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Please read if you're having trouble w/FuzZ Studio!!!!


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First let me start off by saying thank you again to FuzZ for his awesome work!

Reading the forums for the last couple of weeks I've noticed that some are having trouble installing unis with FuzZ's Studio... specifically people are getting gfxpak errors. This problem stems from a corrupted model.big file and/or uniforms.big. Well.... fret no more! I've found a solution!

Ok...not saying this is the easiest way, but it worked for me...


Now you'll need to make sure you have gfxpak in your:

- Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2004data folder and

- Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2004datafrontend folder

You'll also need the EA Graphics Editor.

Next you'll need to copy the original models.big (from cd2) and uniforms.big (from cd2) - place them on your desktop.

Open EA Editor and open your models.big file from Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2004data folder. Open up another session of EA Editor (yes this means you'll have 2 EA Editor sessions open at the same time) and open the models.big file from the original on your desktop.

Look for any differences in your 2 files - specifically odd looking files from models.big in EA folder. Look for things like tempf017d.fsh or u0203.fsh.

All you need to do now is create a .bat file and place it in your Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2004data folder. If you don't know how to create a .bat file, download one of UMachines uniform sets, which all include .bat files. Copy his .bat file and stick it in the folder. Right click on the .bat file and choose edit. You're going to delete your corrupted files.

For example, say I had the above 2 files I wanted to delete - I would edit the .bat file to this:

Echo on

gfxpak -d models.big tempf017d.fsh u0203.fsh


Then just run the batch file and *poof* you're corrupted files are gone!

Repeat this process for your uniforms.big file - put your .bat file in your Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2004datafrontend folder - remember to edit your batch file!!! For this folder, your .bat would look something like this:

Echo on

gfxpak -d uniforms.big temp28j.fsh


Hope this will help some of you guys out! BTW...I cannot take credit for this - I found this information posted by Spitoon in another forum - I just simply took the time to write it all out for ya.

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I've gotten a couple responses to this so let me clairify something...

this is something you would want to do if you have installed a lot of mods and don't want to start from scratch! If you wanted to start from scratch, you'd simply copy the 2 files from the cd and use them.

Hope this helps a little more

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