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attrib.dat VS no-portrait players


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Im starting modding on MVP2005, and I decided to start it over the portraits, after understand all its small complexities, tolls and etc, I realize that has some players that has its IDs for portraits as 0.

Being that way, its a player that we cant add a portrait without change this on the attrib.dat. Ok, each of us can go there edit it to acept our custom portraits or use the MVPEdit and things gets done for you...

BUT.. the problem becames now for the comunity, we cant distribute easyly those portraits without to add a readme file, or something else, informing that we need to edit the attrib.dat.

For example, I did the portrait for the Andy Marte, wich has its ID 0, for portrait, them I cant just make its FSH able to download, you have to go at the attrib.dat and also add the number 5000 on his line to be able to see him:

095916ed6,0 Andy,1 Marte,2 12,3 0,4 0,5 4,6 2,7 25,8 85,9 27,10 909,11 0,12 5,13 3,14 0,15 6,16 1,17 0,18 1,19 10,20 6,21 5,22 10,23 59,24 7,25 10,26 10,27 8,28 9,29 4,30 1,31 1,32 0,33 6,34 2,35 1,36 0,37 0,38 3,39 6,40 3,41 2,42 1,43 0,44 3,45 13078,;


095916ed6,0 Andy,1 Marte,2 12,3 0,4 0,5 4,6 2,7 25,8 85,9 27,10 909,11 0,12 5,13 3,14 0,15 6,16 1,17 5000,18 1,19 10,20 6,21 5,22 10,23 59,24 7,25 10,26 10,27 8,28 9,29 4,30 1,31 1,32 0,33 6,34 2,35 1,36 0,37 0,38 3,39 6,40 3,41 2,42 1,43 0,44 3,45 13078,;

The thing is...

ALL Players holds its portrait id over the value 17 of its line.

So now what is my idea... after realize that even the portraits pack around never was giving pics for those guys with ID 0... I tought... WE NEED TO FIX THIS...

I set my self avaliable to give proper numbers por portraits to ALL MVP2005 Players that has portrait ID on 0, so we could complete the WHOLE sets of portraits of ALL MVP players, with that MVPmods attrib.dat File.

But I would like to ask here for what you guys think about this idea, if worths doing this, if theres others work-around, if thats a good idea.. etc...

Wainting answers,


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You could assign portrait ID's the way you suggest by editing the attrib.dat file by hand, but it's a lot of work for nothing. It's much easier to just use MVPEdit to edit your rosters. MVPEdit allows you to add portraits and faces and when you export your roster, it updates the attrib.dat file for you. Just convert your .fsh file to a .bmp file (I use the utility Irfanview to do this) and you can import the portrait using MVPEdit.

As far as coming up with portrait ID's for the minor leaguers who have ID's of 0, you're about 11 months late on this, as there is already a long thread about this in the MVP2005 Announcements forum (started back in Feb. 2005). A lot of the work that you are volunteering to do (creating portrait ID's for minor leaguers) has already been done by others.

Here's the link to the thread: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Foru...hlight=portrait

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Yeah Jim...

I trully took too long to arrive on MVP2005 modding comunity, seems not much left for me.. hehe.. lets see..

And yes, I use ALOT MVPEdit, Im aware of that way to make for my self, and just my self, some players without portraits, but yes.. seems people already got their hands over it... nice... ;)

Will there look at it now...

Thanks for promptly reply.


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