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Creating overlays...?


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What the heck are you guys using to create overlays? I'm kinda late in the MVP Mod game... but I AM interested in creating overlays myself, or even fine tuning then so they are top notch.

The one that we have for ESPN... that's just SICK. I'd like to have the Fox on MLB have the same transition effects and such....

So what programs are being used? Trues... anyone... help me out! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

C'mon guys.... anyone..?

I'd like to properly create the MLBonFox and WB11 cutaways!

I'll do it myself, but I need some sort of head start on what to use and what to do...?


Stadium edits=OEdit

Portraits=Adobe and FSHEdit

Something like that....

Anyone...??? :oops:

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C'mon guys.... anyone..?

I'd like to properly create the MLBonFox and WB11 cutaways!

I'll do it myself, but I need some sort of head start on what to use and what to do...?


Stadium edits=OEdit

Portraits=Adobe and FSHEdit

Something like that....

Anyone...??? :oops:

i think that trues and kamasutra are the ones you should talk. pm trues and i'm sure he would help you out.

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As I PMed him the other day with no response.


i would definitely help you out, but i haven't messed with the overlays at all. i know the file is in the frontend but that's it. i think they use fshed to change them. anybody that knows, please post. i would like to see some complete overlays as well.

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I'm sorry man, but I am swamped right now.

But for starters....

The tools I use are Paint Shop Pro, eagraph and FshEd.

1. Using eagraph, open up the igonly.big file located in the datafrontend dir

2. Extract the pitchslc.fsh and ingameov.fsh files

3. open those files with FshEd and use the import button to replace graphics.

I can go into much more detail as soon as I get some time. Hopefully this points you in the right direction at least. Let me know if you get stuck along the way and I'll try and help out. It'll probably be quicker that way.


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What Trues said ... :lol:

BTW, i use Photoshop and Photopaint (the latter because it's much less memory intensive).

Best suggestion: Use an overlay as a "canvas", meaning work off that. That way you see where you want to insert your modified images etc..

Obviously no one beats Mike in terms of overlays, so work off those..

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Yeah!!! Thanks so much guys! I'm now into editing the things myself!

Can you guys help me with the MLB on FOX overlay? I've figured out how to get my own pics into them... so I can have the same replay animation like in your ESPN overlay, but with the MLB on Fox logo.

I'm having these two problems:

1) When you pause the game, the MLB on Fox logo is squished flat... I don't know why...? But only when the game is PAUSED...? The size of my pic is 256x256.

2) When you see the game go into a replay, the MLB on Fox logo has the corners softened. Is this because the program automatically fades out edges, b/c it assumes the logo is supposed to be round...?

I'd really appreciate any help you can offer!

BTW, if I figure out how to take an in game pic, I'll post it!


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Actually, I didn't do the ESPN overlay you're talking about. Someone else did that one.

If you're changing the size of a graphic, you'll have to change the size in the .fel files. It get's pretty complicated when you start to change the dimensions.

If I were you I would try to keep the same dimensions to start.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i don't know if MVP has a specific way to take screenshots, but you should be able to get a screen of whatever is up on your computer by holding Scroll Lock and pressing Print Scrn SysRq. Then go into photoshop or any editor like that, even windows paint, and paste.

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