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The Official MVP MLB 2006 Thread

Sean O

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I'd love help if it was possible. The file only can be editted by one person, the minorleaguers can't just magically appear there. From Early to Mid-October, I asked who-else was doing 2006 rosters. I got no response to I went it alone. If help was possible I'd be all for it, but it really isn't. I have to watch all the video, I have to look at all the stats, I have to look at pictures, I make the necessary changes. Sorry if I am looking conceded, but I'm doing what I can to make an accurate revamed 2006 roster.

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Of course help is possible at this point. UR can import your changes to the rosters and then go from it. You can start by adjusting a team, Totte another, then you send the file so it can be imported.

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I have to sort of side with MOKI on this. While your efforts are more than appreciated SS, The UR seem pretty darn complete. You really should use them as a base and formulate everything from there. While an accurate minors system may not be important to you it can greatly extend the replay value of dynasty and owner modes and with all the quality content already created to utilise the minor leagues (portrait sets & cybers), it just makes sense. Furthermore, you said you are aiming for total accuracy, which is cool but the whole of the minor leagues will never be truly accurate in any baseball game, that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be included.

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Okay, let's get this straight. I think there is a loss of focus here. (At least a February 16th release date is agreed upon) There are things that MUST get done. Here's a list of things (provided by Sean O) that are getting done:


*** UPDATED 11/28 ***

Current Project listing:

2006 Rosters - SwinginSoriano

2006 Schedule - Friedman

Ditty / Music - Astroeric is looking into indie bands

Cover / Graphics - KCcitystar

Graphics - Baseballheaddan

New Generic Faces - UncleMo

New Busch Stadium - Pirate and Sean O

Citizens Bank Park w/ new dimensions - Sean O and Pirate, or I'll just modify his 2005 version

PETCO Park w/ new dimensions - Sean O and Pirate, same deal


Here are some other things that MUST get done:

- The MVP 06 Dontrelle Willis theme in 2X. CTS screen, opening loading screen, disclaimer/roster date screen, any other screen that needs changes

- Cyberfaces, uniforms, equipment, bats, and gloves in 2X to come with my roster.

- Decision on whether or not to use EA Patch 3 or 4 for our update

- New Cyberfaces when necessary (I'll be asking for a list of them to be made sometime in late January, yes I plan things out like a weirdo. :p)

- The new Nationals and Brewers alternate uniforms in 2X

Things that are OPTIONAL:

- Changing the soundtrack

- Changing the theme song (I am actually going to the MLB International Theme)

- Finding ways to put this on CD

- Making a private download section so the mods can be BETA tested

I'll add to this list as necessary, but it's 12/1, we must all get cracking.

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get working guys!!! ;)

I'm in full support of this mod and would like to help with ratings/scouting reports and such ( since I'm prolly buying the next BA handbook ) if there's any need for it.

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One last thing, I think we should have a cutoff point agreed upon by the cyberface makers so thatwhatever faces they release will be released in February. Why? Why would I care to get an update unless I can get something that I normally can not get on here. Example 1. What if I had already released my generic faces, why download mvp 2006 when someone can already get the faces. Just an observation.

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im gonna be helping friedman with the schedule, but i would like to help on other tasks. Im not a graphical person, so if there anything i could do to help fill me in...does anyone know how i can edit the ages and attributes?

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  \ said:
Why can't more than one team be worked on. MVPEdit allows the importation and exportation of teams so several people could work on it.

I didn't know about that (or how to combine someone else's file), but sadly it's December 1st and I am already underway with my roster.

BTW, can you post a MVPmods disclaimer that can be included in the Rosters as of screen? It would be a good way to cover our asses.


Now, I want to respectfully settle the questions that people have for my roster because some questions have arisen concerning UR and Total Minors.

First, the goal of my rosters is for them to be like a "new" set of rosters. Like the rosters that come with a new MVP Baseball game, just without the mistakes and with more up to date transactions. The rosters that come with MVP are focused on the Major Leagues, so are mine. My goal is to create as accurate as a Major League roster as possible. Correct ages (editted birthdates to coincide with MVP 2004, and 2005), batting stances, equipment, wristbands, bat, glove, new attributes (contact, power, hot & cold), correct pitches and movements, wind-ups, etc. The rosters will be as accurate as mlb.com's photos, videoes, and my personal MLB watching experience can provide. Yes, hours and hours of watching video is going into this. I am trying to get things as accurate as poissible.

Second, while many would want minor leaguers in their game to play as their favorite prospects, minor leaguers can put the accuracy of the Major League rosters in Jeopardy. Star-power (potential) can overrate minor leaguers to the point of supplanting Major League Players on a roster. Also, attributes can easily be overrated for certain prospects as people tend to overrate many who have not had their cup of coffee yet. Also, if the good prospects are never given good potential so as to prevent such ploayers from interfering in major league games, they would be no fun to play with at the minor league level because they would never progress.

Third, if one thinks it is difficult to evaluate major league players, it is even more difficult to evaluate minor league players. No scout, GM, or roster-maker can properly predict what will come of a minor league player. Simply, I feel it is difficult to properly rate minor league players if I deemed it possible to add a minors into the game that did not hurt the accuracy of major league teams.

Fourth, if people want to have a Total Minors roster, a Total Minors roster exists. People have the option of using Ultimate Rosters. There are some things Ultimate Rosters has that mine does not, and there are some things my roster will have that U.R. does not. If anyone would ever want to make adjustments (such as total minors or anything) to the finished product in the future, they are welcome to.

Fifth, I only have so much hours in a day. It would be very time consuming for me to add real minor-leaguers to the base roster I am already working with. If someone else could do it, it would be a different story. But I do not know how good of a job someone can do and the very fact that if attributes are not made correctly the players will supplant Major League players. Plus, it is very difficult to keep up with the many Minor League transactions we do not hear about. It would not help make a more accurate product.

Lastly, when it is done, people can use my work as they please. I would be happy if any modder out there could find a way to make my roster better or attempt to prove me wrong and implement an accurate total minors system. I am open to that. I also wonder if anyone could help me gain more information on players that do not have much pictures or any video available for them. Thank you all for your offers, I appreciate them. I am trying to make the best Major League roster and make a great MVP 06, because that is what is important.

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  \ said:
I would love to help with some text based modding

What's your expertise? Pick a topic that needs to be done publically and do it man! 8)

  \ said:
One last thing, I think we should have a cutoff point agreed upon by the cyberface makers so thatwhatever faces they release will be released in February. Why? Why would I care to get an update unless I can get something that I normally can not get on here. Example 1. What if I had already released my generic faces, why download mvp 2006 when someone can already get the faces. Just an observation.

The finish date was agreed to be Feb 16.

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Seems kinda silly to start up a new roster all over again from scratch rather than just working together to improve ultimate rosters as they are...

But hey, it's your choice...

I see your point with the minors however in MVP 05 the game doesn't seem to promote top prospects as quickly as it did in mvp 04 and since the game will create 'fake' players to fill the void the 'realism' of the major leagues will be compromised anyway...

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I agree 100% with Hory and wish you would choose to back off, and use your time helping modding something where there will be a need. Rosters being accurate will not need to be done. We should focus on what needs to be done. I don't want to discourage you but I want you to think about maybe refocusing your energy/time one something needed.

And my comment earlier was to maybe request cyberface modders to quite release works until after mvp 2006, or else there is no need for mvp 2006 because we currently are playing mvp 2006, without the CTS and other screens changed that is. Everyone already has their create a players, music, crowd, faces, rosters changed. Everything. So Maybe if peolpe would choose to focus on this project, and I mean everyone, stop releasing their mods unless it is released for this project and submitted to SeanO and you, then this would be a perfect project. Otherwise, I feel we're spinning our wheels. We could, for future updated (mvp 2007, mvp 2008, etc etc) have cut of points where no mods are released from say after the WS until March 1 or whatever date (Feb 17). That way we can keep this game going as if it is a new game. Every year. I'm already thinking about how to create new portraits, with new .ord and .orls and yes, fsh files, in order to have a totaly converted generics so we don't have to pull out 2004's, 2003's, and then a few years from now put out 2005's. I'm rambling. SS, don't take offense, but I agree with Hory about the rosters. We could use you doing something more important. And thanks for keeping things organized or else this would stink.

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  \ said:
Seems kinda silly to start up a new roster all over again from scratch rather than just working together to improve ultimate rosters as they are...

But hey, it's your choice...

I see your point with the minors however in MVP 05 the game doesn't seem to promote top prospects as quickly as it did in mvp 04 and since the game will create 'fake' players to fill the void the 'realism' of the major leagues will be compromised anyway...

Glad to see there is a minor improvement in 05. There is a base to my rosters though, my MVP 2004 roster (which will be converted with MVPconvert by rglass), which I have done updates to throughout the season. Plus, I do not want to take Totte's work. It is his roster, I have my own roster. We are doing our own things.


For the whole planning issue, it would be nice if Trues would be able to keep a private download section so we could upload our files and beta test. While some of the things to be included in MVP 06 can 'leak' before the release date, everything that matters should be held onto so MVP 06 as a project can succeed. It'd be cool if we kept doing this every year as long as another moddable PC baseball is not available. It'd be like our own little cult...


I do not feel I am wasting my energy on my rosters, when they come out, I am sure all of you will be satisfied with all the changes I had made. (Or making at this point.) Plus, I suck at modifying anything else.

Other things I plan on doing in the future are:

- New 'theme music' to be played between innings. (I'll get the sound, hopefully someone else can get it to work, so it really won't be my mod at all. :? )

- A balanced non-interlague 'fantasy' schedule.

- Update the batting stance reference sheet

- Make a Pitching wind-ups reference sheet

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Hey, I dont know if anyone offered to do this, but I'd like to offer to make an overlay for MVP 06. And, If you like, I'll work on those bats that I made some more, and then you can feel free to use those too. but since your making this more like MLB style, that'll probably not be nessary.

But Like I said, I'll offer to do the overlays, although my offer and submission (s) will probably be shot out of the sky, But I'll give me a hobby to do.

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That's what I don't get SS. Why do you prefer starting your own rosters and UNITE with UR and perfectly and easier make a better roster? Just imagine the possibilities! It's about team work SS and like I said earlier, you sound like if you wanna be recognized for doing the rosters alone.

"Plus, I do not want to take Totte's work. It is his roster, I have my own roster. We are doing our own things."

That's what I mean when I say that you don't want help. The potential of these two rosters united are endless... Endless.

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How's this for the MVP 06 logo? Suggestions would be great. I tried to match it as close to the original as possible. I could not find the exact font but I think I came pretty close.

Just drop me a pm

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