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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 12-19

...I read in the shoutbox where DylanBradbury reported that Kansas City's Zach Greinke went to Milwaukee. Dylan even provided a link for it right here. But I swear to God I don't see this posted anywhere else. Not on ESPN, not on the MLB homepage and not on the Sporting News website. Maybe TSN.CA has the jump on everyone else. Wouldn't surprise me. And look at what Milwaukee gave up for Greinke! Absolutely nothing. This could go down as being the best deal the Brewers ever made.

Here's another link for it:


In my opinion, the Brewers gave up way too much for Greinke. They traded their starting shortstop in Alcides Escobar, starting centerfielder in Lorenzo Cain, and two top notch pitching prospects for Greinke.

When the Blue Jays inquired on Greinke, the Royals suggested we part with Travis Snider (or starting left fielder) and Kyle Drabek (potentially our fifth starter, and the main component of the Roy Halladay trade).

Seems to me the Brewers gave up two arms and two legs when the Royals were just asking for one arm and one leg.

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Well Dylan it looks as if the TSN website was right all along. I am watching the MLB Network right now (12:55 pm) and they are having a special report on the Grienke trade. Good work man.

It's a rare time TSN is right. Last year, they claimed the Blue Jays had signed former Blue Jay Reed Johnson. Fans were joyous. When JP Riccardi had released Johnson a few years earlier, fans were angry.

They went on to talk about how he had been drafted by the White Sox, and played for the Mariners and the Mets in his Major League career. It then occured to me that they had signed Jeremy Reed and not Reed Johnson.

Needless to say, fans weren't happy with TSN.

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Good to have you back Y4L-Have you ever seen chasing 3000? Great movie about two brothers who go through extreme measures to see Clemente hit 3000.

Thank you.

No, I have not seen that movie yet. I never heard of it until just now.

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I can't be bothered with this site anymore. Jim, you are a class act, and it was a pleasure serving a long side you. You will always have my utmost respect.

JoeRudi26, you are a two face hypocrite. I heard and saw what you did to Yankee4Life in the shoutbox. You are a ******* disgrace to this site...but keep on keeping on playa....what a joke.

As for Trues...well, what can I say, you were a pleasure to deal with until the end...then I don't know what the hell happened. It wasn't that we were removed from staff, it's how you did it. Now, none of the old staff could be bothered to show their faces around here....and I don't blame them. Tossed out like trash. May MVPMods be put out of it's misery soon...

Three months ago, I'd have laughed at the suggestion that I agree with most of this post.

Since I'm in the random thoughts thread (even though it isn't Sunday) and just got caught up on the happenings of MVPMods after clearing my PM inbox, I might as well take this opportunity to echo the thoughts of DJ and drop a few names, just in case I don't get another chance.

Jim, it's always been a pleasure to work with you. Your contributions to the site have been no less than awe-inspiring. Quite frankly, I don't know where this place would be without you. When there were dry periods of mods for MVP and MLB2k9 and 2K10, there was always Total Classics mods being worked on and released, and everyone on this site owes you, Stecropper, 112155, AlexTony, OTBJoel, PaulW and any other Total Classics modder whom I forgot a debt of gratitude for all the hard work you have all put in.

RQ and Sean, I'm glad, sincerely, that you guys are back on staff. With you and Jim manning the fort, MVPMods should continue along the right track without any outside influences.

Y4L, Maestro, DJ, tebjr, HFLR and carter - as above with Jim, it was a pleasure and an honour to have worked with you guys. Every one of you get my highest respect, and I'd do it all again at the drop of a hat. Again, there's no telling where this place would be without you. RQ and Sean, this applies to you guys as well.

Modders - KCcitystar, Dylan, MarlinsMY, Hyman, Totte, The Big O, Homer, rolie, Pirate, DennisJames and jogar84.

Thank you all, every single one of you are legends in your own right, and not only have you contributed massively to the community, I have appreciated your mods, advice or information on a personal level. For that I'm eternally grateful.

Posters - mcoll86, emath2432, olyrunner, meteamo, catzrthecoolest, xiberger, basesloaded74, philthepat, rookie_rick, D-Unit, fenway389, pistonj92 and the guys who I normally chatted with in the shoutbox.

Some of you guys provided great debate, some of you helped out in the forum when others were having problems, some of you were just great for a laugh on a bad day, all of you were appreciated. I've spoken to some of you in PM's as well as in the forum, and it's always been a pleasure dealing with you guys. I wish you all nothing but the best for the future if our paths don't cross again.

To anyone I forgot, my apologies, it was far from intentional.

Everyone else not mentioned, I hope my presence on the forum in whatever capacity - staff member, PC support, modder or just resident geek - has been, in one way or another, useful, and I hope I've managed to help some people with their problems in the past few years and improve some people's games with a few mods.

I'll be sending out some PMs later tonight or tomorrow, so I'll probably speak to some of you in those. If you want to keep in touch outside of the site, drop me a PM. Regardless, though, just in case worst comes to worst, I've enjoyed my time here, and am proud that I can "walk-away", metaphorically speaking, with my head high and my pride intact, knowing that the majority of people who I had day-to-day interactions with can be considered friends now. I've never been ashamed to call it like I see it, unlike some others, and that's not something I'll apologise for.

And just for the record, I'm not planning on leaving the site. I just thought I should post this just in case I don't happen to get back to regular posting for whatever reason.

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Man, what a great early Christmas present to see you back here. This site will never be the same without you around. Thank you for the kind words. You, Y4L, and Jim have all been my positive influences in my rookie year, here at MVP Mods. I’m very happy to see your re-appearance and I hope you have a great Holiday.

Take care friend. :clapping:


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Man, what a great early Christmas present to see you back here. This site will never be the same without you around. Thank you for the kind words. You, Y4L, and Jim have all been my positive influences in my rookie year, here at MVP Mods. I’m very happy to see your re-appearance and I hope you have a great Holiday.

Take care friend. :clapping:


You too man, take care, and have a great Christmas. You've been fantastic for MVPMods since you've joined, and it's been a pleasure chatting to you in the forums.

Mark - Thanks for the kind words. It's good to see you again and I hope you continue to visit regularly.

Happy holidays Mark, nice to see you around now and then.

Thanks guys, and happy holidays to you and everyone else as well, I forgot to put that at the end of my post. Not a Christmas guy, what can I say? :)

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Updated to 12-26

...Of course I'd like to start this week's edition of Random Thoughts by wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and I also hoped you all had a nice, quiet, relaxing day yesterday with your family. I hope you got all that you wanted and that you made someone else feel special too.

...I enjoy Christmas for those reasons, and for the nice meal that always comes with it when we stop off at my parent's home for dinner. I'm also thankful that Christmas day has arrived once again and that all the advertising and Christmas TV specials and Christmas radio songs are nearing its end.

...Just wondering though, I am sure all of you have seen A Christmas Carol on TV in one of its many versions, be it the Bill Murray version or George C. Scott or Alistar Sim or ad finitum. But how many of you actually read the book? Let me put it this way: you won't be wasting your time.

...These advertisers never know how to let up. Want an example? I saw my first after-Christmas advertisement on TV on Thursday, December 23rd. They just can't give us a breather.

...Well, enough of Christmas talk. It sure is nice to see MarkB back here after being gone for over a month. He is a huge part in what this website is.

...After this week there is only one more week of the football picks that we have had going on here. Dylan Bradbury is running it very well and I am very curious to see who is going to win this because I know it sure as hell isn't going to be me. :)

...Remember that actor that called himself "Sinbad"? What the hell ever happened to him?

...Now as a rule I am not someone to comment on politics (we have enough people in here to do that, especially during the elections) but there was one thing this week that happened that really made me stop and shake my head. Sarah Palin, not the brightest woman you'll ever meet, put down Mrs. Obama's anti-obesity campaign as she accused the first lady of telling parents what their kids should and should not eat. No lady, that's not it at all. Mrs. Obama has a campaign to get kids moving appropriately called "Let's Move" because a lot of kids these days do not go outside and play. When they get out of school they run home and get on their Playstations instead of going outside. I don't see anything wrong with this attempt to get kids to go outside and run around a little bit. It will do them nothing but good. As for Palin, she should stay up in that frozen wasteland called Alaska and guard her daughters so none of them get knocked up again prematurely.

...Ever see a movie called Last Day of Summer? It was an odd movie about a harrassed fast food employee who was going to take care of his boss on the final day of summer until he was distracted by a pretty girl (played by the beautiful Nikki Reed.) It's not a movie I usually watch but it ended up to be pretty good.

...Speaking about pretty girls, you all have seen that Evan Longoria commercial? The one where he chases that fan because "he has his hat"? If I were him the chase would have come to an abrupt halt as soon as I got on that trolley and I shook hands with that gorgeous blond. I'd have bought another hat. but that's just me.

...Wouldn't it be something if Mark Prior turned out to be a big help for the Yankees next year? Ah forget it. What the hell am I talking about?

...Hey Nick Johnson, I got a question for you. Who's going to be dumb enough to sign you this winter now that the Yankees are no longer in the picture? I bet they are really beating down your door. And if in case someone is knocking on your door, answer it carefully so you don't break your wrist again.

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...Of course I'd like to start this week's edition of Random Thoughts by wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and I also hoped you all had a nice, quiet, relaxing day yesterday with your family. I hope you got all that you wanted and that you made someone else feel special too.

I certainly did, and I hope you did too, Y4L!

...Just wondering though, I am sure all of you have seen A Christmas Carol on TV in one of its many versions, be it the Bill Murray version or George C. Scott or Alistar Sim or ad finitum. But how many of you actually read the book? Let me put it this way: you won't be wasting your time.

I certainly have read it, and Y4L's right, it's certainly worth the read! (P.S. If you don't like reading, it's pretty short.)

...Well, enough of Christmas talk. It sure is nice to see MarkB back here after being gone for over a month. He is a huge part in what this website is.

You're right about that! Welcome back MarkB!

...After this week there is only one more week of the football picks that we have had going on here. Dylan Bradbury is running it very well and I am very curious to see who is going to win this because I know it sure as hell isn't going to be me. :)

I thought this week was the final week, but this year the final week is in January (i.e., all games take place January 2nd) Crazy stuff!

...Remember that actor that called himself "Sinbad"? What the hell ever happened to him?

Tax issues, that's what happened to him.

...Hey Nick Johnson, I got a question for you. Who's going to be dumb enough to sign you this winter now that the Yankees are no longer in the picture? I bet they are really beating down your door. And if in case someone is knocking on your door, answer it carefully so you don't break your wrist again.

Who cares about his wrist, he broke his ankle when he hear the door knock and stepped out of bed! :D

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Good afternoon guys, a few days ago I had a press conference in the Yaquis de Obregón clubhouse with the team president and some players (including the one on my sig) and it appeared on the most popular news paper in my state pic here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1237.snc4/156967_1572871033979_1001628990_31301531_1304602_n.jpg

I also printed a cover I made for Caribe 2010 which features Agustin Murillo and he signed it too! I got it hanged up in my bedroom to remember that moment, you can see it here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1355.snc4/162789_472028933070_54905108070_5715053_1848743_n.jpg

Yesterday I got in touch with someone related to TV Azteca (one of the two biggest national networks) and they are willing to make a little segment about MVP Caribe this week, they'll take me with them to Navojoa to watch one game of the Obregon vs Navojoa series that will end the season and in the segment a Obregon player will play MVP Caribe against a Navojoa player, awesome! Just wanted to share that with you my friends :)

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Good afternoon guys, a few days ago I had a press conference in the Yaquis de Obregón clubhouse with the team president and some players (including the one on my sig) and it appeared on the most popular news paper in my state pic here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1237.snc4/156967_1572871033979_1001628990_31301531_1304602_n.jpg

I also printed a cover I made for Caribe 2010 which features Agustin Murillo and he signed it too! I got it hanged up in my bedroom to remember that moment, you can see it here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1355.snc4/162789_472028933070_54905108070_5715053_1848743_n.jpg

Yesterday I got in touch with someone related to TV Azteca (one of the two biggest national networks) and they are willing to make a little segment about MVP Caribe this week, they'll take me with them to Navojoa to watch one game of the Obregon vs Navojoa series that will end the season and in the segment a Obregon player will play MVP Caribe against a Navojoa player, awesome! Just wanted to share that with you my friends :)

By far, the most impressive mod to ever be shown on this site. Congrats for all your success, Hector!

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Hector, the attention and respect that you and your team of modders get down in Latin America is really impressive. All anyone has to do is play the latest Caribe mod and they'll know for themselves why such a big deal is being made about this down there.

It is nice that the players down there are just as involved in this game as all the Caribe fans are.

Thank you again for this mod.

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Updated to 1-2

...First off, I'd like to say Happy New Year to everyone in here and I hope that this year is a good one and a safe and healthy one for all of you because that is what I want out of this year for myself.

...I didn't make any New Year's resolutions because the way I see it New Year's resolutions are like rules - they are made to be broken.

...I had a big smile on my face when the ball dropped and the calendar turned to January 1st. Why? Because this is the last year of Jorge Posada's contract with the Yankees and they'll be saying bye-bye to him as soon as this season is done.

...I miss baseball as much as anyone else but at least for a few months out of the year I don't have to hear Michael Kay and that alone makes the winter months a bit more tolerable.

...This is our last week of the football picks and it has been fun. I will be pulling for Dylan to win this thing. Somehow he had to take over this thing about halfway into it for unknown reasons and he has done a remarkable job week after week. Dylan, I got to ask you right now. You've been picking so well all season long. Did you ever think to put some money down on these picks? You could win a nice chunk of change.

...Despite what happens this afternoon in Kansas City, this year's Raider team has made a big impression on their fans and just about anyone who follows the NFL. This team is starting to look like the teams from the Gruden years.

...Went to the movies on New Year's Eve and saw Gulliver's Travels. It was so-so. It wasn't the worst movie I saw but at the end of it I said to myself I could have spent my money on a better movie. Even Amanda Peet couldn't make me watch this again.

...Brett Favre is listed as inactive for today's Vikings game, a game which is supposed to be his "final game." That of course will remain to be seen because I don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

...Oh well, that means he can sit on the sidelines and send texts. Hey, if Jenn Sterger doesn't want his texts she must have some pretty hot girlfriends that might want them, right?

...Anyone remember those old Jonny Quest cartoons? I loved them! Well I found out something about them the other day. Tim Matheson, the guy who was in Animal House was the voice of Jonny Quest. Now maybe this may not be news for some of you but it was for me.

...And yes, Andy Pettitte is still making the Yankees sweat. That son of a *****.

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Go see True Grit. It's worth the money. I wish you a happy and healthy 2011 Y4L. I watched Johnny Quest all the time when I was a kid, I didn't know that info. I hate the Chiefs with a passion; but the Raiders won't beat them in KC. Watch chasing 3000 sometime-it's a great movie.

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Go see True Grit. It's worth the money. I wish you a happy and healthy 2011 Y4L. I watched Johnny Quest all the time when I was a kid, I didn't know that info. I hate the Chiefs with a passion; but the Raiders won't beat them in KC. Watch chasing 3000 sometime-it's a great movie.

Yeah, I heard some nice things about True Grit. Should have went to see that one. Best wishes to you too man!

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Updated to 1-2

...This is our last week of the football picks and it has been fun. I will be pulling for Dylan to win this thing. Somehow he had to take over this thing about halfway into it for unknown reasons and he has done a remarkable job week after week. Dylan, I got to ask you right now. You've been picking so well all season long. Did you ever think to put some money down on these picks? You could win a nice chunk of change.

Haha, it turns out I did win. (No one's more surprised than me. Thanks for hoping I won!

And you're right, it has been fun. Hopefully, we the NFL will avoid the strike, and I can conduct the league again next year.

As for putting money on these picks, I don't think I'm that good! ;)

Thanks again for all those who participated, It's been a blast!

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As I promissed here is the video of the TV Azteca interview with 2 payers (Adan Munoz of Navojoa and Luis Mendoza of Obregon). It's in spanish but you don't need to speak spanish to understand that Mendoza is pitching to Munoz.

Today I wanted to share two things that happened to me in this last two days. (It ain't sunday but I don't think I'll be here on sunday).

On wednesday morning I recieved a call from the Yaquis de Obregón team, they wanted me to throw the first pitch of Game 4 of the playoff series between our biggest rival, Hermosillo. I immediately accepted and delivered a strike while very nervous in front of 10,000 fans, when I threw the pitch the team showed a video of MVP Caribe in the big screen of the ballpark, it was a great moment and the ball was signed by plenty of Yaquis players... but it wasn't the best part.

Yesterday (thursday), I saw in the news that Joakim Soria would throw the first pitch of game 5 at 7 PM and I arrived at 6:20 PM.

Since the team gave me a Press Pass for this season I have the opportunity to go down to the field to show the videogame to the players and watch batting practice, well I arrived to see my hero and waited until 7 PM, press and media from all over the city, the state and even the country was there waiting for Soria in the VIP entrance to the field, not the lockers door that takes the players to the dugouts, that's where I waited. I heard many of the press guys say "Lucky the one that gets something signed, a picture or an interview with Soria". Then I was lucky, Soria arrived to the field using the lockers door and not the VIP access. I was the first to talk to him and asked him to sign a baseball and to pose for a picture with me. It was awesome and I even got to talk to him for more than a minute and shaked his hand to say goodbye wishing him luck (I also told him to think about joining the Yankees since we don't want any heart attack relievers any more haha). And that's how I got a picture with one of my heroes, Joakim Soria.

Picture here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1393.snc4/164563_483435772594_575257594_6501871_6223237_n.jpg

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