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Home Run Help


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How do you hit home Runs? I have played about 45 games and I don't have any home runs but I have about 200 doubles :banghead: . Can anyone help me?

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I have a similar problem. Also using the keyboard, I tend to crack a whole load of doubles but a very rare home run.

I play at +50 power but still no dice.

I've played around 35 games and have only hit 3 home runs, one of which was inside the park (over 250 doubles and around 30 triples), and those were with some huge hitters. :banghead:

It's extremely annoying.


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If your using a keyboard, then that's problem #1. A controller with an analog stick is the key.

To hit HRs, you have to push/pull the analog stick in the direction of the pitch (i.e. if a pitch is up and in on a righty, then you have to push the stick to the upper left corner as you swing). Now, the most importent thing is timing. That's something you just have to get down by practicing. Hitting is very different that it used to be in Triple Play or even MVP 2003, you can't just hold up and having a lot of HRs.

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I dont know if you're doing this or not, but for a long time i used the arrow keys to position where i wanted the ball and the best i could hit were doubles...

then i tried the numpad and now i hit a bunch of homers... especially holding down "8" while i swing

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You CAN use the total swing system on a keyboard. Whenever playing homerun showdown i would always lose... until i figured out that you have to use the NUMBERPAD to determine where you want to swing. I thought it was the arrow keys but its not. You also have to be out in front of hte ball a little bit. I do hit a LOT more doubles than homers but I average 2 homers every 6 games or so. Sometimes more sometimes less... it depends on the hitter and how you play

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I have my homer/power or whatever sliders set to 0... But I was down 9-1 in the 9th inning, playing as the Yankees and I hit bombs with Smallenburg, Jeter, Arod, andy bako, and another created player. of course the lefties cant do it but its a matter of waiting for a pitch middle up in the zone and then press (on the number pad) 8 and 4. That should shoot the ball either to center or to left center.

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I'm just curious the guys that are having so much trouble hitting HRs, what difficulty are you playing on? I know Pro is at least sort of tough but it's possible. But on Rookie with any batter who has a contact and power above 75 I can hit any decent pitch out of the park. Decent meaning inside half of the plate and having good timing. I use a gamepad with dual analog controls. I don't know of what else to tell you, but it isn't that hard to hit them in the game. With the Red Sox I can smack 5+ in almost every 9 inning game on rookie.

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I use Keyboard 2 config. It's easier to hit HRs, I think, especially if you use a laptop (like me). W, A, S, D keys. I have a tough time hitting HRs off lefties, but I think that's more my play style (I try to pull the ball) than anything else.

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