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Annoying problem


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Has anybody else experienced this problem?

So you are in the field, and the computer hits a shallow liner to the outfield, and your outfielder starts to run towards the wall before you can start controlling him, and then you start to run towards the ball. He takes about 2 or 3 strides away from where the ball is going to land, then goes for the ball, and often time it results in a base hit that would have easily been caught. So many times this has kept an inning alive and started rallies that put up a crooked number.

Is this something in the datafile that is causing this, or is this just one of those stupid things that can't be fixed?

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So many times that has happened to me. I only saw it after the most recent patch. Bugs the hell out of me, it has never caused me anything more than a headache. I always am able to recover, the day I don't could be ugly

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Shut off fielding assist.....this way when the ball is hit your player will not move unless you move him....I have noticed in the past my shortstop going in the other direction from where the ball was hit....instant basehit....so I put a stop to that by being in control of the player without any cpu asssist.

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