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Photoshop expertise needed for nice mod.


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Hi. Attached below you will see a .psd file (zipped inside of a folder) that is supposedly used only in Photoshop. The file is to be used for a Dirty Helmet mod. I need some help. I think I am to use the file for layers or something and I think you can set the transparency of the file to make it thicker and lighter. The file is pine tar created by "Biker Jim Uk" that he created. I would like it if

a. someone downloaded the file and made a Dirty Helmet mod for everyone to download, making sure that the pine tar isn't only on the front of the helmet but in various places of the helmet (ex: not only on the logo but some on top and maybe some on the sides. Logo but have some tar on it but not totally covered up to where you can't read what team the player plays on).

b. some one give me a very good tutorial on what in the world to do with this file so I can do the mod myself. I only know like one or two things in Photoshop so I am a big time beginner and am rendered near useless.

Thank you and may you have a great day. Mo.


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Not sure, I'd have to see an ingame print screen. Can you change the layer or make a new one that looks just like it so that a little is over on the sides here and there? I think that one layer was made so that it only went over the logo, thus leaving the rest of the helmet strangely perfectly clean.

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If it helps, please see here for a reference. Notice screen shots on page 1 and in game shots on page 2 that people tried. Biker Jim Uk had a great one only there was none on the sides of the helmet and he accidentily made it look like it was one blotch instead of how you did it, blotchy in spots (which is better).


EDIT: Right now I like yours (though I have not seen an in game screenie, but are you able to do some in the areas I circled here, to sorta spread it out?

look at my circles here:


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kc, look at pics of Guerrero and other players. You will see a good example of Guerrero's in the link provided above.

Edit: thinking this over and reviewing the pic Sdoyle provided I can imagine how the helmet will wrap around a players head. So I retract my idea about where pine tar should be. In the pic I posted earlier that has the big yellow circle, that is a bit overboard and I'm sorry guys. Maybe if it looked a little like this in my attachment below that would be better. It puts a tiny bit on the sides and on the top left hand corner as well. I used Photoshop too where I used the stamp tool to put some on the sides. Stamping is all I can do really well.

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Mo, I did that late last night (early this morning) so that's why I didn't get to game test it. Unfortunatly, I'm on my way BACK to work now... :lol: ...so I'll try to get it tested tonight.

Just to check, cause I have never done this before, I would use fshed (that is what I used to extract the picture) to import the pic back into the .fsh file, then use biggui to put that back into modles.big. After backing everything up, of course. Right?

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I can create an installer for you. Give me the file name. Or actually, for models.big, I simply compress it with eazip, import with eagraph, and then that is it technically. wanna post your file here and I can test it, compress it, etc. etc. etc.

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Or, whatever files it should come with. And I never answered your qeustion. I don't know what the difference is between fshed and what I use, nfshtool. Maybe they are the same thing but called differently.

Thanks for your offer to do all helmets.

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Here, you can use this to compress your stuff and then import into your models.big file using EAGE. Hory and Big Shmooz taught me a lot of this stuff so, what comes around goes around. Any questions just PM me.

when you right click on Compressor.bat, you can click Edit and then you can see what you can do.

-u uncompresses, whereas when you see what is inside of it now:

"eazip -c aadc.fsh aadd.fsh" etc etc etc....

will compress the files. Make sure after you import items into your models.big file that when you are done you right click on your models.big file and make it a read only file. In case you already don't know. Sorry if you already know that.

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