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I dont want to sound like an A$$hole here, and I hope i am not out of place but it seems as the inlfux of new poeple to this site, myself included, has come an influx of impatient people who seem to be too lazy to simply search the forums for the answers to their questions. Recently many of the new topics have simply been repeated questions, I think i have seen like 10 posts on the pitching meter being too hard, which through a forum search or common sense of using the sliders could be fixed. so please use the forum search to find your answers, there are a lot of great people on this site and many of the questions have already been answered. Again I hope I am not stepping on of the sites boss posting this, just trying to help people out.

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I made the new pitching meter post, and if you read my actual text I let everyone know I was aware of why this issue occures (the exe coding? ) , I just made the thread anyway because I was wondering if a fix was going to be included in the final rls.

Helps to read what people actually have to say rather then judge off the title subject of the thread =/

"I read the author of this mod in another thread state that this issue is hard coded into the actual .exe so theres nothing he can do about it because of legal reasons concerning EA.

Is there any way to get the pitching meter back to normal though? When my pitchers reach low stamina it makes getting accurate pitches fairly difficult (not to bad in the beginning at 100% though)."

Hence I read/searched about this prior to making my thread ... just was wondering if a fix for the meter would be released in the final release, or if there was anyway to manuelly return it to normal, via hex ed etc. I don't see the big deal, I made it clear I searched/researched this prior to posting =/

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this was a general statement and not target at anyone, you are not the only one danriggs to post on the pitching meter and many other new topics that have already been discussed and fixed.

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Sorry I just took it directed at me because Kraw commented that I didn't use search in the other thread when I clearly did, as did some other guy. Again I really am enjoying this mod , sorry you guys are ticked off. Thanks for the great update to this game.

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Another thing is, if you found another thread about the pitch meter or whatever...why didn't you ask your question in that thread?


Because it has 29 pages? And when the guy who asked about the meter posted in that thread, he got no response anyway.

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Sorry I just took it directed at me because Kraw commented that I didn't use search in the other thread when I clearly did, as did some other guy. Again I really am enjoying this mod , sorry you guys are ticked off. Thanks for the great update to this game.

I said you read it wrong

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