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I goy my job back 34000 of us were striking but WE R BACK!!! I also got behind on my bills and mortgage for da holidays ...ain't dat a [naughty word] :cry: :( :evil:

Were you part of the New York transport authority strike? If so, congratulations on getting your job back and for having the cojones to strike in the first place.

I never managed to find this out, did the workers actually get what they were asking for?

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MP3 Player

A really nice Red Sox sweatshirt

A button down Barry Zito shirt (Finally I have been asking for one forever...he' s my favorite player. I know it's odd since I am otherwise a Red Sox fan)

DVD Recorder...This is sweet now that it is working. The origianl one was broken so I exchanged it and of course they did not have the exact one so I had to cough up $25 for it

some other little misc items

but the best gift of all was my dad made it home from the hospital..he had a heart attack on Thursday.

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but the best gift of all was my dad made it home from the hospital..he had a heart attack on Thursday.

That's the best gift I've seen on the whole list, man. Glad to hear it.

I got to finish off two bottles of wine with my wife and daughter, who has turned 21. What a hoot that was! :lol:

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By far, the best part of my Christmas this year was the present my sister and I gave to my mother. We spent weeks creating a scrapbook of her's, my dad's, and our lives - it took up two full books. She started to cry on the second page and didn't stop until she was done, it made her extremely happy... :)

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A button down Barry Zito shirt (Finally I have been asking for one forever...he' s my favorite player. I know it's odd since I am otherwise a Red Sox fan)

Hey that's funny, he is my favorite too.

I got an Xbox with Forza Motorsport

A couple sweaters

and Some money

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8 months of gamefly (WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 for psp first)

an electric blanket

a slushee maker

Superstar DVD

40 year old virgin DVD


$200 (more to come)

gamefly is probably the best gift ive ever gotten

My brother got a slushee maker as well.

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  • 8 years later...

not on christmas of coruse, but was the 20th, but a once in lifetime gift. will for most of its one the best gifts you could get.

got married.

Hey mcoll!!!!!! I've wondered what was keeping you away! Good for you! Congratulations to you and your wife. I hope you have a wonderful life together with nothing but happiness!

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