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Resign.csv: Free Agency


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IN MVP 2004, there was a file called resign.csv which allowed you to mod how many potential free agents the CPU would sign before they hit the free agency period. If you modded this, you could allow for a whole bunch of free agents in the off season and would allow for teams to change their make-up alot over the course of a dynasty. This file was also good because you could determine the level of free agents by star power, so that 4 and 5 star players all chose to go to free agency if you wanted that.

Either way, I have tried to find a similar fiel for MVP2005 but with no luck. I;ve tried looking through all the big files but don't see it. Has anyone seen either a csv file of this nature or perhsp the same type of fiel in a different form in mvp2005?

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it would be great if someone could find that file and mod it. One of the biggest things in Dynasty mode is of course the offseason, and while the human player is able to rebuild the team, the CPU rarely signs alot of new players.

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I tested this out in mvp2004 and it worked like a charm. In the offseason, all of audden there are lots of big name free agents. The problem is that in MVP2004 (and likely 2005), the CPU is told to resign 97%(!!) of the 4- and 5-star players before they get to free agency. This pretty much leaves maybe one big name player and a bunch of scrubs in the offseason.

To me, this was the one area where MVP really lacks and you notice it on long dynasties where you are 5 years in the future and all the big names are still with the same teams.

I saw some weird csv files in the progress.big but not sure what they do. Haven't seen anything that looks like last years resign.csv, but maybe its in a different form this year.

Finding this file would be huge for me.

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I totally agree. Some players might stay with their team for a long period, but in today's market alot of players will test free agency market to see what they're worth.

Also, it would be great if for once I could add that big bat via free agency instead of making ridiculous trades during the season. I think that when it comes to pitchers in the offseason we shouldn't have to do that much since most of the time there will be a guy like Zambrano or Wakefield available ( come to think of it, there aren't alot of good pitchers you can sign during the offseason ). There's really a lack of good bullpen arms as well.

long story short, this mod would upgrade dynasty mode tenfold!!!

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I found it!


I'll mod this later on this week (I'm travelling for business) and test it out. I'm sure it will work like it did in MVP2004. If this works, it will really make those dynasties more playable into the future.

By the way, for anyone interested in trying themselves, its easy to mod..just open the file and you'll see a spreadsheet which shows the age of the player, the star number of that player, and percentage of those players who are eligible for free agency who are to be resigned by the computer.

The reason the game is so annoying in the offeaseason is that this file tells the CPU to resign 90% of 4star players and 95% of 5-star players (actually an improvement over 2004). This isn't realistic at all for the modern game.

I'm thinking of lowering the signing percentages for 4-star players to 50%, and 30% for 5star players. I figure the better the guy is, the more he's going to want to test out free agency to maximize his earnings.

To mod the file, just change the third colum beside the 4 star players from say 90 to 50, and beside 5 star players from 30 (or whatever numbers you want).

Also, I may consider bumping up the numbers for younger players (say under 25) so that free agency is very low for them since in the real world they wouldnt be eligible but woudl go the arbitration route.

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Also, I may consider bumping up the numbers for younger players (say under 25) so that free agency is very low for them since in the real world they wouldnt be eligible but woudl go the arbitration route.

Great idea. Too bad there is no real arbitration in MVP.

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This is a really cool find. My one major complaint about franchise mode has always been the lack of a decent FA system. MVP is still stuck in the late 80's/early 90's when it comes to the ammt. of big name players that stick with their clubs. Improving this aspect would go a long way towards really making franchise mode in MVP 06 an all new experience. I can't wait to see the results.

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I'm testing this now. Hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll be able to find good numbers that produce a semi-realistic free agency experience without creating quasi fantasy drafts every off season.

Results should be positive hopefully.

The big key is to be able to sim about 5 years in the future and see that a team has changed its line up quite a bit with a few core guys still around from 5 years ago. In modern baseball, thats pretty normal. IT would also be nice if the increase in free agents prompts big budget teams like the yankees to sign big name players like they do in real life.

Also, given the poor trading system in the game (there are never really many big name trades, the free agency thing is even more important towards shaking up the balance of power in a dynasty.

When i tested this on MVP 2004, I saw some good things like Shilling going over to to the Yanks, Ortiz to SD, Miguel Cabrera to the Twins. Despite this, some player still stayed with their teams even though they tested the free agency market such as Manny Ramiriez.

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Sounds good Enigma.I too just took a good look at this file. It really will be cake to modify. The hard part lies in doing it right. I am going to start fooling around with it a bit & check the results.

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I'm gonna have a look at this file as well, just to see what type of results I get. If the 3 of us are doing this then we could exchange results and find a good combination of changes

which program do I use to open it?( notepad, excel ? )

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Also, I may consider bumping up the numbers for younger players (say under 25) so that free agency is very low for them since in the real world they wouldnt be eligible but woudl go the arbitration route.

I found this helpfull

Must have 6 full years of Major League service time to be eligible for free agency

average age of rookies


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is there also a way to edit the contract demands of a player? some guys come too cheap while others are way too expensive and most players will settle for a 2 year deal even though they're just 26 years old or sometyhing.

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Ive taken a preliminary look at this. Here is what I tried:

For ages 18-25, I set the re-sign value for 4 and 5 star players at 99 (I wasn't sure if setting it to 100 would result in an error or the cpu reading it as "0". This meant that players couldn't be free agents until 26.

Since players are in their prime from 26-32 approx, I decreased the resign rate for 4 and 5 star players from 90 and 95 to 75 and 70, respectively. The logic being that during these ages, the player would most likely want to test out the free agency market. From 33 to 45, I increased the rates to about 80 and 75. Again, I feel here it should be slightly higher than the peak years because some players may value job security over testing the market at older ages.

If you lower the figure too much (say to 10 or 20), you will find that too many players change teams and each year your team will basically look like a new fantasy draft. I figure 50 si the lowest you would ever want to go.

I want to try this out at slightly lower levels (say 70 and 65 or 65 and 60) to see how that looks. My overall results were reasonable in my test above. Within five years, teams had changed their players quite a bit although part of this was due to the better progression in the gamne, you will also see young players taking the spot of older players. The only problem is that the computer still doesnt trade enough big names like in real life. So i'd like to increase free agency slightly from where it is to compensate for this.

Unrelated question: Did anyone figure out how to get a homerun celebration at homeplate (like where they point up at the sky when crossing homeplate) for any player? Is this in the datefile somewhere or hardcoded?

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