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To all the guys at MVPMods.com...


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I know that it has been quite a while since I last posted or spoken to anyone on or from this site. For those of you who were not here in the beginning of October Madness, I was planning on releasing a fully-simulated MVP Classics tournament entitled October Madness. My files were custom made so I knew that they would meet the original 18MB upload requirements for the site. For some reason, my upload was not being accepted and I told one of the admins about it. Unfortunately, nothing was immediately done about it, and I was upset because I knew that there was some demand for this tournament and it seemed like I was falling behind. To make a long story short, after almost a hundred attempts of trying to get the first one file on and some choice words that I regrettably said, I indefinitely postponed the project and withdrew from MVPMods.com.

Now is a different story because after a long hiatus of not having any kind of internet, I visited the site to see that the upload limit problem had finally been fixed and the limit increased to 50MB. Even after the World Series and the end of the MVP Era (in the consumer’s eyes), this site continues to go on strong at a time where sports enthusiasts are fixated on the NFL, the NBA, the NHL, and the WWE. With this game and the programmers who are willing to put the time and effort into carrying it on and adding onto it, I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you. I uploaded my video “The Evolution of the MLB Superstars†the day of the All-Star Game and I was overwhelmed by the response I had gotten from it. It is safe to say that I am even more overwhelmed now that I was before, and I show my sincerity with a proposition…

This is generally directed to the guys that made Total Classics 3 possible to begin with, but this is something that all of you should hear. For those of you who do not know, I am a screenwriter by trade and I came up with a great idea for a movie that revolves around college kids and their addiction to video games. This is where you guys come in… Total Classics 3 is something that no PC gamer would have ever dreamed of or thought was possible, but you shocked us all. This is something fresh, creative, inventive… and it is also something that I would like to feature in the movie that I’m writing. It generally runs along the same lines as my original October Madness tournament structure, but with a few changes. Of course since this is a movie, the outcome will be pre-determined, but all the features of Total Classics 3 I would like to feature or, if possible, have upgraded in some areas. You will most definitely get credit for developing it, but I’d need your blessing as well as EA SPORTS’s blessing. And being that this is maybe the last-ever MVP, I doubt that EA wouldn’t support us. This is my form of an apology, and whether you wish to accept it or reject it, you still have my support 100%. I do not want to go into too much detail because the script is not totally written yet, but I do need your OK for your support so I can go ahead and do this.

I know that all of you will continue to amaze us for years to come with the modding evolution and expansion of MVP Baseball. I want to be the one to catapult you guys even more into the mainstream, and as far as the future releases of baseball titles to come, we will be light years ahead of the competition. Thank you for your time and I affirmly believe that both MVPMods.com and my screenplay will be a continuing success!


Rich Kuka

Kuka Kreations


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there never was an 18 meg limit, you contact Trues and he gives you FTP info for larger mods

and the TC staff are great but it is not like it is a new idea, I've seen classic mods for allot of different baseball games through the years

High Heat

Out of the Park


Triple Play

plus others

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pitch your idea for the movie and keep it short and simple this time. be clear. no offense. but i just read 3 paragraphs and don't exactly get what your movie is fully about, and i don't think it was my ADD this time. :o)

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Like I said I don't wanna put out too many details until the screenplay is officially copyrighted and written. However what I can promise is a genuine funny movie with full representation of the TC3 Project.

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Then um, what are you asking if you're asking something. Your post makes it sound like you're asking something but the contect sounds like your're just talking. And make another movie. I like em.

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unclemo is right bro -- i dont know if ur asking to include tc3 in a movie or if ur asking to release a mod based on tc3 and this screenplay thing is something else?

what exactly just to clarify?

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there never was an 18 meg limit, you contact Trues and he gives you FTP info for larger mods

and the TC staff are great but it is not like it is a new idea, I've seen classic mods for allot of different baseball games through the years

High Heat

Out of the Park


Triple Play

plus others

the idea of having a classic baseball game isn't new. it's like someone making a movie about mobsters -- not a new idea.

but the structure, direction, and package of the whole thing is.

damn it kraw, u never give us enough credit!



(will this part be in the movie? kraw should be portrayed as the devil, and me the little girl in pigtails who wants to keep her virginity.)

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I love you Fuzz and you guys did one hell of a great job. it is TOTAL CONVERSION. It is also the best MOD here.

but it is not a new idea

Total Classics 3 is something that no PC gamer would have ever dreamed of or thought was possible

Like I said I have played TC (total conversions) before, so they must have dreamed and that it was possible

now is Total Classics the best I have played?


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OK, sorry about me not clarifying what I was talking about...

I'm not making a mod from Total Classics...

I want to showcase TC4 in the movie that I've been writing in the tournament format I was originally talking about

OK, maybe this has been done before with our baseball titles... that I didn't know... I wasn't a hardcore PC gamer until I got MVP 2004 last year... but like kraw said this is the best anyone has ever played, and with question, most gamers have ever seen

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What's up, Rich? Not enough visitors or interest at your own site, or has the "negligence and lack of support" here improved so drastically over the past 2 months that you decided that we are worthy of your time and over-sized ego again?

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

By the way, what was track 17 on Kate Bush's "Hounds Of Love" remastered CD called?

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What's up, Rich? Not enough visitors or interest at your own site, or has the "negligence and lack of support" here improved so drastically over the past 2 months that you decided that we are worthy of your time and over-sized ego again?

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

By the way, what was track 17 on Kate Bush's "Hounds Of Love" remastered CD called?

Look man, I don't have my own site nor am I willing to take the low road right now. I don't think I'm being egotistical at this point, and I can understand why you're still upset. If you still wanna be mad, I don't care, but I realized that I was being a total *****, and I'm sorry.

By the way, I checked your query on the Kate Bush CD, and it only goes up to track 12.

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Really? What happened to http://groups.myspace.com/kukakreations? By the way, I'm not mad, I'm laughing as I'm typing this. For someone who makes some desperate pleas for attention, then goes out in an all-guns-blazing storm and abandons the site, only to return 2 months later with his tail between his legs - that doesn't upset me, that's humourous.

Oh, and pay more careful attention. You should find the word "remastered" in my last post here.

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hey nyy_rich, how old r u? and where did u study screenwriting?

im only curious as i've taken a few writers' workshops in my day but never attempted to get a degree in writing because well, it was either journalism/literature or computer science and the clan over here only supports computer science.

just curious about it nyy_rich, let me know.

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Have your people call my people and we'll do lunch. For 10% of the total profits, I'll sell my share of the TC franchise. Sorry Fuzz, but I've got 3 daughters that will be going to college in the next 6 years and I'm going to have to pay for it somehow.... :lol:

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Really? What happened to http://groups.myspace.com/kukakreations? By the way, I'm not mad, I'm laughing as I'm typing this. For someone who makes some desperate pleas for attention, then goes out in an all-guns-blazing storm and abandons the site, only to return 2 months later with his tail between his legs - that doesn't upset me, that's humourous.

Oh, and pay more careful attention. You should find the word "remastered" in my last post here.

It's not my own site. It's a group page, and if you had a little class, you would appreciate the fact that I looked for you and not snub me like that. I ain't coming back with a tail between my legs; I came back because I realized that, yeah, I screwed up, and second, because I wanted your permission to showcase the Total Classics interface in the movie that I'm writing.

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Have your people call my people and we'll do lunch. For 10% of the total profits, I'll sell my share of the TC franchise. Sorry Fuzz, but I've got 3 daughters that will be going to college in the next 6 years and I'm going to have to pay for it somehow.... :lol:

I'm not asking for you to sell your share of TC... I'm asking for permission to use it in the movie. You will all get credit for the hard work you put into it like you have on MVPMods.

And by the way, I'm not a professional and you don't need a degree to submit a screenplay to the WGA. I've been picking up as much information as I can in books and computer programs that help you in it. I never said I was a professional nor am I considered one now. Is it something I wanna do for years to come: yes.

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I'm not asking for you to sell your share of TC... I'm asking for permission to use it in the movie. You will all get credit for the hard work you put into it like you have on MVPMods.

And by the way, I'm not a professional and you don't need a degree to submit a screenplay to the WGA. I've been picking up as much information as I can in books and computer programs that help you in it. I never said I was a professional nor am I considered one now. Is it something I wanna do for years to come: yes.

calm down there chief, it's cool. i've submitted one screenplay to the WGA but from what i hear, u need 3 or 4 screenplays before an agent will even take a look at u because he doesnt want a guy he can't market further.

write your screenplay and submit it to the WGA, then send me a copy cuz i'd like to read it. So i guess u've got permission to include the "total classics" brand in a movie, i dont see why any of us would have a problem with it.

so okay, u got permission to include it in a movie.

oh, and if under any circumstance u associate the total classics brand to pornography -- i'm fine with that too as long as it's shown in a "classic" frame of mind.

thank you for your time, and the last comment is a joke(well, not really but yeah it is.)

alextony and stecropper will have the final say, i however agree, if they contact me and tell me maybe its not a good idea for whateve reason -- then it's not a good idea.

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I'm cool there, Fuzz. I'm optimistic about what could happen for this screenplay. I have connections with a few people in the business and students at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. To clear up any rumors about the WGA thing, as long as the log line is interesting, there's a good chance it'll be read. If it's not, they won't even take the time to read it.

I appreciate your support and at this point, it's a college themed video game movie with a lot of stuff that you guys will find pretty interesting. However, like I said, Total Classics will be the framework and foundation of the entire movie. I will provide you guys with some of the details as time goes on.

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OK, well, if we're being pedantic, it's not a true website, and it's not a "group page" either, as there are multiple pages. I suppose you could say it's a group site. I'd say website fits better actually, but that's another discussion.

Also, I find it funny that with your history, you can call me classless. Who is it that once typed "WHAT??? DOES NO ONE WANNA ******* HELP ME??? I DID THIS PROJECT FOR THIS SITE!!!" and "Well guess what? You've been cut off now from the project completely...Nice job opening your mouth!!!" after I had broken down your argument?

Yeah, I'm classless. :wink:

Anyway, that's all from me. I think Trues said it best when he said the following;

Sorry pal, empty threats don't work here.

Enjoy making your movie. :lol:

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man, for christmas, i'm gonna buy marb a ladder --

because i get the feeling he's going to get challenged to a ladder match where the MVP Intercontinental Title is going to be up for grabs.

looool - whadya gunna do, when markamania runs wilddd on you?!!

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