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Hoop27's MVP 06 Allstar Sliders V1.0


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This slider set it designed to be used with the MVP 06 mod.

My goal in these sliders were to try and find some settings that would help the more casual player with the pitching difficulty. I'd only try the sliders if you are having issues with pitcher control. (not enough green in the meter etc.)

Hoop27's Allstar Sliders with the MVP 06 mod V1.0

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: 15

Pitch Speed: -5

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 11

User Pitcher Fatigue: -17

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 6

User Pitch Control: 5 

CPU Pitch Control: 0 

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: -5 

CPU Batting Contact: -11 

User Batting Power: 0

CPU Batting Power: -30

User Bunting Ability: 0

CPU Bunting Ability: -14

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50 

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -25

User OF Speed (Manual & MVP): 0

CPU OF Speed:  0

User IF Speed (Manual & MVP): 0

CPU IF Speed:  0

User Throw Speed: 3 

CPU Throw Speed: -8

User Throw Accuracy: 0

CPU Throw Accuracy: -23

User Catch Errors: 15

CPU Catch Errors: 40 

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: -15

User Baserunning Speed: 4 

CPU Baserunning Speed:  -1

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: -10 

User Runner Steal Speed: 4

CPU Runner Steal Speed: -4

User Runner Steal Delay: -5

CPU Runner Steal Delay: 5

CPU Steal Rate: 5 

Runner Injury Frequency: 0 

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 0

Batter Injury Frequency: 0

Fielder Injury Frequency: 0

Pitching MG Difference: 5

This should help the people that are finding pitching a little too difficult, however

pitching mistakes will still be punished by the CPU.

Hope this helps the enjoyment of playing this incredible mod! and don't be afraid to make suggestions

for further improvement!

Hope this helps at least one person :D

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CPU Batting Power: -30

wow, I do not see the CPU having alot of power, I've been giving up a boat of hits though.

Like 17 hits and 2 runs

If this gets good feed back, I'll give you the final datafile before 06 final is released and add your sliders to the readme files. I you wish

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ya I know that -30 looks huge! But I've been playing a bunch of games with them and the CPU will still jack them out on you, especially if you make a mistake and hang one.

My hunch is what this is doing is instead of hitting it 450 feet it sends it 410. Enough to get out of the park but not quite as many shots that end up hitting the football field across the street :D

Try em out and if they work for you and most other people you are more than welcome to add them into any works you want. Just remember I set up the pitching to be a bit easier than the original mod so guys that have no problems with the mod as-is will probably find pitching too easy.

At this point I'm walking 2 or 3 batters a game with good pitchers but once they tire pitching will get tough, as I figure it should be.

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the next thing I'm messing with is the steal sliders. I think I may have then a bit too easy for human stealing, also I dont see the CPU try and steal too often. I'll address it on V1.1 any other suggestions are welcome

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Here's mine

I'm doing a DEvil Rays dynasty on all-star.

I have edited several of the poor hitters with higher power numbers. They struggled to get the ball out of the infield.

I'll post stats if anybody is interested. I'm close to the all-star game.

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -40

Pitch Speed: 0

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 0

User Pitcher Fatigue: 15

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 50

User Pitch Control: -30

CPU Pitch Control: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: 10

CPU Batting Contact: 0

User Batting Power: 6

CPU Batting Power: -10

User Bunting Ability: 12

CPU Bunting Ability: 6

User Foul Ball Frequency: -34

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: -34

CPU Swing Frequency: 5

User OF Speed (Manual & MVP): 0

CPU OF Speed: -13

User IF Speed (Manual & MVP): 0

CPU IF Speed: -12

User Throw Speed: -5

CPU Throw Speed: -10

User Throw Accuracy: -10

CPU Throw Accuracy: -10

User Catch Errors: 40

CPU Catch Errors: 40

User Dive Difficulty: 0

CPU Catch Effort: -30

User Baserunning Speed: 10

CPU Baserunning Speed: 4

User Runner Aggression: 10

CPU Runner Aggression: 40

User Runner Steal Speed: 0

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 0

User Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Runner Steal Delay: 0

CPU Steal Rate: 40

Runner Injury Frequency: 8

Pitcher Injury Frequency: 11

Batter Injury Frequency: 6

Fielder Injury Frequency: 9

Pitching MG Difference: 0

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