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Another gfxpak error...this time with mvpedit!?


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first of all i'm not sure what i did. first of all i just installed totalminors v3. then i was adding player id's to players that did not have any and all of a sudden a window pops up sayong gfxpak encountered an error. :banghead: i was seeing player portraits then this happened out of no where. i can no longer see any portraits with mvp edit although i can in the game. i already uninstalled mvpedit then reinstalled it. my portrait.big isnt corrupted. i checked it out for anything that shouldnt be there. anyone have any ideas? does it have to do with mvpedit maybe?? i'm not blaming anyones program just letting everyone know what i did prior to the error.

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I found that once I had more than 3000 fsh files in the portrait.big, Gfxpak refused to display pics in mvpedit, Never had any problem in the game itself or with ea graphics editor. Nothing much you can do about it I guess apart from deleting portraits, or maybe having a second 'slimmed down' portrait.big with only the 2999 most important portraits.

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