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Help with game crashing


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I can play a game in dynasty mode, but I can't play an exibition game. As soon as I select my teams, the game crashes. I have been downloading the total portraits and making sure I could still play as I was going along. I'm not sure what I did to cause this. I tried donloading MarkB's Waterfronk Park mod, and then it crashed. I put the original file back in, but no luck. Any ideas. Thanks.

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do a search on this, I must have responded to these a thousand times!


go into the program files for MVP 2K5

go to the data folder, and move the stadiums folder, the models big, and the profile big to a safe place, preferabily the desktop.

Then delete the entire MVP folder from the hard drive, including the recycle bin. Then re-download the game.

place these saved files back into the game files, and your set to go!

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