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NYM's Request Thread


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Sometime in the next few weeks, I'm going to release some packs like UM. I'll do regular uniforms, and then I'll make some fantasy uniforms. I am in know way, trying to run KC or UM out of their buisness. I just feel like I should contribute to this site, and since modding stadiums didn't work, why not uniforms. So what I'm going to ask you guys to do is request the uniforms you want for your team. Fantasy jerseys that is. Unlike KC or UM, I will release by league. Here is the order I will release:

NL East

NL Central

NL West

AL East

AL Central

AL West

I'm guessing the final pack should be released by Easter the earliest. It depends how much schoolwork I have, and my federation and HS baseball teams have started so I don't know how much time I'll have.

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I would really like to know this, what is the deal.

From what I gather a fantasy jersey is just that: not real.

A concept jersey is an idea for a jersey.

In terms of MVP a fantasy jersey is a created usable jersey for the game. A concept on the other hand needs to be created for use in the game. I could hand draw a concept taht NYM06 turns into a fantasy jersey.

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I have finished the Mets and Braves. This release is just going to be for feedback mostly. I wan't to see what I need to improve in. Once I release the whole league, I will then try and go into greater detail like stitching.

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