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Resign.csv: Free Agency


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personally I like the 26 year old one better. I'm all for realism, but with the crappy progression system the game uses ( even though Bill fixed it up for the most part ) players of 28+ will get worse almost the whole time. That means that you'll be stuck with a guy for 3 years that will only get worse. There should definately be a lock on 25- star players, but a couple of 3 star, maybe 4 star players at the age of 25/26 and then adjusted resign values for 5 star 26+ players should be good.

EDIT: the progression is a pain in the *** to mod. BillHarris did as good of a job as someone could do with that file, and even he said that it's almost impossible to get it right. I agree that it takes something away from the game, but I guess we'll have to live with that. The only thing you can do is edit those players back the way you feel is realistic. Apart from pitch speed being heavily affected, fielding and range rarely get upped after a season, so yeah ... the progression is far from perfect.

You raise a good point that while in the real game of baseball, players from 29-32 may still progress, they have quite often plateaued or started their decline by 30 in MVP2005. So restricting frr agency that long would mean you are pretty much assured paying big bucks for a guy on his decline.

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I'm guessing that it is impossible to change the age in which players decline huh? Does star rating primarily effect this or is it something within the progression file itself that determines this. You said that players 28+ will get worse "almost all of the time" what determines who does & does not?

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I'm guessing that it is impossible to change the age in which players decline huh? Does star rating primarily effect this or is it something within the progression file itself that determines this. You said that players 28+ will get worse "almost all of the time" what determines who does & does not?

There is a file in progress.big which shows the percentage chance of a player progressing upwards, downwards or the same at various ages....the file whos that around 30, the players have a greater chance of declining than either staying the same or getting better....

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well, I believe star rating either slows down or speeds up the decline from that age. Very rarely do I get a player that's 28+ let alone 30+ that doesn't decline. Most of the time, the decline for hitters isn't as bad as it is for pitchers who suddenly lose 3 to 5 mph on their fastball at the age of 31.

You'd really have to ask a guy like Bill how the progression works since he's the one that released the progress.big file, but I also believe that spring training and the previous year have some effect. I think that the regular season should have more effect ( although not too much ) as well as natural progression, but it seems like it's sort of coded in the game which way a player either declines or imrpoves.

BUT ... let's not hang our heads. Let's try to improve the offseason as much as we can, so it'll make the game more exciting.

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My pick is "Realistic but the age limit at 27 or 28, not 26. I don't see 26 as realistic at all."

I think i'm going to do one more realistic (around 29) and another less realistic but fun , around 26. For the latter one, the point is really to try to make the offseason more fun and end up with a result whereby teams change their mixture over time. Having the same team lineup five years in a row isn't realistic either.

The reality is that the trading in MVP is weak with only rare blockbuster trades ever happen. With a weak free agency, also, by default, this tends to ruin the normal player movements that would happen.

I'm going to use my own 26yo free agency mod but will make a more realistic one for others. Also remember, this file is dead easy to mod so you can tailor it to whatever you want.

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Sounds good Emigma, you should pop on over to the progression thread & give us your thoughts there as well. These two mods, in combination, would be a complete franchise overhaul & would really make MVP 06 a brand new game.

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I'll be looking at the contract file in progress.big ( didn't have time earlier ) to see if I can edit the demands from players. The only tricky thing will be to keep teams within the budget, otherwise players would demand too heavy of a contract and they would remain unsigned. However, it would be cool if it's able to have players demand a big contract, so that it makes it more realistic in terms of not signing too many big name players and teams with a bigger budget having the advantage.

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OK, I think I have got this file to where I want.

Some basics:

I have set all 3,4 and 5 star players to 100% between the ages of 18-27. This will prevent them from being in the free agent pool. I think that is realistic since teams would protect reasonable prospects. On the other hand, 1 and 2 star players are more long shots and could be available to other teams in real life on the waiver wire, through outright release, or even through the Rule V draft. While MVP does have waivers and Rule V, at least this could provide you with the opportunity to pick up the odd long shot who may pan out.

5 star players start becoming free agents when they are 28. This age was selected under the assumption a true 5 star player on average would get to the majors earlier than a 1,2,3 star player (where the average age for entering the majors is around 24). I set it up so that the resign number drops to 75 for 28 year olds and around 50 for 29 year olds.

4 star players start becoming free agents at around 29. All others at 30.

I selected the 30-35 time period as being the prime ages where players would test free agency, sicne this would financially be the most lucrative time to test the market. In some cases, I dropped the resign level down to 40%.

I also increased free agency among 3 stars because if you look at a typical free agent market, there are going to be lots "role players" who have some talent but arent super stars. These are players who can still be valuable in building a championship.

From ages 35-45, the resign level goes up because I think veterans would be more interested in job security over testing the free agent markets. However, I left the resign levels low enough that you can still pick up some cagey vets in the offseason.

I will upload this file on the weekend. My recommendation is to test it out beforehand. Sim at least 3 years into the future to see if things are to your liking. My main criteria in judging this was to see how teams looked 3-5 years in the future. I wanted to see some reasonable turnover without being ridiculous. Also, I wanted to make sure the leaderboards didn't have the same faces on the same teams.

Overall, with the improved progression thanks to Bill, teams 3-5 years in the future should have a different make-up which should make entended dynasties more fun.

One last word, if you don't like my settings, don't be shy--feel free to mod the file to your liking. Its incredibly easy.

ASIDE NOTE: I noticed when doing all this that by turning free trades to "off", you can actually increase the number of big name trades within your dynasty. Maybe this was my imagination but it seemed that way. I think the CPU is very stingy on dynasty, even amongst other CPU teams, and thus many big name trades don't happen simply because the computer's criteria is too high. I havent seen enough with fair trades off to know if the trades are overly lopsided (they didn't appear that way at first glance), but its one idea to increase player movement (and this will get some of the younger players to change teams). Its important to keep in mind that while there are many trades which could be rated as 'even", there are likely even more that over time gave an advantage to one team over the other. That's the nature of the beast.

Another idea: With fair trades off, you can play "God Mode" and help shape your dynasty to whatever direction you wish it to pursue. In a tight pennant race and want to make things interesting? Get your main rival to dump some prospects for a big name pitcher or bat. There are always going to be bad teams dumping vets to get prospects around the trade deadline, so start a few firesales. Assuming you have some discipline and imagination, you could have some fun and ska eup some franchises.

Note, I'm not advocating doing trades with your own team with fair trades off. I think for the challenge, if you are proposing a trade, fair trades should be "on". However, if you are not make a trade, having it "off" most of the time will create some interesting effects.

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This looks really good Enigma. I think your reasoning for making 5 star players available at 28 makes perfect sense. I am still planning on digging into a few progression files as soon as time allows so maybe between the two we could have a nice shakeup for MVP 06. I'll be picking this up asap.

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One other comment: for those using MVP2004, this file will work as well. However, it needs to be tweaked for 2004 use since there are some free agents who sit in free agency well into the season before they are signed. I'll see if I can tweak this.

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I have been looking at the contract file in progression.big, but I can't seem to change the amount of money players will ask for. It seems that it correlates to their current contracts more than anything. It's possible however to change the number of years players will be asking, which I think could also use some tweaking since too many young players ask for 2 year deals.

If somebody could also have a look at this file to see how we can change the money asked by player it'd be greatly appreciated. With the resign mod, the progression mod and then perhaps this one, we could have a pretty nice overhaul of the dynasty mode.

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