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Happy Festivus!!!!!


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To follow up on a previous post I started, HAPPY FESTIVUS to all my friends at MVP Mods!!!!!!!! Today's the day for "Feats Of Strength, and "Airing Of Grievances"!

In all seriousness, Happy Holidays to everyone on the greatest site on the web. With Christmas Eve tomorrow, I won't be online as much, so I wanted to extend Season's Greetings to everyone...and hope MVP Mods soars to greater heights in 2006!

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First thing I thought of during breakfast.


"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had -- but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way! [The doll] was destroyed. But out of that, a new holiday was born. 'A Festivus for the rest of us!'"

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Yessier, just performed my first "Feat Of Strength"! Benchpressed a toothpick 42 times....HaHa, let's see someone beat that!

My first grievance is, The Jays are considering moving Orlando Hudson, the best defensive secondbaseman the Jays have ever had!

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Yessier, just performed my first "Feat Of Strength"! Benchpressed a toothpick 42 times....HaHa, let's see someone beat that!

My first grievance is, The Jays are considering moving Orlando Hudson, the best defensive secondbaseman the Jays have ever had!

Definitely topped that one.

I put two...count them TWO jumbo marshmallows on opposite ends of a bendy straw. Was able to lift that bad boy up nine times this afternoon!

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  • 11 months later...

Happy Festivus 2006!

Fred's great Sig, got me thinking about last years thread! So here it is...

Happy Holidays guys, Happy Christmas, Kwanza Hanukkah, and Festivus!

I hope your week, and holiday is rewarding, with family and friends, and here's to an even bigger 2007, and Peace On Earth.

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Time to air out the grievences? Anyone wanna go first?

1. I don't like arguments in this forum, however, without them, what good would Y4L and NYM be? Think about it. They were made for this site. A die hard NYM fan, a die hard NYY fan, both hot blooded NYers, one is old and doesn't want to put up with crap from a kid, and one is a kid that doesn't wanna listen to old man Y4L. Oil and water. I like it! Not sure if this is a grievence. Anyway....grievences?

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My Grievience: Yankees signed Johnny Damon and it isn't going to snow, but rain on Christmas. LETS RUMBLE!

Just to think Damon earned his contract well, and now guys like J.D. Drew are set to make 70 million...

Anyway, isn't Festivus on the 23rd? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festivus

Mo and I should do a Festivus rumble for the Feats of Strength.

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