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I have a question


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Hi everyone, I am new here to mvpmods and this is my first post.

Ok, my question is this : Can somebody explain to me how to download these mods onto the Action Replay for xbox? Sorry if this is kinda noobish, but I just got it today and am having a difficult time. I downloaded Trues' Custom Overlay '06, but am now having trouble getting it to get into the Action Replay.

If anybody could help me or point me in the right direction, that would be great!

Thank you

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Hey, welcome to MVPMods. I hope you enjoy the site. Here, we have a wonderful thing called "the search function." This lets you search all the forums for topics that you think may have been covered before.

If you put in a search for "download action replay," you will get many results with people explaining how to do this.

Here is a link to a topic where Krawhitham describes how to do it:


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