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UR 4.01 with straight fastballs to be released tonight


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For those of us who don't like the fact that certain players in the Ultimate Rosters have moving 4-seam fastballs, I've worked with Totte to create a version of Ultimate Rosters 4.01 that removes all movement from all 4-seam fastballs. I'm just testing it out right now, and am hoping to release it later tonight, probably in an hour or two.

Basically, if a pitcher has movement on his 4-seam fastball, that movement (and description) is noted, then removed, and added into the pitcher's repertoire in the form of a 2-seam fastball with the same movement rating and a comparable description.

So, basically, no more weird movement on the fastballs. I'm sure I've seen others who would like straight fastballs, so this is for you guys.

Anyway, just a heads-up. :)

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Well, the release is off for tonight, unfortunately. I just noticed a problem and I've contacted Totte to see what he wants done about it. It's not a major problem, just a setback. Considering Totte probably won't be able to check his e-mail until tomorrow morning (it's 3:14am here just now, so it's either 4:14am or 5:14am there), it should be released tomorrow before mid-day.

Apologies for the delay. :(

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