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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 8-16

...Just thought I would start out this week's edition of Random Thoughts with a shameless plug for thespungo's satirical news blog that you can see for yourself right here. I don't know about you but it's impressive and it's funny. And spungo, you know what? You got a good point. What the hell ever happened to those Planters Cheez Balls? Those things were addictive.

...Alex Rodriguez hit three home runs in last night's game at Kansas City. That's great. Now maybe he'll wake up for the rest of the year and start hitting and hopefully Derek Jeter will decide to do the same thing.

...My God even Jorge Posada homered. Can you all imagine if this guy actually contributes for the rest of the year? Oh no. I'm getting too ahead of myself here.

...Frankie Rodriguez rejoined the Mets yesterday after being arrested for beating up his father-in-law. Damn I'd love to be a fly on the wall for Thanksgiving dinner at their house this year. Word is all dad-in-law said to KRod was "why the hell did you leave the Angels to go to a team like this?" Seems like a reasonable question to me.

...Wasn't online last night because I went to see my second and last baseball game of the year. The Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs were in town. I'd like a kind user out there to tell me what in the hell an Iron Pig is. It was a good game. Great weather, not too hot, plenty of action. Fireworks after the game (big deal) and there was an Elvis impersonator after the game because today (the 16th) is the 33rd anniversary of his death. I wonder who thinks of these promotions?

...Isn't it ironic though that the King of Rock and Roll and the man who was Baseball's Home run king (Babe Ruth) both died on the exact same day?

...Did I read this right? The Oakland Raiders won a preseason game? Get the hell out of here.

...This is just a personal observation so don't shoot me for it. But ever since 2k9 was released last year we have had a different breed of users join here than we had in the past. These people come in here and demand just about everything be done for them and get all offended when you don't jump when they say so. Doing actual work like searching for something is out of the question. Not every new user who has joined during this time is like this. Anyways, that's just how I see it so if you don't agree with it take it out on me and not the website.

...Five Arby's roast beef sandwiches for five dollars. Good deal. The dollar menu at Burger King and McDonalds. Good deal. Buy one get one free. Another good deal. And one of the best deals on the internet if you are a PC baseball gamer is right here on this website. For five dollars you can buy yourself a year's subscription on this site and download to your heart's content. For ten dollars you can do the same thing -but it doesn't expire after the year is done. In fact it never expires. How can you beat that deal? You can't.

...Do you really want to laugh? Go to youtube and type in this keyword golf course airhorn. The past few days I've been watching these videos and these guys are driving those golfers nuts by blowing the airhorn. They go crazy when they mess up their swing! :lol: :lol:

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Just a quick note. Looked up about the Iron Pigs on wikipedia. Their name is a reference to Pig Iron, which is the intermediate product of smelting iron ore with coke, usually with limestone as a flux. Jay

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Just a quick note. Looked up about the Iron Pigs on wikipedia. Their name is a reference to Pig Iron, which is the intermediate product of smelting iron ore with coke, usually with limestone as a flux. Jay

Hey thanks a lot man. I love learning new things. That name just seemed a little odd to me and that's why I asked.

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Updated to 8-22

...I know it is only pre-season but I am loving this Raider team. I can't wait for the season to start up.

...George Carlin, the late, great comedian said it best. "If you are driving behind an old man wearing a hat you know you are going to go slow." And damned if that didn't happen to me twice last week.

...I sure wish someone would tell the Yankees that this year's Seattle team is way below .500 because when they play against them they make them look like the Mariner team that won 116 games in 2001.

...But this year the Yankees are making every team look good. They lack the spark and pitching depth. And laugh if you want because right now they still have the best record in baseball, but they are no lock for making the playoffs.

...And even if they do make the playoffs I see a first round exit. What do you expect when you have to throw out someone like AJ Burnett, who has been consistently bad all year and Javier Vazquez, who has been even worse. Again, I don't want to be doom and gloom here, but I just don't see how they can expect to win with this personnel.

...Look at Jeter for example. He looks like he aged five years over the off season and if the Yankees give him anything more than a three year contract when his current one runs out then they are insane.

...Hey did you see the Pirates signed a 16 year old pitcher? By the time the kid turns 18 they won't be able to afford him and they'll have to trade him. :)

...I would not be surprised if the Nationals shut down Stephen Strasburg for the rest of the season after an MRI on his forearm showed a strained flexor tendon.

...Being that I am one of the charter members of the Dennis James fan club I'd like to remind everyone that The Lord of Stadiums has released the 1970's versions of Dodger Stadium and Busch Stadium. And there's more coming. :)

...Haven't commented on Hazel Mae in a few weeks but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about her. The worst part of watching things on the MLB Network is when she happens to be on the air and pretends she knows baseball. Makes me wonder how she got her job. Put it this way...whomever hired her must have her put out three times a week to keep her job.

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Updated to 8-29

...It's August 29th and that's just sad. Another summer has zoomed by and already at night around here it is getting cooler. Another baseball season is about to go into the final home stretch. Why does time fly by so fast?

...I'll be home alone today because my wife is going to the New York State Fair in Solvay, NY (suburb of Syracuse) all day long with a girl she works with and the girl's mother. Did I want to go? No honey, you go and have a good time. I don't want to hold you back because of my knees and back. I want you to have a great time. I love you! Are you kidding? Do I want to go? So I can drive 90 miles to get there in a cramped little car? So I can walk around all day with a bunch of little five year olds running into you all day long? Yeah, let me grab my hat. I'll be right there!

...You all hear that the Phillies fans got themselves in the news again? This time it was an incident with Washington's Nyger Morgan where the drunken lot out there in the bleachers were making fun of him. Should this surprise anyone? These people are by far the worst fans in baseball just like they are the worst fans in football. Philadelphia fans deserve nothing but the back of everyone's hand. They are trash.

...Thank you Johnny Damon. And thank you Dan Johnson of Tampa even though I don't even know who the hell you are.

...Oakland quarterback Jason Campbell got injured last night in the Raiders 28-24 preseason loss to the 49ers. They said he got a "stinger." I'm not really sure what a stinger is and when I watched the replay of it, it looked to me that stinger meant that he got sacked really hard.

...For any of you who are New York State residents like myself, do you understand why we are getting new license plates that are going from white to dark yellow? If this state is complaining that they do not have money and they have to do cutbacks, etc, etc, why have this unnecessary expense?

...Ok Cincinnati Reds. There's a month to go in the season. You have a 4 game lead in the NL Central. You guys are my "pick to choke" team this year down the stretch. Come on now, don't disappoint me!

...Javier Vazquez is unhappy he is being passed over on his start today in Chicago and instead rookie Ivan Nova will be on the mound today for the pitching starved Yankees. Oh really? And like you deserve to be out there again Javy with the way you have been pitching? You are lucky that you can give the Yankees one productive inning. Damn I can't wait until you are off this team.

...ZERO. That's how much patience and faith I have left for this Yankee team. Zero is also the number of games A.J. Burnett has won for the Yankees in the month of August (0-4 with a 7.80 ERA.) How is that for a big money free agent pitcher?

...Say what you want about Boston GM Theo Epstein but at least this guy wasn't the one who signed Nick Johnson over the winter.

...Finally, some observant users around here may discover there are now two JoeRudi's running around here. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you because the second Joe Rudi is JoeRudi26's son, who just joined up yesterday. So say hello to him and make him feel welcome!

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And thank you Dan Johnson of Tampa even though I don't even know who the hell you are.

It always leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but I wanted Boston to win last night (and again tonight). With both the Yankees and Tampa winning, it doesn't allow NY to put any distance between themselves and the Rays.

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Updated to 9-5

...It has been quite some time that I have been looking forward to an NFL season but that is what I am doing this year after the Raiders are finally looking to be getting their act together. And next week when the season starts I will be able to watch them on the NFL Sunday Ticket from DirectTV. The Raiders, Sunday Ticket and Hi-Def TV equals major win.

...Cheers for Alex Rodriguez for finally telling agent Scott Bora$ where to get off.

...I am doing my Random Thoughts early this week because I woke up out of a sound sleep. I had a nightmare. Six months from today my wife and I are going to be going on vacation. I woke up because I dreamed we were on our vacation and that we left our money home. :cray:

...Late night TV is the best.

...Do we have any Andy Griffith Show fans around here? Is it just me or are the shows that are broadcast in color just do not look right?

...You want to listen to a live album that still has survived the test of time? Pick up Cheap Trick's live album called Cheap Trick at Budokan which was released here in the States in 1979.

...Took my wife out to a nice (for her) movie on Thursday night. I let her pick out the movie so she chose The Switch starring Jennifer Aniston. I didn't like it at all for a few reasons which I will give you here.

1. Jennifer Aniston was in it.

2. It was a romantic comedy made for women.

3. Jennifer Aniston was in it.

...Last night I let her choose another one to watch, this time on DirectTV pay per view. This one was called The Last Song and it had Miley Cyrus in it. This one I admit was much better than the Aniston movie and this Cyrus girl did a great job in it. It's nice to see a young actress like that out in Hollywood making headlines for her work and not for what she does wrong in her spare time like Lindsay "The Drunk" Lohan or Britney "I screw anything" Spears.

...Thanks Dodgers for blocking the waiver move of Ted Lilly going to the Yankees. Like you are actually going to be going somewhere in October.

...Manny Ramirez is now a White Sox. They already have an idiot as a manager and this guy will fit right in. And I still don't understand why he had to have an interpreter for his first White Sox press conference. Seems as if Nutsy only wanted to speak Spanish.

...Isn't it nice that Manny came clean and let everyone know that all the stuff that happened in Boston was his fault? This is something that the Red Sox and their fans have known for years now.

...Personally I am enjoying the season that the Angels are having. They can't lose enough games to satisfy me. Yet with all their troubles they still played the Yankees even (4-4) and at the same time finished up 0-6 against the Baltimore Orioles. Yeah I know. Don't even try to figure that one out.

...We got a few guys in here that have started a league in The Show 2010 on the PS3. Best of luck to them and I hope they have a lot of fun.

...Last week Nyger Morgan had a week only Milton Bradley could be proud of.

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-Jorge Posada had a triple on tuesday against the A's, can't believe you forgot about that one Y4L :lol:

-Speaking of Jorge's, I'd like to see the Yanks calling up Jorge Vazquez from Scranton-Wilkes/Barre, the guy has power and could be a helpful player on the bench.

-My university baseball trainings are going great, I've worked as a pitcher and also as a 1B and 3B but I almost injuried my right ankle on wednesday running to first base on a ground ball to short but hey, at least I did beat the throw :)

-Yesterday I went to my city's downtown and found a little Sports Store and found a nice Mariano Rivera collectors figure at a very cheap price, I even bought a Yanks pinstriped jersey.

-Also, if someone wants to help me with a video, please check this thread over here. Thanks :)

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-Yesterday I went to my city's downtown and found a little Sports Store and found a nice Mariano Rivera collectors figure at a very cheap price, I even bought a Yanks pinstriped jersey.

That figurine is insanely cool. Nice attention to detail.

Random thoughts, short and sweet;

Didn't have a good week this week. Various reasons, none of which I feel like typing right now. Suffice it to say when you're high, you're really high, and when you're low, you're really, really low.

Seriously considering sending an e-mail tomorrow which could land me in a job as a bus driver. No idea what will come of it, or if I'll even send the e-mail. At this point, though, it's looking mighty good in comparison to another 7 months of unemployment. From I.T. Support Specialist to bus driver, all in a short "OMFGTHEECONOMYISDEADWTF" year.

Finally decided to add a new playlist to my phone, full of quite epic randomness. GnR, Metallica, Bruce Springsteen, The Jam, The Eagles, Roger Miller, Billy Joel and Elvis Costello all make appearances. Will be expanded in future.

Also, a few films I strongly recommend watching - Into The Wild, Speak and Ca$h. All very interesting in their own ways.

Last but not least, spent this morning chatting to 4 complete strangers about anything, everything, and nothing - and it was the most insightful, intelligent, rewarding and mature discussion I've had in years. I didn't even know their names, and yet we managed to have discussions on life, animal biology, book recommendations, personality disorders, physics, Mark Twain, stereotypes, geography and etymology, evolution, and so much more. And it was all unplanned, the topics as much as the meeting. Totally and utterly random. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

This concludes my thoughts on a Sunday morning for this week. Makes a change - I say short and sweet, and, for a change, it actually is. Well, short, anyway. The post, that is. On the forum. I know how some of your minds work.

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The color episodes suck. I met Don Knotts on a couple of occasions-once I was invited backstage at one of his plays to get some autographs. Betty Lynn " Thelma Lou" is a personal friend of mine. I spent about an hour with her last year in her apartment. She is in her 80's and loves to talk about the show. The 50th anniversary in Mt. Airy N.C. will be awesome, I have to miss it this year.

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The color episodes suck. I met Don Knotts on a couple of occasions-once I was invited backstage at one of his plays to get some autographs. Betty Lynn " Thelma Lou" is a personal friend of mine. I spent about an hour with her last year in her apartment. She is in her 80's and loves to talk about the show. The 50th anniversary in Mt. Airy N.C. will be awesome, I have to miss it this year.

Yeah, there is just something about them that doesn't seem right. The black and white ones are the best.

I'm very envious that you got to meet Don Knotts! He's one of my all time favorite actors. I don't think anyone can portray being afraid of something like being in a haunted house or being afraid of ghosts as good as Knotts. And the scenes with Jim Nabors on that show were classic. Thanks for sharing.

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Updated to 9-12

...Doing an early Random Thoughts this week because I am watching the Yankee game right now from Texas and there was a rain delay. Right now it is the top of the 7th, bases loaded with one out and Posada is up. I'm expecting the worst...................and I got it. Asshole Posada grounded into an inning ending double play. This guy can not get off this team fast enough.

....Well this week's edition of this thread started out wrong, didn't it? :(

...Hey, it's week one of the new NFL season. At least that is something to look forward too. And as a Raider fan I am cautiously optimistic this year and hoping for the best. At least Jamarcus Russell is long gone. As Mr. Rickey said years ago, that's addition by subtraction.

...Free preview for all DirectTV users of their NFL Sunday Ticket. I'll be using that all year long rooting on Oakland.

...I don't know who the God damn hell Kim Clijsters is but I like her because she eliminated one of the big mouth Williams sisters at the U.S. Open. Now I am waiting for Venus to complain that everyone had it in for her.

...I have been consciously trying to avoid drinks with sugar in them so I purchased some Vitamin Water Zero the other day because it had less than one gram of sugar in it. I don't think I have tasted anything so bad in my life. I do drink sugarless tea but sometimes I want to have a variety. So do yourself a favor and never buy this crap because they make it sound like it's a great drink to have but I swear they must have been drinking something else when they said it.

...What the hell happened to Joaquin Phoenix? This guy looks like he spent the last few years living up in the mountains of Tennessee.

...Watching AJ Burnett and Javier Vazquez pitch gives me the same feeling that I get when I nurse a toothache.

...God will get you department: This past off season I laughed when the Red Sox signed Marco Scutaro from Toronto to play shortstop. I laughed because the Yankees had Derek Jeter and you can't compare Scutaro to Captain Everything now can you? Fast forward to now. Let's compare some stats for Jeter and Scutaro, ok?

Derek Jeter: .260 average, 10 HR and 60 RBI. .326 OBP and a .366 slugging percentage

Marco Scutaro: .272 average, 10 HR and 52 RBI. .333 OBP and a .386 slugging percentage.

Who's laughing now? Not me. In fact Jeter is getting worse by the day. But he will still get a nice new contract because of what he did ten years ago and not this year. Must be nice.

...Thanks but no thanks: Something I learned the other day and I thought was interesting enough to share in here. The state of Alaska will pay you to live there. You read that right. It seems as if those inbreds up there get an incentive to live up in the Great White Freeze. There is something called the Permanent Fund Dividend ( a huge investment of oil revenues in a variety of stocks and bonds.) And when October rolls around they pay their residents between one and two thousand dollars a year. Hell no. You live in below zero weather. And don't spend that check all in one place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to 9-26

...Random Thoughts is back after a one week hiatus because I was out of town last week down in the hellhole that my in-laws live at. No Internet access at their house. I was lucky they had cable TV. Things are so God damn ass backward there it isn't even funny. :mad:

...I didn't do a damn thing last Saturday except baby sit four dogs (three of them mine) and one pain in the ass second grader. My wife and her mother were only gone about five hours but spending time alone with that kid made it seem like five years.

...If you get the impression that I don't like little kids then let me confirm it for you. You're right. With kids that I have to deal with in real life and the winners I have to deal with in here I am glad I don't have one myself.

...I was going to come in here when I got home Sunday night and make my post but I came down with a stomach bug on Sunday morning where it did not allow me to keep anything down, whether I ate or drank, for two and one half days. I was hoping that someone would come in here and make some kind of contribution in here last week but that was too much to ask. Since Mark was sick the same time I was no one wanted to step up and help out because that meant they'd have to actually do something.

...Best wishes to Don Mattingly on becoming the new Manager of the Dodgers next year. Now with Joe Torre retiring he can release an update to his bullshit book that he wrote.

...I have been reading posts from other Yankee fans saying that the last time the Yankees went into the post season looking and playing this bad was during the 2000 season and things didn't turn out so bad that year. True, but the bullpen from that team can run circles around the slugs we have this year and in 2000 Derek Jeter was 26 years old compared to now, when he is playing like he is 41.

...Nice going CC Sabathia for winning twenty games for the first time in his career. And after he did that, he hasn't done anything since.

...It was an impressive ceremony for George Steinbrenner on Monday night at the Stadium. The Yankees know how to honor the great contributors to their team and have a great sense of team history. Not one team is close to them in this aspect.

...Apparently I can not even talk baseball to a Red Sox fan in the shoutbox about the Yankees even when I am the one putting down the Yankees instead of the Red Sox. No matter how I say something I am wrong. :huh:

...Javier Vazquez, one of the busts that the Yanks got during the off season hit three straight batters this week against the Rays. His comment about what he did? "I don't think it's that big of a deal." Gosh Javy, that's nice. You know, I feel a lot better now.

...Watched the new Hawaii Five-O last week and all I got to say is that I love it and I'm tuning it this week too.

...I've said this so many times but it never hurts to say it again. Thank you Dennis James. Just look at what he does. I can't rave about him enough. :hi:

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I couldn't be happier and i'm going to make the most of it.

..The Penguins have made a perfect 3-0 to pre season with the top players looking in good shape, can't wait for the regular season to start.

..The Chiefs have already won more games than i expected after going 3-0 today, this being the first time since 2003 maybe good things are on the horizon for the otherwise useless bunch of ***-*****

Got Halo Reach and F1 2010 this week and i can't believe how amazing they both are graphically, technology has come so far from when i first played consoles and games on the PC and i'm only 20 :rolleyes:

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Updated to 10-3

...Ok, let me get this out of the way. About a month ago I picked the Cincinnati Reds to be the team to fall apart in September and not make the playoffs. I was, of course, wrong. But can you blame me? I mean it's the Cincinnati Reds for God's sake. They don't make the playoffs. They're like all of us in here. They watch the playoffs.

...And did you hear what some whistleblowers did to the Reds when they won the division? Seems as if the Reds players lit up a few victory cigars when the division was clinched and a few people called the state hotline to complain that the players were violating Ohio's smoking ban. This just goes to show that no matter where you are or what you do you will always come across people like this.

...I have no problem with Stan Musial. In fact I believe he is the greatest player in St. Louis Cardinal history. But the blatant push the Cardinals are doing to try to get him a Presidential Freedom medal is nonsense. This attempt to campaign and beg the President to give Musial a medal is wrong. If Musial gets a medal or is honored in any way it should be because the Cardinals didn't initiate it and force the other party to give in for public relations reasons. Jeers to the person or persons who thought of this because they are doing Musial no favors.

...ESPN is a network I usually have no use for but I got to admit their Sportscenter commercials are funny.

...Ok, is this the part where I am supposed to be all excited that the Yankees are in the post season again and I should be having visions of a 28th championship dancing in my head?? If so, I'll get right on it because I'll be honest with you. This team lacks the pitching. If they are seriously considering giving Burnett a start in the playoffs they are in serious trouble.

...Whoever plays the Yankees in the first round must be quietly cheering their luck. They'll be facing a team that can't get people out (with the exception of Sabathia) and a Yankee lineup that can get on base but can't knock anyone in. Oh yeah, I'm confident.

...Oh yeah, and just because the playoffs are starting that automatically means that Captain Double Play is going to start hitting again just like he used to? I believe that too. Come on, tell me some more. :fool:

...I don't know where to look this up but I guarantee that the Yankee pitchers lead the league or are very close to leading it in three ball counts and walks. Every time you turn around someone can't locate the plate. It's like they are scared to throw strikes sometimes.

...Jose Bautista has 54 home runs for Toronto this year but who wants to bet that next year he doesn't even hit 20?

...One of the most difficult jobs in the world must be being Lindsay Lohan's lawyer.

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Updated to 10-10

...Spent the day at the hospital yesterday because my wife had shoulder surgery. This was the first time in our fourteen years of marriage that I was not the one being operated on when we had to go to the hospital. It felt funny in a way. I told her I would try to make it up to her. :unsure:

...Little did I know I could have brought my laptop with me because the hospital has free WI FI. Then again it could have been a bad idea if I decided to play a quick game of MVP and I lost the game. :lol:

...I feel the same way about this website today then I did one week ago. This is the best place to be.

...I can't stand people who are at a ballgame and are only there to try to get on TV. You've seen them, when the camera is focusing on the hitter at the plate, the people behind him start standing up and waving at the camera. Yeah, that's what I would do if I sat in those expensive seats at Yankee Stadium.

...On the other hand, have any of you seen that good looking lady usher on the first base side of Yankee Stadium? You can see her when a left handed batter is up. She is tall and has long black hair. (Hey, I can look.)

...As a rule I dislike those GEICO commercials but I do have one exception. They made a good one when they had that Spanish soccer announcer do the play-by-play for a chess match and at the end of it he shouted out "GOAAAAALLLLL!!!" Cracks me up every time.

...Congratulations to Roy Halladay. Thate guy can do it all it seems. The Reds may have been overpowered in game one but they had themselves to blame in game two.

...Why did the Yankees beat Minnesota in the ALDS? Because of good pitching. Good pitching. That is how you win. It is amazing how good this team can be when they keep A.J. Burnett and Javier Vazquez away from the mound. They have a chance to go far if they keep those two losers off the mound and off the roster.

...People may say to me that last week they recalled me getting down on the Yankees and even predicting them not to win against Minnesota. I admit it. And I am so glad I was wrong. But the way they played the last two months of the season was just terrible and to top it off being forced to watch Burnett lose and lose big every fifth day was too much.

...I don't know what happened to Mlbmods and I don't want to assume anything because you never should, but all I know about that site right now is that their domain name expired. If the site isn't renewed I want to thank Kraw for all he did. He created a nice site that was easy to navigate around and was very user friendly. Thank you again.

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Updated to 10-17

...Welcome back Mlbmods. Best of luck for the future. And for all you guys who need stuff over there, go and get them now so the rest of us don't have to mail you stuff.

...My wife was extremely impressed with me yesterday after the Yankees lost game two of the ALCS because I was not angry at all. In fact I was so cool you could not have told that a game was played, let alone them losing it. Usually after a game like this I am fit to be tied but I figured why the hell should I get angry when I am the only one who gives a ****?

...The reason why I wasn't upset when the game was done was because I had already prepared myself. When I knew that Phil Hughes was pitching I didn't expect much and that is just what he gave us in game two. The guy is a gutless choker who lets the team down when they need him the most. Just like all Yankee pitchers who come up through their farm system. All hype and no productivity.

...If the Yankees end up losing this thing they can not point the finger at Alex Rodriguez for not hitting. Guys like Mark Teixeira and Nick Swisher are doing their parts too by doing absolutely nothing. Robinson Cano can't do it all for this team.

...Now that Cliff Lee is going for Texas in game three the Yankees have a pre-made excuse as to why they will lose game three. All Lee has to do is throw his glove out on the field and he will beat these overrated SOBs.

...Who the God damn hell is Colby Lewis? That's my point. Only the New York Yankees can make this guy look like Don Drysdale and Juan Marichal all wrapped up into one.

...All anyone had to do was watch the bottom of the first inning of yesterday's game and you would have seen for yourself why I hate Jorge Posada so much.

...And yeah, all this frustration is coming from a true Yankee fan. You think I like typing this stuff, especially when it's the truth and especially when no one is going read it in here or care?

...One of my pet peeves about new people who join the site is not the questions that they have when they first come in because we all have them no matter how long we have been here but their demands on having us do their work for them that drives me simply crazy. NO I am not going to search for you. NO I am not going to mail you anything. NO I am not going to go to Mlbmods and find tywiggins' short season projector. It's over there. You find it. In short, I will help you out but I won't do your work.

...And even though he may not be here tomorrow to celebrate it with us, I'd like to wish MarkB a very happy birthday.

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Updated to 10-24

...I recovered quite nicely after last night's game six loss in Texas that gave the Rangers their first ever pennant at the expense of the Yankees. I really didn't have to "recover" at all since I told anyone who bothered to listen last month that the Yankees were going to do nothing in October. Not with the way they have been playing. And now it finally caught up to them.

...After the final out was made I shouted out "goodbye Javier Vazquez and Nick Johnson." And I hope there will be a lot more.

...Any day now Jeter will be putting on his humble act and will be doing all he can to con the Yankees out of a new five year 20 million dollar contract. What really pisses me off is that he will get it.

...I am so tired reading about that "Core Four" ****. It is my hope that half of the Core Four are given their walking papers this off season but the Yanks won't let Posada or Jeter leave.

...I have been reading in here that this is supposed to be one of the most exciting World Series' in awhile. That's strange. What was so bad about last year's Series? Oh that's right. The Yankees were in it and they won it.

...Cheers to the Giants as they won their first pennant since 1989. It would have been great to see a Yankee - Giant World Series but you can't have everything. And I will be pulling for San Francisco because anyone who beats Philadelphia is ok by me.

...Ok Raiders, now you have all my attention. Try to win a few games now before you fall apart once again in December.

...It is easy keeping up with posts in here lately since we are only averaging less than ten a day.

...Total Classics fans should check out Edtench's two new uniforms he made for the game. They look beautiful and they really stand out in the game. It is nice to see that people like him and Dennis James still make stuff for Mvp that still make this place worthwhile to come to.

...Doesn't the NBA start up soon? I don't really know because I never watch it but this year I am going to when Lebron James makes his first trip back to Cleveland. The booing he will get will be heard all the way down to Mexico.

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Updated to 10-31

...Ok, MLB got lucky this year because when the World Series ends this week and the calendar turns into November, they are lucky that the Series was not played in the east, where it is getting very cold and un-baseball like at nighttime now. In Texas and San Francisco you still can play at night, but just think for a second how it would have been if Philadelphia or New York would have got in?

...Checking ESPN just now I see that the Giants currently have a 2 - 1 edge in game in this World Series. I've only watched about ten minutes of the first three games so far and I don't even miss it.

...No, I'm not pouting over here because the Yankees aren't in it. I knew this team didn't deserve to be in the Series for many reasons. It's just that I don't care about the Rangers or the Giants and I never will.

...One good thing about new Rangers owner Nolan Ryan is that he doesn't like the Designated Hitter. At least we can agree on that.

...I can't wait until November 2nd because that's Election Day and that means all the TV and radio political advertising stops. Not to mention the political mail and the automated political phone calls to your house.

...Maybe if I went out and bought a PS3 I can be part of the in crowd again in here.

...No thanks, I'll save my money. I might need it to cover the medical costs when I go to the doctor to have him take the knife out of my back.

...Sure, that's just an expression. That doesn't mean anything. It's not like anyone is going to read this post anyways. It's like explaining yourself in a room of empty chairs.

...We had a total of four new posts on this site yesterday. That was for all day. I don't get it. And I sure as hell don't like it. I'll try to make a few posts today just so this doesn't happen two days in a row. Don't thank me. I'm not doing for you.This site needs more regulars in here on a daily basis and that will generate more interest and more posts and therefore more discussion. Not one person can do it. Then it will look forced. We all need to.

...Thanks to Brian Cashman for renewing Joe Girardi's contract. Now I am curious to see what you will be doing with Jeter. Please do not give this guy a long term contract.

...R.I.P. to James MacArthur, the guy who played Danno on the first Hawaii Five-O.

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Just thought I would send a comment so you wouldn't feel all alone out here. I watched the original 5-0 years ago and loved it. I've had a hard time getting into this new version. I had a friend in college some 30 years ago by the name of Dan. I used to call him " book em" for "book em Danno". I still call him that today when I talk to him. I still come on here everyday to see what is going on. I was booted from the shout box for criticizing " the Messiah" AKA Obama-if I'm a real good boy maybe I will be allowed back on. I still make my own dynasties using MVP edit. I am currently using the best players from the 50's till now on all the teams from 1969. I'm the Dodgers right now. Have a great day Y4L. By the way, I'm well over 3,000 dynasty games played. I think after 5 years I still love this game.

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Updated to 11-7

...The World Series ratings were the lowest rated ever. I don't know whether to be happy about this or upset. I realize it was a nice story that one of baseball's oldest teams won their first Series since 1954, but having a team like the Rangers in it must have made the FOX executives cry in their cocoa.

...It is funny to me that everyone seems to think that the Yankees are a lock to sign Cliff Lee.

...May as well give them Carl Crawford too.

...Trouble is, the same idiots that are so quick to assume that the Yankees are going to get Lee are going to be the first ones to cry and whine when it does happen.

...It was interesting to see that when I read the results of a recent NY Daily News poll that a whopping 20% of the readers voted not to re-sign Derek Jeter. I was, of course, one of the people who voted for the Yankees to cut ties with him. The Yankees do not need to give him a long contract like they gave Posada a few years back.

...I watched City Slickers again the other day and I told my wife that I wouldn't have been able to last two hours there on that ranch, let alone two weeks. :lol:

...Went to a family dinner recently and all the younger members of the family that were there got upset because they couldn't have their cell phones at the table while dinner was going on. It was almost comical watching them as they tried to eat as quick as they could just so they could send another text. :)

...And to think when I was their age we'd eat as fast as we could just so we could go out and play or watch TV.

...Went into Walgreens the other day and they were piping in Christmas music already. I know it's November but it is too damn early.

...R.I.P. Sparky Anderson. He was a very good manager :(

...Don't forget Daylight Savings time all you East Coasters.

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