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Installation of MVP 06 help


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I just downloaded the MVP 06 LL file. In the readme file, it says to click on the .exe file and then extract to the "MVP Baseball 2005 root folder." Does this mean the folder (for example, on my computer...) C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005? Or is there a different folder I'm looking for here?

I ask because I extracted to the folder above and all the files were extracted...and then nothing happened. Nothing showed up in that folder either. What am I missing? I also did not have Disk 2 in at the time...should I have? If someone could point me in the right direction here it'd be appreciated, thanks!

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Alright, apparently I know so little of what I'm doing that I don't even know when I got it right. MVP 06 is installed on my computer and it ROCKS! Bill Hall even has the correct batting stance finally! You guys have done one hell of a job, thanks a ton!

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