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Problem found and solved, now another question.


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I had downloaded the 2005 Dolphin stadium mod and when I tried to start a game with the marlins, it crashed, but only when I used the marlins.I could use any other teams in the stadium and it worked fine. I thought it was a problem with the stadium. I couldn't find anything though. Not really knowing where to look to try and solve the problem, I tried taking out my Total Portraits, which worked. My question is why would Total Portraits do this. Can you import only a certain amount of pictures or something. And why only crash with the marlins. i haven't even downloaded their portraits yet. thanks for any help you can offer.

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I have to say that this is truely the strangest thing that I have herd yet. Does it run smooth now? Maybe it's because you have a different roster, and the portraits and the roster dont mix.

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It runs real smooth. I'm using Ultimate Roster v4.63. Is there a limit to the # of portraits you can put in? I was hoping to add pics for every team , but I'm unsure now. Thanks

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I only had portraits for about 5 teams. You don't think that maybe something was corrupt with some of the files, do you. I wouldn't think that's what it was considering how many people have downloaded Total Portraits, but you never know.

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