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Daytime Coors Field '06


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bro, let's not get things confused here. We mod the game, they sell the game and make a profit and that's it. THEY DONT CARE AT THAT POINT AS LONG AS THEY MAKE A PROFIT.

you on the other hand are trying to be a part of a community. You can't just rip off other peoples' work, people who do this for free and fun..

you know what, forget it -- i'm telling you this right now, i'm re-releasing your stadium under my name, pirates name, and trues' name.

let's see u like it then.

oh and one last thing -- homie,papi,brother, fella -- UR STADIUM FREAKIN SUX and the only reason people were downloading it was because all the wrestling hype you put around it.

either your dumb or blind. did you see last months donations????? your telling me thats not a profit?????

go ahead and release it, im not a dick like some of you guys. all i wanted was to give people a chance to play in a more realistic coors. not just lazy ads put into the park like pirates.

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either your dumb or blind. did you see last months donations????? your telling me thats not a profit?????

go ahead and release it, im not a [naughty word] like some of you guys. all i wanted was to give people a chance to play in a more realistic coors. not just lazy ads put into the park like pirates.

um last months donations -- yeah, who asked those people to donate? not trues? not me?

is EA giving out there game for free? stop comparing EA to mod sites cuz ur sounding like a dumb ***** and the only thing smart to ever come out of your mouth is my -- well, now im just getting raunchy. loooOOOLLLLL oh boy oh boy.

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stick a fork in this [naughty word]

not worth my time, he'll be banned tomorrow

yeah, but i see no reason not to have fun with him while he's still here.

what am i going to do when this stadium hooker is gone?

there may never ever be another stadium hooker. :(

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stick a fork in this [naughty word]

not worth my time, he'll be banned tomorrow

ohh no i'm gonna get banned from a site with a bunch highschool kids in it, that think they own every stadium in the game but in reality they dont and they are making a profit out of it and are saying they aren't. you kids need to grow up.

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I'm 30+ dumbass

Trues is older

the server upgrade cost $300 to be setup, I see you have never ran a dedicated server before. The money this site makes is pocket change to Trues

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he keeps calling us kids? i don't get it.

like, if we're kids -- what are you doing still arguing with us?

if we're kids? why are you the one with no common courtesy to hop off other peoples' work.

imagine what life would be like if you could just change stuff around and call it your own?

wait -- i know what your gonna say, EA MADE THE GAME!!

yeah, but did EA make this stadium?


did EA make this sign?


did EA make this uniform?







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I'm 30+ dumbass

Trues is older

the server upgrade cost $300 to be setup, I see you have never ran a dedicated server before. The money this site makes is pocket change to Trues

ohh sorry grandpa. how is that you are 30 and you act like your 15? F you and your little "clicks".

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if i'm not mistaking ea created those buildings, players, animations and wrote the code for this game to work. so in seeing the bigger picture you will understand retard.

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I see you have never ran a dedicated server before.

man, how can he run a dedicated server, be a fulltime stadium *****, be on Jared's Jockstrap(Patent Pending on that one), and be a dedicated fuzzy guzzling *****.

man, someone needs to go wake up unclemo or y4l or get SerialMike via Satellite. They'd love this clown.

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if i'm not mistaking ea created those buildings, players, animations and wrote the code for this game to work. so in seeing the bigger picture you will understand retard.

lol, this dude's sooooO dumb.

ok, i got a question for you. I work on this mod known as Total Classics, is it okay for you to jack 60 oldtime teams, uniforms, and basically change 30 teams and call it JPL Guzzling Classics 06?

with your crazy logic, then it's okay.

is it?

::notice the usage of then, instead of than.::

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lol i got your naughty word in my mouth?

bro, let's come up with original material.

your the semen guzzling pirate riding stadium *****.

i'm the humble modder putting your rockies loving hepatitis-f infested bitching *** in place.

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let's break it down for a second cuz that was quite interesting.

rockies loving -- thats you

hepatisits-f infested -- you have that, you see there is no hepatitis-f, but it works well right now.

bitching *** -- that's still you

in place -- that's where i'm putting you. lol

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i could careless what you release and what name is on it. like i said THIS IS EA'S GAME NOT MINE. FOR THE TENTH TIME.

for the tenth time, i'd hear u much better if you didnt talk with your mouth full stadium sleaze bucket.

now, what is it that you're T R Y I N G to tell me.

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