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Rodkey v.002


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i was reading through the readme on this file... it would be my first try at a whole new datafile (as opposed to just a small mod) and i had a couple of questions, wondering if anyone can help:

1: i play arcade style... i know there is a thread here talking about changing the camera angles back for a latter version of his datafile.. would i need to do that for this version?

2: he doesnt list sliders in this version... this was a big positive for me because i have my sliders set up just right and all i want a datafile to try is basically higher pitch counts (which this says it does) the rest sounds realistic and helpful... but the higher pitch count and less pitching control from both sides is all that appeals to me... could i install this datafile and it wouldnt affect the gameplay for me to change sliders?

im quite wary of these datafiles that say change pitcher fatigue to +30 because if they are playing manager then it creates realistic numbers but on arcade this might mess up the stamina bars etc

also he says i just have to put the datafile in the /data folder and leave it there and it should work... and if i dont like it i can just delete it, is it as simple as that or would i need to back up any files first?

hopefully ill get answers to some of these heh, i like the way my game is set up but i could do with higher pitch counts and batters taking more strikes

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i just have to put the datafile in the /data folder and leave it there and it should work... and if i dont like it i can just delete it, is it as simple as that or would i need to back up any files first?

If you already have a datafile.txt in that folder back it up, otherwise all you have to do is drop it in the /data folder, that's it!

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