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Classic Cleveland Municipal - version 2 - 1948


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I'm going through all my old ballparks and doing some updating just to see what can be done. Am finishing up on one of my fav's - home of Bob Feller, Herb Score, Lary Doby and the Total Classic powerhouse 1948 Cleveland Indians - old Cleveland municipal. Biggest change was putting in the low temporary fence from the late 40's and 50's. I love watching hr's clear this thing and bounce around behind it. Bunch of texture changes and stuff also. Need to add one more piece and then check my collision data. Here's a pic-


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your work is great. I am in a classic dynasty as the 61 Yanks. Mantle and Maris are hitting the out neck and neck. Maris is still the HR champ. Been working on the Micks face. Slow go but getting there. Thanks for the work.

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can you e-mail this to me ASAP? EA screwed up the park (I know you're shocked) by putting the bleachers directly in line with the rest of the seating oval, while in reality they were recessed:


(Thanks Andrew)

I've done more work on Cleveland than any other park, so it shouldn't be too difficult to move that on backwards.

Two other little things. One, either by harvesting a piece of crowd from the bleachers / extreme ends of the seating bowl, can you put the crowd on the field behind the temp. fence? I have a video recap of the, uh, 46 series I believe where fans would stand behind that for big games. Or, you're free to use my crowd.o from my cleveland mod, that only has about 15,000 fans in it.

Second, do you have any interest in the 1932 version?


Weird enough layout, could be cool.

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SeanO - I'm going to finish up two quick items and then I'll email it along. I know the bleachers were recessed but never paid that much attention until you could actually *see* them. Just read about an incline - you'd see it in the old days of the dog pound behind the end zone. I might do something with this but later. It really was a cool ballpark.

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It really was a cool ballpark.

You obviosly never visited. I grew up watching games in there. Granted by 1980 that thiing was a mess, but my last time there was in 1995 and there were barriers around the stadium to keep broken glass and concrete from falling on you. The scoreboard malfunctioned every time the humidity rose or the temperature dropped. They never cleaned the floors so there was cigarettes and spit and puke all over the ground. It smelled like sewage.

Worst of all was the upper deck. As a 15 year-old in 1995 I was scared to venture up there. It was so steep you felt like you would fall down.

Maybe in 1948 it was a gem, but from 85-95 it was a dump.

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You obviosly never visited. I grew up watching games in there. Granted by 1980 that thiing was a mess, but my last time there was in 1995 and there were barriers around the stadium to keep broken glass and concrete from falling on you. The scoreboard malfunctioned every time the humidity rose or the temperature dropped. They never cleaned the floors so there was cigarettes and spit and puke all over the ground. It smelled like sewage.

Worst of all was the upper deck. As a 15 year-old in 1995 I was scared to venture up there. It was so steep you felt like you would fall down.

Maybe in 1948 it was a gem, but from 85-95 it was a dump.

Actually I was but in the early 70's. I grew up in Toledo and got to journey on quite a few occasions to the "beautiful" cities of Cleveland and Detroit. The one time I was at the Cleveland ballpark (I was probably 12 or so) I was scared *KRAPless*. Downtown was deserted and that area by the ballpark was very creepy.

I was definetly referring to old Cleveland (1948-1954ish). It was an absolute pit by the end. I was there and know exactly what you're talking about. I wonder when it really started running down?

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According to the book shortly after the 1980 gathering of the Cleveland Domed Stadium Commission... that commission eventually sold the land that Jacobs Field was built on.

Cleveland is very scary at night. That place creeps the heck out of me, so old, so dirty, so bad. I's getting better. I'd rather find myself lost in Cleveland at night than in phoenix at night.

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Hey PaulW and Sean O' --

Are you guys gonna get together on the 1932 verison of Cleveland Municipal Stadium? That would be awesome!! Sean I know you did that download eariler last year but I was talking about the field going all the way to the 470 ft sign and without the temparoy fence. I know these things are hard I am just giving ideas. I love what people had done to this pc game of baseball on this site! It is also so wonderful and better game than what Eletronic Arts did to the game in the first place.


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I really have to tell you guys, no matter what ballpark paulw works on, whether it is by himself or along with SeanO, those two guys do a great job on the classic parks.

And for any of you new users in here, check the download section in the stadiums area to find all these parks and you will also see Pirate's work on the newer stadiums. Grab them all, you'll be glad you did.

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No hard feelings Y4L, I hope, and I appreciate the kind words.

I'm still trying to see what I can do with paul's classic Cleveland, since EA screwed up the stands so, so, so badly. But I found a way to create the semi-transparent fences for the walls, and I'm trying to figure out how to put the crowds behind those walls on the field.

I have Sunday off, so I'll probably get some stuff done then. What paul's done so far is great though, and you all should enjoy it.

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Sean O

--Are going update the 1932 verison of Cleveland Municipal Stadium? That would be awesome!! Sean I know you did that download eariler last year but I was talking about the field going all the way to the 470 ft sign and without the temparoy fence. I know these things are hard I am just giving ideas.


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I've been continuing work on the 1948 version of Municipal. Been working out some bugs and adding a few graphic details. The final thing I want to do is try and see if I can get anything out of a lot of stuff you don't see - this stadium was designed by the original EA author as a day park. There's lots of cool looking parts like a ship, cars in the parking lot, road and part of Lake Erie out there hiding in the dark. I want to see if I can make some of this stuff visible.


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PaulW and Sean O

I made a mistake and missplaced my download of Cleveland Municipal Stadium however I found and took care of it. I am sorry I bothered both of you. I hope you guys will reply to me in the furture on other things?


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