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MVPEdit Help Request


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This is totally a newb question...so I apologize in advance for my complete ignorance! :oops:

I have downloaded RGlass' MVPEdit and have succesfully imported the data files and saved tham as .mbe files. What I wanted to do was to see the star rating of the players I have created in my Dynasty. However, when I look at the SF Giants' organization rosters they are for the Opening Day default rosters (I'm 5 years into my dynasty) so none of the players I have created seem to be loaded in this file.

So my question...what/how do I do to fiind the players I have created in the game? And..I see the ratings are something like, "none", "sometimes" etc...is that the "5 Star" rating system that is used to determine progression??

Thanks for the help.



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This is totally a newb question...so I apologize in advance for my complete ignorance! :oops:

I have downloaded RGlass' MVPEdit and have succesfully imported the data files and saved tham as .mbe files. What I wanted to do was to see the star rating of the players I have created in my Dynasty. However, when I look at the SF Giants' organization rosters they are for the Opening Day default rosters (I'm 5 years into my dynasty) so none of the players I have created seem to be loaded in this file.

So my question...what/how do I do to fiind the players I have created in the game? And..I see the ratings are something like, "none", "sometimes" etc...is that the "5 Star" rating system that is used to determine progression??

Thanks for the help.



youi can't.

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So...based on that response, the only players MVPEdit can "edit" are those on the Opening Day roster...You can't edit Computer generated players, nor can you edit Player generated players.

If that is indeed the case...MVPEdit is only good for adding/changing players PRIOR to starting a new Dynasty...cuz after you start, you can no longer edit any player in the game that was not on the opening day roster.

That's interesting, because in a different thread on SimCentral I was asking about how the computer determined the Star Rating for Player created players. I received a reply which seemed to imply he used MVPEdit to check his players and actually changed the Star Rating on one....So I find the response to my first post interesting.

Does anyone else have any idea or comments...



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If that is indeed the case...MVPEdit is only good for adding/changing players PRIOR to starting a new Dynasty...cuz after you start, you can no longer edit any player in the game that was not on the opening day roster.
This is MVPEdit's intended purpose. Franchise info is in the .sav files.

Someone is working on getting into the .sav files, though, check out this thread.

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Ahhhh...ok, now I get it. I was working under a false assumption. I assumed that MVP edit allowed you to edit all the players in the game, regardless of the Game Mod (i.e dynasty v. exhibition). So that answers my question. Thanks.

So, until there is a .sav hack, there is no way to see the Star Rating of players you have created once you start a dynasty? Does anyone know how the AI determines the Star Rating for Player created players???



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