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Islamic Outrage Over Cartoon


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Another seperate thought. The Pope and the Vatican are drug through the mud daily in cartoons across the world. Do you see catholics burning buildings and throwing petrol bombs? No.

No where in the Koran (Quaran) does it say you cannot depict the prophet Mohammed or Allah. No where.

The Koran, Islam's sacred book, does not contain an explicit ban on images of Allah or Muhammad. But visual depictions of Muhammad or other prophets such as Moses or Abraham are traditionally eschewed in order to discourage idolatry, or worship of an object as a god.

Now a Norwegian Embassy is on Fire. Because the countries are both in Scandanavia? I don't get it.

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well said pirate.. and thanks for getting the topic back on track... i was afraid it was gonna turn into another bush bash when it has nothing to do with him... some ppl out there can find a way to blame bush for everything... im not the biggest bush fan in the world but i get sick of all the ignorant conspiracy theories... everybody gives the guy way too much credit... hes not smart enough to do some of these things for the reasons liberals say he is.... you know what... i think since we wanted iraqi oil, we told the paper to print those cartoons so theyd stop blowing us up so we oculd steal their oil and give us time to plan our invasions of iran, brazil, and england.... :)

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Mark, your respose only furthers the stereotype of pugilistic Scotts. Everyone is stereotyped and everyone is painted with a broad brush. The Danish embassy did nothing wrong, but it is associated with Denmark and the newspaper so these idiots burnt down the embassy, that makes some real good sense.

What's next The danish flag is red white and blue so lets fly some planes into another city in the US, Brittain, Australia, Ohio, any damn place that is remotely possibly kind of related to what maybe should have offended tehse people. It's ridiculous.

Supporting these people is worse.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or be offended. What in the hell is "the stereotype of pugilistic Scotts"? For that matter, what the hell are Scotts?

If you're meaning what I think you're meaning, then did you ever consider the fact that it's the people who hold the stereotype who are wrong in the first place, and not the inhabitants of a nation who just happen to be, as you say, painted with the proverbial broad brush? I don't believe that any kind of stereotype can possibly be a good thing, as everyone and everything are different. Think about that and look at what I've said and I'm pretty sure you'll find that nowhere have I said that I agree with the actions of these idiots who claim to be burning buildings and now causing deaths either directly or indirectly (I haven't caught the full news stories, I just got in from work) in the name of Islam, Allah or the Muslim cause in general. I haven't said the Danish embassy did anything wrong. I don't agree with the burning of buildings in this situation. I don't agree with people holding placards, signs and banners saying "Europe, your 9/11" will come, or anything of that nature that's being used to promote or incite terrorism or violence. That said, the point I was making is that I also don't agree with the media and people who are either too ignorant to know any better, or do know better but chose to do it anyway, associating the people who are taking these actions with the average Muslim in the street.

As for your second post, I think part of the reason that Chritianity is so widely ridiculed is that, for one thing, it's not too often that you see anyone taking action against it. Does your local priest take a stand when he sees the latest cartoon in the local rag taking pot-shots at Jesus? To clarify, I'm not saying that this (taking pot-shots at Jesus, or any other Christian figure) is right or wrong, I'm simply making a point. Also, I believe that, if you do want to look to stereotypes, the average Muslim takes his faith far more seriously and is more faithful than the average Christian. Think I'm wrong? How many Muslims do you see call themselves Muslims but don't pray 5 times a day or go to the mosque on Fridays? In comparison, how many "Christians" do you see that call themselves Christians but don't go to the church on Sundays or pray at least once a day?

Moving on, I'm not 100% sure about this, but I believe that the mention of creating images of people (including the Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, and Allah, as well as other Prophets) is in one of the hadith's and not in the actual Qu'ran itself. Again, I'm not sure on this. And for the so-called Christians who think "Hey, it's only a cartoon. What's the big deal?", does the 3rd Commandment mean anything to you?

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So considering people defame the name of the lord everyday we should burn their house like these Muslims?

Your violence toward someone arguing against Muslim violence only supports my argument.

There is no reason for these horrible people to be doing what they are doing. I am done with it, it is a waste of time to put thoughts into this subject and these killers.

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3rd commandment, I believe is: "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

That has nothing to do with what you said. Maybe you meant something else.

And it is "just a cartoon", but an offensively rude one at that.

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Now a Norwegian Embassy is on Fire. Because the countries are both in Scandanavia? I don't get it.

No, because it was a Norwegian man/woman who drew the cartoon of Mohammad and it was posted in a newspaper here in Norway.

My thoughts on this:

First, I respect the Muslim people and I agree that the cartoon should NOT have been posted in a newspaper or even drawn. The editior of the newspaper should get fired as did the Frech and Danish ones. We have to respect that Mohammad and other holy prophets are not to be drawn or anything like that.

Secondly, the muslims doesn't make it any better by tearning down our embassy, throwing grades and rocks at our troops and bruning our flag. That is just as stupid as drawing a cartoon. They need to be more understanding of our free-speech, but that does NOT make it ok to draw Muhammad. And there was ONE man/woman who drew the cartoon that does NOT mean that the whole nation. That's like saying every muslim are terrorists. Now, Norwegian athlets are afraid of using the Norwegian flag on their jersies in the Olympic Games and contests in the Mid-West.

I think the muslims should accept our apologies. Make love, not war!

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The danish flag is red white and blue so lets fly some planes into another city in the US, Brittain, Australia, Ohio, any damn place that is remotely possibly kind of related to what maybe should have offended tehse people. It's ridiculous.

That's the Norwegian flag, the Danish flash is red and white.

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Where do we draw the line? Because one group of nuts believes mohammed shouldn't be drawn, why do we in the Western world abide by that? Protestants don't represent Jesus on the cross, and we don't censor that. Hindus hold the cow sacred, and we don't.

The point is, these people are dangerous and psychotic, and have no understanding of freedom of speech or freedom of the press. Just because they're too thin-skinned and weak to understand this doesn't mean we should have to apologize to them.

This is why I hate religion.

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And religion hates you right back, Sean. Don't feel bad, I think it hates me too.

What I wish would come of this is an excuse for me to burn something. I don't even have a place to make a bonfire now.


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Religion is good, it gives people a reason to be better people. PRoblem is, some people exploit religion to further an agenda.

Is it just me or shouldn't people just be good to begin with? Does someone need a reason to be a good person?

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People don't need a reason, but almost all the atheists I know (or ahem, 'agnostics') don't give a **** about their actions because there is no God judging them.

People should live life like there is a God, even if they do not believe in one. A lot of people are good because they take their religion very seriously. Religion at heart is about self-betterment and understanding the universe (by understanding you cannot understand everything :lol:) and not who the hell you hate. Sadly people pervert religion into the latter and justify bad actions with it.

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People don't need a reason, but almost all the atheists (or ahem, 'agnostics') don't give a [naughty word] about their actions because there is no God judging them.

People should live life like there is a God, even if they do not believe in one. A lot of people are good because they take their religion very seriously. Religion at heart is about self-betterment and understanding the universe (by understanding you cannot understand everything :lol:) and not who the hell you hate. Sadly people pervert religion into the latter and justify bad actions with it.

But that is 100%, total bullplop. I'm an atheist, so is my girlfriend and about 95% of my friends. If we didn't give a damn about our actions, then why aren't we out there doing shady things every day to people? Not even illegal actions, because you can argue that we don't want to get caught by an earthly force, but why aren't we needlessly cruel to people who won't affect our lives?

I have no idea how morality came to be linked with religion, because they have very little to do with each other. Religion's usage, and perversion, of morality and correct action has caused so much strife over the centuries it's heartbreaking.

I am nice to the people in my daily life, even the parking attendants, food service workers, etc. because I was taught to be nice to people. I'm not getting any benefit out of it, since most of these people i'll never see again. If atheists didn't care about their actions, then why would I do this?

Atheists who are nice to people are far more sincere than a person grudgingly obeying a religion's moral decrees. Atheists are concerned with making humanity's time on earth the best it can be, so if anyone is unconcerned about the human condition as a whole, it's religious people planning for a nonexistent afterlife.

And religion hasn't been qualified to explain the universe since Galileo was burned at the stake.

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Forgot to add the words "I know" into the post. Sorry about making a blanket statement before the edit. I meant to write: "but almost all the atheists I know (or ahem, 'agnostics') don't give a [naughty word] about their actions because there is no God judging them."

I am nice to the people in my daily life, even the parking attendants, food service workers, etc. because I was taught to be nice to people. I'm not getting any benefit out of it, since most of these people i'll never see again. If atheists didn't care about their actions, then why would I do this?

Same reason I try to act nice to people, world is a nicer place when we are nicer to each other.

And religion hasn't been qualified to explain the universe since Galileo was burned at the stake.

Obviously that was meant in a more spiritual way. Also, I disagree with the 'perfect universe' theory. Anyway, the reason why the bible itself can't dictate science is because science didn't exist when it was written. The damned thing was compiled by the 4th century (No, God didn't have a paper and pen guys), it can't explain where our planets align and if dinosaurs lived or not. Of course, the bible is misused to explain these things because people try to prove things the bible isn't supposed to prove. All the bible wants to tell people is to believe in Jesus and be a good person.

Religion overall serves a good, of course like anything it can be misused. A good person, who believes in God or not is equally sincere in my opinion. Also, a lot of people who may believe in God still don't take their religion seriously. It's one thing to say you are a christian, it's another to actually act the way scripture dictates.

One more thing, we should try to restrain religious debate, we are hijacking this topic. Possibly a new one should be made.

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So considering people defame the name of the lord everyday we should burn their house like these Muslims?

How many times must I say it? Is it that I'm not making my points clearly enough, or are you just chosing to ignore them?

I do not agree with the actions taken by these people. Think about it and you should be able to match that with a negative answer to your first question.

Your violence toward someone arguing against Muslim violence only supports my argument.

I guess that point totally went over your head, too. I'm not angry with people for arguing against this violence! That would mean I'd be violent toward myself as I am against it too! I'm angry at it being associated with Muslims who have nothing to do with it, don't agree with it and wouldn't consider taking part in it in a thousand years. Don't get that twisted with the fact that I can iunderstand why these people are angry. That doesn't mean I agree with the action they're taking, only that I understand why they are taking the action in the first place.

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