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So what did you think Smallville fans? (SPOILER!!!)


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I just got done watching the 100th episode of Smallville tonight on the WB and once again that show was excellent as always.

It was leaked out for the 100th show awhile back that some main character would die and I was guessing all along it would have been Johnathan Kent. So when I saw it was Lana after the first half hour, I was kind of shocked.

But, being Smallville, there was a twist to it. Clark was able to get a crystal and reverse time but he was warned by Jor-el that something else would happen. That's when my original guess started looking good again.

I predict that before the year is out, they'll know Lionel Luther was in that barn. Maybe he'll leave something behind. (I would love to see that picture.) And Lex will get closer to Lana.

Long live Smallville. :balloons:

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I did not see it, but let me understand this. Lana died and clark found a way to go back in time and change it, is that right so far?

then his dad dies and he does NOT go back in time to save him?

that is F'ed up

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from John Schneider web site

Hi there!

I appreciate everyone's concern about the "Smallville" rumors but need to strongly reprimand whoever posted todays newsletter regarding the future of my character. In fact, I have read several scripts with Jonathan Kent in them and have no evidence of his demise.

Also... Please don't email anyone at The WB about this as they are busy preparing a fantastic second part of the season for us all.

Again... Rumors are just that and shouldn't be taken too seriously. And please don't write to Mr. Janollari. He is a big fan of not only the show but of mine as well. A great guy!

Happy New Year!


maybe he will go back and save him after all

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I did not see it, but let me understand this. Lana died and clark found a way to go back in time and change it, is that right so far?

then his dad dies and he does NOT go back in time to save him?

that is F'ed up

That's exactly what happened Kraw. He went back to see Jor-el and Jor-el let him know that there was one way to save Lana but if he did it, he could not come back and fix things again. It was a choice he had to choose wisely.

In the real comic book history of Superman, Lana Lang was only Superman's girlfriend as a boy. She didn't know about him and his abilities. Lois Lane is his real love interest, but for the Smallville character, that's in his future. In the comics, Lana ends up with Lex Luthor.

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I liked it better with Lana dead. But I kind of knew it was too good to be true.

And Clark was only able to go groundhog day once and he used up his one crystal on Lana.

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i used to watch this show the first 3 seasons -- i sort of fell out of it. now i regret it :(

It's not as good as it once was. I think the shows peak was it's second season. The writing was great and the shows were actually very well done. Lately, the stories are just not as well put together, relationships seemed rushed into and character development has taken a little nose dive.

With that said, I still enjoy the show. I am actually liking the recent episodes..especially the "Lexmas" one where Lex saw what his life could have been like had he not won the senator role. Thing is, he changed it all for Lana...same as Clark.

If I was you, I'd start watching now though because I honestly can't see this years finale being a warm-hearted tale with a happy ending. But I also sense a Clark becoming Superman type thing as well. I think the writers arent being honest about the whole seeing Clark in the outfit thing. No way we go through a whole season of this again, especially now that Jonathen is dead.

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It was an excellent episode....I just finished watching it. Forgive me Yankee4Life, but if I am correct...Lana ends up marrying Pete Ross, who became Vice President when Lex becomes President Of The United States in the comics. I stopped reading after Lex was booted from office, but as far back as I can remember Lana was never with Luthor.

Back to the episode...I will miss "Bo Duke", John Schiender was great on the show...but I look forward to Clark becoming a man, should push the show in a new exciting direction!

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  • 1 year later...

i always have to overlook the crappy acting and the stereotypical casting by this network, otherwise i would never have been able to watch this series.

but are any of you still watching this series? that was a pretty good twist at the end of the last episode. thank goodness cuz that was really dragging for me. i'm really starting to hate the lana character. i'm also not so keen on seeing pete make an appearance in the last episode. but is anyone else ready for them to stop dragging this series out and finish it already? let the man fly and start a new show if you must.

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