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Epic IV: 2008 Rosters for MVP 2005


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I don't know if this has been addressed. But Takashi Saito has the face of Sammy Sosa and vice versa. For some reason I can't manually edit this in MVPedit, so I was hoping the next update could take care of this little detail. Oh yeah, Wilson Valdez has been designated for assignment in favor of Hong Chi Kuo.

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I don't know if this has been addressed. But Takashi Saito has the face of Sammy Sosa and vice versa. For some reason I can't manually edit this in MVPedit, so I was hoping the next update could take care of this little detail. Oh yeah, Wilson Valdez has been designated for assignment in favor of Hong Chi Kuo.

I'm assuming you're using the 07 modls.big May update cuz we swtiched the cyberface numbers of Sosa and Saito there in order to give Sosa back his default HR celebration which is located in cyberface ID no.3.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a month here. :p

A new version is finally out. And, yeah, the whole Sammy Sosa thing is from which models.big you have. Luckily, my roster is compatible with all three that are out. A quick update may be out in a few days but I cannot guarantee it. Enjoy the roster! And comment and PM me on the infinite problems it has. ;)

Lineup and rotation suggestions would be appreciated, (I've done some but I do not know them all) so if there is anything you all know that I should know do not hesitate in telling me!

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Hola Soriano, felicitaciones de verdad por tu gran trabajo pero quisiera preguntarte algo y disculpa mi ignorancia, como hago para que la actualizacion de tus rosters los pueda usar en el modo dinastia ya que tengo muchisimos juegos ya ganados y la unica forma de disfrutar del roster actual, como los que tu haces, es realizando un juego amistoso. Quiero saber si hay una herramienta para poder hacerlo ya que estuve buscando cual me podria servir pero no supe reconocer cual es la herramienta ideal y sencilla para hacerlo. Gracias y espero puedas ayudarme

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a program that updates your roster while letting you continue to play your dynasty, however I do not know what it is because I never used it.


In roster update news, I'll release a new roster at the trading deadline (July 31st) and that may very well be the final roster update for 2007. (Unless I decide to have an August 31st release).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just some news concerning the roster:

- The Trade Deadline version will be released tonight! Sorry for the long wait!

- For the 2008 Epic IV rosters, the "formulas" (which I ignore or modify sometimes) that I use for creating ratings will remain mostly the same. The main changes that will be implemented are as follows:

Plate Patience will be treated as "Plate Approach". Total OBP will be the factor (rather than BB or OBP - BA) to determining the "Plate Approach" rating. This is done because sadly the plate patience rating affects batting average far more than contact in simulations. Though simulations are always wacky, regardless. It's a videogame, but whatever little thing I can improve I'll try to do.

Power ratings formula will be similar, but revamped. This will result in more consistent and slightly lower power ratings, but now ratings are affected by the amount of HRs a player as well as slugging. (Before, only slugging and discretion determined power ratings.)

Pitcher stamina formula will be similar, but revamped. Spot starters will have more stamina (and have SP as their position), 5 IP pitchers will have less. Reliever stamina will stay the same however.

- Otherwise batting average rating, hot and cold zone 'rating', star ratings, and etc. remain the same.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Labor Day Version is coming out very soon.

This may be the year's last roster, as I look forward to 2008's version. It's going to be another busy winter as usual. :)

For the time being, lay back, take a break, and listen to Sal the Stock Broker and Richard Christy's attempted transaction for a bench press.

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Just some news concerning the roster:

- The Trade Deadline version will be released tonight! Sorry for the long wait!

- For the 2008 Epic IV rosters, the "formulas" (which I ignore or modify sometimes) that I use for creating ratings will remain mostly the same. The main changes that will be implemented are as follows:

Plate Patience will be treated as "Plate Approach". Total OBP will be the factor (rather than BB or OBP - BA) to determining the "Plate Approach" rating. This is done because sadly the plate patience rating affects batting average far more than contact in simulations. Though simulations are always wacky, regardless. It's a videogame, but whatever little thing I can improve I'll try to do.

Power ratings formula will be similar, but revamped. This will result in more consistent and slightly lower power ratings, but now ratings are affected by the amount of HRs a player as well as slugging. (Before, only slugging and discretion determined power ratings.)

Pitcher stamina formula will be similar, but revamped. Spot starters will have more stamina (and have SP as their position), 5 IP pitchers will have less. Reliever stamina will stay the same however.

- Otherwise batting average rating, hot and cold zone 'rating', star ratings, and etc. remain the same.

What about the defending skill and speed rating?

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im lookin for xbox rosters if these in fact are for xbox... do i need anything else already on my xbox for them to be compatable?
go to eamods for xbox rosters

rosters for xbox must be converted to an sav file. you need an ar replay to get them from your pc to xbox

kraw converts them

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  • 1 month later...

What about the defending skill and speed rating?

45 days late for this reply, but better late than never. :x So far, speed has decreased a bit all around for most players as I felt that players were a tad too fast. Defensive ratings have the same formula as last year though. (It's pretty unscientific).

So far, I have overhauled everything up to the Reds' ML roster, I have had only two to three hours a night for 'rostering' so progress is not as fast as I'd like but it'll be out on time.

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