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Daytime Coors Field '06


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I'd like to see some bigger screenshots so we can see what it really looks like. I would texturize that Opening day logo and CR logo to make it look like it is painted on the grass, not some plastic thing hovering over it. Why change the rocks? EA actually got that right (Unless you are redoing it with all the trees and such). Grass changes may not be a good idea. Alot of people have some flat grass they use that is why I have never touched it. I like the ea grass and stick with it while others I guess have a "shimmering" problem.

The dugout top needs adjusted so it fits the top the logo is running off the back and lastly the scoreboard looks like it is digital or hand drawn.

Please make improvements on the park when you redo mine. If you want to attempt stadium modding, try it from scratch like I did. I think that is much more valuable way of learning. By touching up what wored on two results can occur:

1. You improve on it

2. You cheapen it

I hate to be a pompous ***, but I spent a lot of time on these.

I impoved on what EA did, I think we can agree on that, but not one stadium is perfect. In coors very little needs updated. The CR behind the plate (with grass texture), the brick walls behind the plate and updating the ads for this year. The OEdit is done for the ads just plug in the new ones when the season begins, but why change anything else?

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I'd like to see some bigger screenshots so we can see what it really looks like. I would texturize that Opening day logo and CR logo to make it look like it is painted on the grass, not some plastic thing hovering over it. Why change the rocks? EA actually got that right (Unless you are redoing it with all the trees and such). Grass changes may not be a good idea. Alot of people have some flat grass they use that is why I have never touched it. I like the ea grass and stick with it while others I guess have a "shimmering" problem.

The dugout top needs adjusted so it fits the top the logo is running off the back and lastly the scoreboard looks like it is digital or hand drawn.

Please make improvements on the park when you redo mine. If you want to attempt stadium modding, try it from scratch like I did. I think that is much more valuable way of learning. By touching up what wored on two results can occur:

1. You improve on it

2. You cheapen it

I hate to be a pompous ***, but I spent a lot of time on these.

I impoved on what EA did, I think we can agree on that, but not one stadium is perfect. In coors very little needs updated. The CR behind the plate (with grass texture), the brick walls behind the plate and updating the ads for this year. The OEdit is done for the ads just plug in the new ones when the season begins, but why change anything else?

I'll take a look at the logos behind the plate. as for the dugout it was maid specificaly like that because thats how it looks at coors with the "coors field" and the mountians and baseball being the main features. as the rest is cut off. the scoreboard i did my self from scratch basically to keep the colors of the padding and scoreboard the same.

as for the rocks if you look at the rock they had as default it dosent look anything close to the rocks at coors (not as light) the reason i'm changing it is becuase i'll have 2 differnt colored rocks for my day and night stadiums to look more real rather than using the same for both. as for the other updates my plan is to make the stadium and surroundings 1. match the colors used in real life and 2 MAKE SURE NOTHING IS LEFT OUT for the '06 season, and for other rockies fans. 8)

i'll get larger screens.

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Cool. I was trying to find some photos of the dugout tops and it looks like the text Rockies is not on the mountain graphic. i am sure you have better photos of it.

But those rocks are way to light. Keep working at it.

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the crowd exists during the game its just snagit 8.0 for some reason removes all people on the field and crowd while i'm getting the screen. can anyone recommend a new screen capturing program?

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That is a simple fix but it requires a lot of time.

You need to place both the brick texture and the wall texture on the smae file and then adjust the verts tocover what you want.

I'd love to see some better screens of what you changed.

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i tried that and its harder than h3ll because some parts have like a million differnt verts and are laid out in very weird way. why cant they all just have 4 simple points like some of them do in the uv editor?

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Check out comerica. I had to redo the walls completely there. I just redid them in tropicana too.It looks harder than it really is. There is a workaround that would be a little simpler... but takes some time as well.

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Not that hard...I did it in Tropicana and all you do is map out boxes.

yeah but i dont believe the trop has the pad shading that coors has, thats what was difficult for me. maybe i should hold off then and complete it?

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Pad shading is on the bmp not the mapping if thats what you mean. The Trop wall texture had different colors and devil rays and logos on it, probualy alot more complex then Coors. It's not hard to just map squares once you learn what you're doing. Take a shot at it.

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I'd still like to see these "changes," considering I did most of the work and if my name is on it I want to make sure it's quality. I'm doubting you only because I have seen nothing yet. The rocks no longer look like rocks. They looked right in the EA version, and now look like sand.

What was wrong with the out of town scoreboard?

If you leave out the brick what is the point? I will give you this single tip or directions to easily adding the brick.

Take the adds behind the bullpens. Create on long string of the adds all six or seven of them. Put them in them in ads0 bmp use one oedit plane to cover tehm all then move the remaining extra plains behind the plate. Place them infront of the wall map the bricks to them and there ya go. If you need more planes and verts look up and there are two planes. One is a scoreboard and the other is a dugout top just floating by the pressbox.

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