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Umachine's Uni Question


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Interested to see if anyone is using these uni's and, if so, do they cause much of a performance hit in the game? I can't use Mosers or Kccitystar's versions because they really make the stutters unbearable on my system. I currently use Rambully's uni's, and they are a very minimal upgrade but don't cause an increase in the stutters. Umachine's version look real good and I would like to give them a try, but I value other players' opinions and would like your input before giving them a try. Thanks.


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if u got a crappy pc(ram & video card), dont install stadiums or uniforms because they will lag.

only thing that wont lag are roster updates.

tell me ur pc specs.

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I have an 1800xp, 9800pro, 1GB and I play with 4xAA 16xAF at 1024 with everything turned up and with the 2x unies(both teams) and a modded stadium the choppiness is very noticable. But with Umachines 2xlite(both teams) and a modded stadium there's no hiccups at all. I highly recommend them.

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Sorry for no having posted an answer on this topic before. I'm always checking this site but my foult is not seeing forums often enough. About my unies, performance is the reason I started working with 192x192 format, and performance is the reason I named it 2xLite. I'm sure lagging is almost none, compared to switching crowd or increasing res mode. And extra file size is very helpful to improve look. Who agrees? :D

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Umachine: Sounds like your uni's are worth a try. Will you be doing all teams with your upgrade uni's? Hope so, and thanks for the work you do on them. :D


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I installed all of Umachine's available uni's and played a game with two teams using the updates. The game played very smoothly with no noticable increase in the stutters. :D Excellent upgrade! Thanks.


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Hey Umachine, you said you had 16 uni's but I only count 14 downloads:

AL: Twins, Mariners, Blue Jays, White Sox, Red Sox

NL: Braves, Cubs, Reds, Marlins, Astros, Dodgers, Brewers, Phillies, Mets

Not holding back on us, are ya? :p;)


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