuse? "I didn't see the cop."

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Updated to 6-13

...Now I'm all for people wanting to work and having jobs, but there are some people out there that should not have the jobs that they have. Take for example the foreigners at the Dunkin Donuts drivethru. They can't understand what the hell you are saying and you can't understand what the hell they are saying. Already that spells trouble. So when you order two large unsweetened iced teas and they give you two large sweetened iced teas, what are you going to do? The next time I go through a drive thru I am not leaving until I check out every item of my order whether they like it or not.

...There's a lot of excitement around here because the Yanks drafted a local Irondequoit boy as their first round draft choice. Irondequoit is also the hometown of a certain Yankee admin around here. Irondequoit, as I was taught in my school days, is an Indian name which means "where the land and waters meet." Obviously they named the town before the bus lines started running. These days Irondequoit is known for some of the highest property taxes you can find anywhere.

...A big middle finger to the Seattle Mariners for dangling Cliff Lee in front of the Yankees in exchange for their top catching prospect and another player. If it were any other team they'd never ask for so much.

...It makes me wonder if Roy Oswalt would be a better fit on this team instead of getting Lee from the bloodsuckers in the Northwest.

...The immortal Daniel Nava hit a grand slam on the first pitch he ever saw in the major leagues for the Red Sox, who continue to be the luckiest team around. Because of what Nava did yesterday the Red Sox are going to push for him to be player of the month of June and with the pull that they have with the Commissioner of Boston, I mean Baseball, he'll get it.

...I wasn't online much yesterday for a few reasons. First I had some errands to run and secondly I wanted a break from here. We have a very small percentage of people in here that are nothing but complainers and it really grates on a person after awhile. Examples? Sure why not. We had one guy who just joined here and was posting every question in the wrong forum. He was told in a very polite way that he needed to post his questions in the right forum. He got upset and took it the wrong way. So he said he maybe should post in another forum. How nice. The Admin was pushing him around. We had another guy who wanted to take all the stadiums for 2k10 and repackage them for the non contributors because they don't have a lot of downloads. When he was told he was not allowed to do that it was our fault. The Admins here were being unreasonable. The Admins here are not fair. Then we had the same guy cry about not having shoutbox access and saying he should have had it because he's been a member here since 2006. The Admins here are making the place not fun anymore. Everything is their fault. These are the kind of people my good friends that will drive you insane if you let them. And these are the people that sometimes you need a break from.

...For those of you who do have shoutbox access, you missed a good conversation last week. Seems as if a Admin on this site who will remain nameless was unfamiliar with Bob Marley and at the same time didn't know he was dead. Have no fear though because the poor guy was straightened out by our resident genius MarkB. :)

...Welcome back Burn Notice and In Plain Sight and Royal Pains.

...Forgive me if this little section of the forum is starting to turn into a one man Dennis James fan club but Good Lord look at what this guy is doing for Mvp Baseball these days!!!!!!! WOW. Thank you Dennis James and I promise I won't say anything else about you until next Sunday. :)

...Recorded Con Air last night and I am finally going to be able to see this movie. Heard some good things about it but never got a chance to see it.

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Hey Y4L,

I’ve been getting a kick out of your weekly articles and they have become a refreshing read compared to the dreck of popular news or the issues of the daily work week. I do agree with your point about the unintelligible garble that comes out of the drive-thru intercom systems. It’s also extremely frustrating to couple it with someone you cannot understand. I’m all for speaking whatever language you want in your own home or neighborhood; but don’t put people who cannot speak clearly on the mike at every drive-thru. I have to deal with that at least 3 times a week here in southern California and since I do not speak Spanish…well let’s just say that I have had many messed-up orders (I’ve stopped counting). Sheesh!

Also, thank you for the positive compliments. I hope that some of my contributions can enhance the game for us die-hard fans of MVP Baseball and I will definitely continue my efforts.

Take Care,



Updated to 6-13

...Now I'm all for people wanting to work and having jobs, but there are some people out there that should not have the jobs that they have. Take for example the foreigners at the Dunkin Donuts drivethru. They can't understand what the hell you are saying and you can't understand what the hell they are saying. Already that spells trouble. So when you order two large unsweetened iced teas and they give you two large sweetened iced teas, what are you going to do? The next time I go through a drive thru I am not leaving until I check out every item of my order whether they like it or not.

...There's a lot of excitement around here because the Yanks drafted a local Irondequoit boy as their first round draft choice. Irondequoit is also the hometown of a certain Yankee admin around here. Irondequoit, as I was taught in my school days, is an Indian name which means "where the land and waters meet." Obviously they named the town before the bus lines started running. These days Irondequoit is known for some of the highest property taxes you can find anywhere.

...A big middle finger to the Seattle Mariners for dangling Cliff Lee in front of the Yankees in exchange for their top catching prospect and another player. If it were any other team they'd never ask for so much.

...It makes me wonder if Roy Oswalt would be a better fit on this team instead of getting Lee from the bloodsuckers in the Northwest.

...The immortal Daniel Nava hit a grand slam on the first pitch he ever saw in the major leagues for the Red Sox, who continue to be the luckiest team around. Because of what Nava did yesterday the Red Sox are going to push for him to be player of the month of June and with the pull that they have with the Commissioner of Boston, I mean Baseball, he'll get it.

...I wasn't online much yesterday for a few reasons. First I had some errands to run and secondly I wanted a break from here. We have a very small percentage of people in here that are nothing but complainers and it really grates on a person after awhile. Examples? Sure why not. We had one guy who just joined here and was posting every question in the wrong forum. He was told in a very polite way that he needed to post his questions in the right forum. He got upset and took it the wrong way. So he said he maybe should post in another forum. How nice. The Admin was pushing him around. We had another guy who wanted to take all the stadiums for 2k10 and repackage them for the non contributors because they don't have a lot of downloads. When he was told he was not allowed to do that it was our fault. The Admins here were being unreasonable. The Admins here are not fair. Then we had the same guy cry about not having shoutbox access and saying he should have had it because he's been a member here since 2006. The Admins here are making the place not fun anymore. Everything is their fault. These are the kind of people my good friends that will drive you insane if you let them. And these are the people that sometimes you need a break from.

...For those of you who do have shoutbox access, you missed a good conversation last week. Seems as if a Admin on this site who will remain nameless was unfamiliar with Bob Marley and at the same time didn't know he was dead. Have no fear though because the poor guy was straightened out by our resident genius MarkB. :)

...Welcome back Burn Notice and In Plain Sight and Royal Pains.

...Forgive me if this little section of the forum is starting to turn into a one man Dennis James fan club but Good Lord look at what this guy is doing for Mvp Baseball these days!!!!!!! WOW. Thank you Dennis James and I promise I won't say anything else about you until next Sunday. :)

...Recorded Con Air last night and I am finally going to be able to see this movie. Heard some good things about it but never got a chance to see it.

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