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Extra Innings games


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Is it just me, or does it seem like the longest games you play always come at a time when you have to do something else? I took a study break to play a game that lasted 19 innings. I thought I was going to lose it in the top of the 19th after the D-Backs put 3 runs on the board. Somehow, I came back and scored 4 in the bottom of the inning.

I was going to be really ticked off if played that long a game and lost when I should be studying. Anybody else have similar stories?

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As a matter of fact, I do. I had to be up early the next day for work, so before I went to bed I decided to play a quick game. Things were going well and it looked as if the game was going to end in regulation time. Then Baltimore tied the score in the ninth and we went into extra innings. It only lasted 14 innings, but the last five innings took 45 extra minutes and it drained me because I escaped two jams in the 12th and 14th before I won it in the bottom of the 14th. Needless to say, I had a harder time waking up the next day because of that.

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I know ain't that the truth...i try tio sneak in a quicky and it gets to be like 20 innings to finish, at about the 13th you start thinking i'm just going to SIM to the end but i got runners on the corners, wife might be yelling at you, babies start crying, phones ringing, then the sweating starts.......man when will they make save features mandatory for all sports games.

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I too experience the extra innings fiasco at the most inopportune times it seems.

I have set a personal policy that if there is an absolute need to shut down the system during any part of any game - I consider it a "Rain Out" like as if it hadn't gone 5 full innings. I then shutdown without Saving Dynasty and start afresh the next time I start play.

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