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Hey Guys...For those who uses keyboard or knows how to for MVP 2004...I desperately need your help. Im currently using a keyboard for this game and using config. #1. The problem that im having is that i dunno howta use the throw to first and stuff.. For example if theres a runner on first .. i would like to throw over so he doesn't steal on me.

I was confused on how to use it .. so if anyone can help me..that'd be great.. You can just list them .. no need for something conplicated..since that'll take too much of your time..thx. ( yes this is on PC )

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You need to hold down the zero key on the numerical keypad and choose the base by using the up down left right direction keys. The longer you hold down the direction keys the harder your pick off throw.

Weird note: When using the keyboard 2 alignment I couldn't select the power of the throw. It would just throw really softly.

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