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Red Sox IN ACTION!!! Portraits


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Hello there,

Here goes my first mod attempt...

Well, I REALY think that those guys born to be baseball players, and they look amazing doing it, MUCH better them showing of their face to a camera.. hehe..

Here goes:


I would like to know what you guys think of this idea.. for me they looked amazing in game... I took care to make the black borders, and suchs for they look best as possible inside the game.

Get the file and check: DOWNLOAD

I would take requests with no problem, but try to point out a good IN ACTION image for the portrait, if possible a gallery...

Also, since it goes with the most recent Boston Redsox rosters, some players portraits on the rosters still using their past team uniform.

Waiting comments,


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Great hear from you all that my effort worth something... :)

Since Im just 2 days studing this mod community I wasnt sure about the reactions...

Thanks all for the support, we all know that is what moves the modders hands and brains; :)

Ok, now a lil help on directions to follow with my idea...

Since the MLB on this moment is on a season of players swaping between teams everyday, its kind hard to gatter exacly the roster for a team, for example just yesterday Manny Ramirez decided to stay on the Red Sox, was affraid I had to make him on Dodgers... or somewhere else... and we all know how that thing is...

Sure thing that a player in a portrait wearing the proper team uniform is a perfect thing, but now on red sox that I made, has guys using Marlins, Yankees, etc uniforms... because they just arrived on Red Sox... If that packs was like the normal one with faces would be easyer, because a face photo with the team headcap seems the first this guys do when arrives a team, but now on my style of set.. I NEED THEY PLAYING... I NEED A PHOTO OF THEM PLAYING...

To conclude on WICH Roster should I use as my guide?

a- Official MLB rosters? (HARD to make with correct uniforms)

b- MVPmods Ultimate Rosters? (AVERAGE - My preferred option)

c- Roster from Patch5 of EA? (EASYER to make with correct uniforms)

So, wich roster should be my focus??

Again, sorry if that question is a bit noob.. remember Im new.

Also, english isnt my first language. :)

Thanks in advance,


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YEAA!!! D D Finally, I suggested this a year ago! Could you please do every team? THANK YOU!!!
every team or every MLB team

would you like him to whip up 3,100 "in action" portraits or just 750 of them

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Im up to try...

I kinda work very fast, mostly at next week I can have ALL MLB teams done... BUT.. (theres always a BUT.. hehe)...

I REALY need help on some players portraits.

Lets say, I will throw out here soon a first version with ALL MVP teams (Ultimate Roster 4.72), togheter with them willl have a list in txt, on them I will list ALL what the package has, and when a player has besides his name:

(Other Team Uniform)


(Missing Action Photo)

I REALY do hope some help to in time go fixing this, I do plan keep a package always up-to-date, following the Ultimate Roster, so I need all possible help.

Done so far here while I type:

- Red Sox

- Marlins

- Yankees

Best regards,


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You mean the size!? if its 128x128 or 256x256...

Well.. they're all 128128.. and I realy see no reason for make it 256x256...

Since inside the game it shows as 95x115, a hight definition 128x128 will looks better them a 256x256 due less nearest-neighbor interpolation use. I think. Need to test in MVP.

Not sure yet how MVP treats the image variation resizes... Im just following a reason found in other games modding, but if a 256x256 will looks better when it becomes a 95x115 I would love to understand that MVP process.

Best regards,


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every team or every MLB team

would you like him to whip up 3,100 "in action" portraits or just 750 of them

I meant MLB, but every team would be sweet!!

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You mean the size!? if its 128x128 or 256x256...

Well.. they're all 128128.. and I realy see no reason for make it 256x256...

Since inside the game it shows as 95x115, a hight definition 128x128 will looks better them a 256x256 due less nearest-neighbor interpolation use. I think. Need to test in MVP.

Not sure yet how MVP treats the image variation resizes... Im just following a reason found in other games modding, but if a 256x256 will looks better when it becomes a 95x115 I would love to understand that MVP process.

Best regards,


the portrait is shown at 180x234 in my game



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